Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 11 January 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Thursday, 11 January 2007


National Media Reports

PR Xanana Gusmão held a High Level Meeting to discuss the UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste

President of Republic Xanana Gusmão held a high level meeting with the Prime Minister Ramos Horta, President of National Parliament, Francisco Guterres Lu’Olo, and SRSG Atul Khare and some members of UNMIT on 10 January at the Palacio das Cinzas, Kaikoli, Dili. The meeting was aimed at overseeing the implementation of the UNMIT’s mandate in Timor-Leste. The mandate discussed covered several sectors including law and order, justice, security, and elections. This was the first high level meeting since the establishment of UNMIT and it was agreed to be held every week in the future. (STL)

PR Xanana Gusmão summoned the Director of STAE

The President of Republic Xanana Gusmão summoned the Director of STAE Tomas do Rosario Cabral and his member to discuss the preparation of the forthcoming elections. The issues discussed were the voters’ requirements, techniques of implementation of the elections, and the roles of three main players: STAE, CNE and the Court of Appeal that would process the presidential election. In addition, questioned on the calendar of the elections, Cabral said there was not any discussion on that issue but added that such a meeting with the PR Gusmão will be regularly held to discuss any further electoral preparatory activities. (TP)

Nelson Desiparu dos Santos becomes the new ambassador of Timor-Leste to the United Nations

Nelson Desiparu dos Santos has been sworn in and given a credential letter by the President Xanana Gusmão to be the new ambassador of Timor-Leste to the United Nations. Mr. dos Santos will be working in New York. He stated that his priority would explaning the forthcoming elections and obtaining continuous support from other countries for Timor-Leste. PR Xanana Gusmão also noted in his speech the importance of the ambassador’s post and its responsibilities. Therefore, in response to the president’s statement, Mr. dos Santos reportedly affirmed that in order to keep the confidence of the people of Timor-Leste, he would dedicate himself to the job. He promised to carry out the job responsibly and conscientiously in accordance with the Timor-Leste constitution.(STL, DN, & TP)

RTTL and TVTL news headlines

The second Day of Lobato's Trial

Yesterday was the second day of the trial of Mr. Lobato who is charged with heavy weapons distribution to the civilians. On the same day, witness Vicente Railos was asked to give his testimony. Railos’ declaration was considered to be true, based on the prevailing concrete evidences that the judges have. One such evidence is the text mesage of Mr. Lobato sent to Railos asking him to organize 2.000 people come to Dili to demonstrate their support to depose the Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri. The 3 hour court proceedings were guarded well by UNPol and the National Police of Timor-Leste. In general everything went well, with the supporters of Lobato standing near the court building.

The Visit of General-Commander of GNR to Timor-Leste

The General- Commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Portugal will visit Timor-Leste to see closely the growth of Timor Leste. The aim of the visit is to have a direct talk with GNRs who are in the field, to consult with the Government of Timor-Leste on how best GNR can help the re-construction of PNTL and to talk with UN who is responsible for the security in Timor-Leste. At the press Conference in Hotel Timor General-Commander Mourato Nunes also said GNR is prepared to provide training to the National Police of Timor-Leste.

The New Ambassador of Timor-Leste to UN

Yesterday at the Palace of the Ashes, the President of the Republic of Timor-Leste appointed Mr. Nelson do Santos the former Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of RDTL to be the new Ambassador of Timor-Leste for UN. Mr. Santos is replacing Dr. Jose Luis Guterres who is the present Foreign Minister of Affairs and Cooperation of RDTL.

The Approval of Organic Law of STAE

The Council of Ministers approved the Law of STAE yesterday in a meeting of Ministers. This Organic Law of STAE was presented by Minister Statal and Dr. Ana Pesoa. This organic law will empower the STAE to work according to the following orientations: STAE will organize the registration process before the election, STAE will organize the process of Election and to support the National Commission of Election of Timor-Leste to run the election.

High Level Meeting of the leaders of the country

Yesterday in the Palace of Ashes a high level meeting took place between the President of Republic, the Speaker of the National Parliament, the Prime Minister, the SRSG Atul Khare and other key leaders of the country. The Chief of Staff of the President of Republic Mr. Agio Perreira said that the meeting was very important to discuss some vital issues for the country. He pointed out that some issues such as the Political situation, security concerns, justice matters, economic developments would be discussed at the meeting. This high level meeting will continue to take place every week.

International News

Press Release

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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