Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 4 January 2007


United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste

Public Information Unit

Daily Media Review

Thursday, 4 January 2007


National Media Reports

Provedor interview Rogerio Lobato

The Deputy Provedor for Human Rights and Justice, Silverio Pinto, yesterday visited former Minister of Interior, Rogerio Lobato at his residence to provide information regarding cases that happened on 28-29 April 2006. After the meeting, Mr. Pinot reportedly told journalists that the objective of his visit was to provide information regarding the incidents to Mr. Lobato. He also added that the reason why the Provedor did not call Mr. Lobato to his office is because it will take too much time since the Provedor must follow rules and procedures at the Prosecutor-General’s Office. Meanwhile Lobato’s lawyer Mr. Paulo Remedios said that his client was collaborating and responding to all questions that come from the Provedor. (STL, TP)

PSD will gain 18 parliamentarian seats

Vice President of PSD and MP, João Gonçalves, reportedly told journalists that he predicted that PSD will gain 18 parliamentarian seats because PSD had distributed 130,000 cards to all militants of PSD. Mr. Gonçalves added that he predicted this because there is still demand in the districts to produce more cards for militants. (STL)

FNJP will realize demonstration in a short time

On Saturday, FNJP, youths, academics and political parties met at SKB hall in Villa-Verde to gather opinions and ideas to accelerate the judicial process which is very slow and seems to be unjust for the people of Timor Leste. The results of the meeting was to prepare a new structure for preparing demonstrations that will take place on 5th of January and also change the name of FNJP to MUNJ with the objective of counting all peoples of Timor Leste. (TP)

RTTL news headlines

Appeal for cooperation between people and UNPol

UNPol Spokesperson Ms. Monica Rodrigues appealed to all people to collaborate with UNPol in handling security problems in the city and to refrain from giving incorrect information to the Police. She also called upon people to use the free telephone line 112 properly and wisely and not to use it for fun and games. Ms. Rodrigues also said that UNPol have arrested several suspects who were involved in the recent incidents at Comoro bridge and Kampun Alor last month, which resulted in one death.

People are not happy with some of the plans of Government

Yesterday one man from Merkado lama expressed his disappointment at the government for moving them from their location, without proper coordination. He lamented that the government has to inform the people in the location before asking them to leave. It seems that the government just creates more trouble for the people because they do not even solve the problems of IDPs, he added.

Extra-ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers

Yesterday the Council of Ministers had an extra-ordinary meeting to decide on the members of the effective commission for the elections. Mr. Joao Alves, Spokesperson of the Council of Ministers, said that the Ministers have appointed four persons to hold the post of the Effective Commission for the Election. There are three permanent members and one reserve member. These four men were elected unanimously by the ministers, added Mr. Joao.

Keep hope for the new light

Bishop of Dili Diocese called on the Timorese to keep hope for new light for this country and its people. On the occasion of the preparation for the Marian Year and 200 Anniversary celebration of the Mission of the Canossian Sisters in the world, the Bishop celebrated Mass at Cathedral Dili. In the Homily the Bishop invited people to respect each other, to love one another and to pray so that God will grant wisdom to the leaders in order for them to find solutions to problems faced by the country today. He also urged everyone to work together in order to restore peace and stability.

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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