Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 24 January 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]


National Media Reports

UN Police Do Not Know The Authors Of Crime: Lu-Olo
President of the National Parliament, Francisco Guterres, 'Lu-Olo' said the International Police has informed the Parliament on the detention of two people in relation to the crimes in Perunmas, Bairro Pite but the rest of people involved in the crime have all vanished.  Lu-Olo said that according to information he received, when the international police arrived in the disturbance areas, the people all withdrew to their houses and remained quiet but as soon as the police drove off the groups resumed the violence. He says that this shows that the international police do not really know the authors of the crime. The President of the Parliament suggests that those Timor-Leste police that have passed the screening test, work together with UNPOL to detain those involved in the violence, adding he already discussed this with the Minister of Interior and soon 40 members of UIR will be actively working with UNPOL.
Speaking at Monday's plenary session, MP Julião Mausiri (PD) said the international police together with PNTL and F-FDTL are not able to detect the groups involved in crimes in the capital Dili. He said that during the Indonesian period the same youth were the ones working together but now they see each other like "mouse and cat".  Mausiri said the government is not acting on it even with the offer of many people who want to support in stopping the violence.  He said if the government is not doing anything than the independence of this country is only for the leaders because they're the only ones who have security.  MP Manuel Tilman (KOTA) stated that if the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and the Minister of Interior are only seeking popularity then they may as well quit their jobs.  He said that in many other countries people with such characters would resign due to the lack of capacity to resolve the internal problems. He said in the case of the PM Ramos-Horta, he should not have left the capital to bring humanitarian assistance to Oecussi during times of violent disturbances, adding that it is not the role of the Prime Minister to take the assistance via road to Oecussi as that is the role of the Secretary of Region for that enclave and the Ministry of Labour and Community Reinsertion. Tilman also said that the time is not appropriate for the President of the Republic to go to the USA to receive an honorary degree as it is not important since it will not resolve the problem of the youth in this country.

Meanwhile UNPOL Commissioner Rudolfo Ase Tor said that two people have been identified in relation to the killing of PNTL officer Joao do Carmo. Carmo's relatives said they want the culprits to be jailed or they will directly deal with the problem since they know the person who committed the crime. (DN, TP)
CNE Will Start Civic Education Programs

Comissao Nacional das Eleições (CNE) will start the civic education programs to help the voters especially those above the age of 17 years to understand the election process. Faustino Cardoso said the role of the media is crucial for the dissemination of information particularly during the elections. CNE met with the media including members of community radio on Tuesday said he thinks the Presidential elections will take place before the Parliamentary elections. (TP)
Notable Commission Report
Member of the Notable Commission, Pedro Costa, said the role of the commission is to investigate whether claims of discrimination within F-FDTL are concrete. Costa said the report has been drafted and required further reading to avoid any problems. He stressed that due to the complexity of the situation the commissioners wants the report to be a credible one following so much work and time spent on it, noting that it is not the commission's responsibility to resolve the problem. (STL)

RTTL news headlines
New Lawyer of Marcos Labadain

Marcos Piedade, 'Labadain' has appointed Benevides Correia Barros to be his new lawyer and replace the Portuguese lawyer. The decision to replace his lawyer is due to a language barrier. Labadain said he does not speak Portuguese therefore he could not express his points to the lawyer, adding that he changed lawyers for the sake of truth and justice. Benevides Barros has expressed willingness to be Labadain's lawyer, stressing that person has the fundamental rights to choose their lawyers.
PSD t Mini Congress
Social Democrat Party held a mini Congress in District Dili to re-organize the structure at the District and sub-districts level. President of PSD Eng. Mario Viegas Carrascalao also launched the political platform of the party during the congress.  Carrascalao said, if PSD will run the government, one of the priorities would be to reduce the civil servants in order to be more effective rather than transform the government into a social organization. The Coordinator of the Mini Congress said many members could not participate due to the security problems the country is facing.

The Church and NGOs
The Church and the National NGOs have joined forces during a conference yesterday to form a team to monitor the up-coming national presidential and parliamentary elections. Speaking to the participants of the conference, the Bishop said the election is very important for the country for the people to elect their leaders hence conditions must be created for a free and credible election. The monitoring program of this joint commission will be in the districts throughout the country, said the Bishop, appealing to the people to stop violence and criminal acts and work together for the development of the country.

International Media Reports

Timor Post (TP)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Tempo (DT)
Diario Nacional
Lia Foun (LF)
Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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