Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 5 January – 08 January 2007

Friday, 05 January 2006 ­ Monday, 08 January 2007


National Media Reports

“Crises provides an examination of the organs of sovereignty”: PR Xanana Gusmão

In his speech delivered at the joint Christmas Celebration on 6 January 2007, President of the Republic, Xanana Gusmão stated that East Timor’s crises last year could become a lesson learned. He said it could assist in teaching leaders how improve their efforts in understanding the interest of people and by examining the country’s sovereign bodies. He added that the people themselves would question leaders who do not carry out their duty and put their trust in the leaders who would free the people from poverty. Hence, he hoped with the arrival of 2007, all East Timorese could overcome the difficulties caused during the conflict. He then thanked and praised the government for its effort to bring all East Timorese together in sorting out the crisis. At the same occasion, he called upon all the martial arts groups to stop fighting and stop causing destruction. He finally hoped that with the celebration, it would create a good atmosphere to speak to each other in a face-to-face manner. (DN)

East Timorese should not lose hope after the crisis: PM Ramos Horta

At the same joint Christmas Celebration, PM Ramos Horta delivered his speech where he requested all East Timorese to keep their hope for the future. He said, ‘Every East Timorese should not lose their hope because of the conflict that happened last April.’ He said that the crisis caused a lot of suffering, hardship and death but everyone should look forward. He said although Timor Leste faced such a problem, many countries were still prepared to help us. These countries were represented by UNMIT in Timor-Leste and he expressed special thanks to the SRSG for such efforts in helping Timor-Leste to move forward. He then added that in a short time, Timor-Leste Government will sign a Peace Treaty and Corporation with ASEAN. He said its significant for Timor-Leste because as it indicated political, diplomatic and economic integration into Southeast Asia, and at the same time will enable the company to maintain a good relationship with other neighbors including Australia and New Zealand.

Fretilin is ready to win in the 2007 Elections: Reis; Fretilin will not gain 1% vote: Maubosi

Speaking to journalists, the Vice Secretary General of Fretilin party, Jose Reis reportedly said that the Fretilin party was ready to win in the 2007 General Election. This statement was given in response to the comment of a leader of Reformist Group (Mudanca) that saying Fretilin will not gain even 1% in the forthcoming elections if Fretilin was still dominated and led by Maputo Group. The leader of the Mudanca group affirmed that their group will not cast any vote for the Fretilin party as they had already agreement to align with other political parties including UNDERTIM, ASDT, PSD, and PD to create peace and harmony in this country. However, questioned on the next leadership of the party, Maubosi said that they (the Maputo Group) were just a minority who were not well recognized in this country. But, in response to that, Mr. Reis reportedly stated that it was better for the Reformist Group to align with UNDERTIM so that people can trust them and they could feel strong; otherwise they floated, he stressed. However, when asked about the next presidential candidate, Maubosi reportedly mentioned four names including the name of actual president, Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister Ramos Horta, PSD President, Mario Viegas Carascalão, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Luis Geterres. However, Taur Matan Ruak was said to premature in his candidacy and it was suggested that he pursue the the elections in 2012. (DN)

RTTL news headlines

RTTL news headlines 11-09-2006

Youths gather at Comoro to stop violence

Representatives of youths from four Aldeias in Comoro Village, West of Dili, gathered on Friday 5 January to find solution to the problems between the youths in the area and to stop violence. During the meeting, the youths agreed and formed a commission, composed of representatives from Martial Arts Groups and youths. The meeting was attended, among others, by the Minister for Labor and Community Reinsertion, Arsenio Bano, the Parish Priest and UNPol.

Government will implement its urban policy: VM Mousaco

Reacting to the joint declaration issued by IDPs’ representatives the day before, the Vice Minister for Public Works, Raul Mousaco stated on Friday 5 January that regardless of the joint declaration that IDPs would not move from their camps, the government would go ahead in implementing its urban plan. “Sooner or later, they [IDPs] have to leave. Despite the joint declaration, government’s policy should be implemented,” Mousaco said.

SRSG Khare: UNPol prepared to provide Security if necessary

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Timor-Leste, Athul Khare stated during a press conference in Dili on Thursday 4 January, that the UN Police is prepared to provide security to the trial of former Interior Minister, Rogerio Lobato on 9 January if necessary. “If needed, special action will be taken to ensure security on that day,” SRSG Khare was reported as saying.

Nakroma to arrive by the end of January

The new ferry for Timor-Leste, “NAKROMA” is scheduled to arrive in the country by the end of this month from Indonesia. Before departing for Timor-Leste, the ferry will undergo a trial. The Minister for Telecommunication and Transport, Inacio Morreira, told journalists that he would soon depart for Surabaya, Indonesia, where the ferry is being built, to inspect the ferry’s condition and to attend the ferry’s sea-trial. Nakroma is a ferry with the capacity to carry 300 passengers and will operate between Dili, Atauro Island and Oecusse enclave district.

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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