Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 26
January 2007
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] Friday, 26 January 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Lobato's Lawyer's Acknowledges Distribution of Guns Rogerio Lobato's lawyer, Paulo Remedios has acknowledged that his client distributed 18 HK33 guns, police uniforms and two cars to Railos group to help the police and not to kill members of the opposition parties and the petitioners as claimed by both Labadain and Railos. Remedios said Railos misused the intention and his group to attack F-FDTL in Tasitolu hence Lobato is only responsible for the distribution of weapons. The lawyer also said former PNTL commander Paulo Martins is a key witness as he was aware of the crisis and knew of the movement of weapons. He said Martins must explain to the court the many guns in civilians hands. Remedios further said that Lobato distributed guns because the commander of PNTL under Paulo Martins was falling apart. In a separate article, Paulo Remedios threatened to complain to the International Court about Dili District Court violations of citizens' rights if they continue to detain former PNTL officer Abilio Mesquita 'Mausoko'. (TP) TL Adopts Portugal and Brazil Justice System Justice Minister, Domingos Sarmento has acknowledged that Timor-Leste is adopting the civil justice system of Portugal and Brazil, adding that Timor-Leste would continue to cooperate with Portugal to finalize the civil code. He said the government continues to ask Portugal for advisors to assist in the drafting of the legislation and support ministry, the court and the prosecutor's office. Sarmento said technical training is also required in the registry and public notary and that Timor-Leste has been using the civil system since the Portuguese and Indonesian periods and must continue with the same system. Critics claim that Timor-Leste has a weak justice system. The Minister said the country has just established its civil system and Timorese lawyers are still undergoing training and therefore international assistance is still required. He said some times people make comments of a weak court system because the decision of the court is contrary to their wishes. In a separate article, Minister Sarmento said the government still considers Alfredo Reinado and those that fled with him as escapees and that the case is now under judicial process, adding that they should return to jail and respond to their acts in the court. In Alfredo's case, he said it was up to the UN and the Minister of Interior to decide to capture him. Also in relation to Alfredo's case, Deputy SRSG Eric Tan said during the two meetings the UN, Government representatives and the International Forces held with Alfredo, they appealed to him to give himself up and follow the legal court procedures. (TP) TL-Australia-UN Sign Cooperation Agreement In order to increase the security cooperation in the country, a trilateral accord was expected to be signed by the governments of Timor-Leste, Australia and the UN today, reported Timor Post. The accord was scheduled to be signed by Timor-Leste Foreign Affairs Minister and Cooperation José Luis Guterres, Government of Australia and Head of UNMIT, Dr. Atul Khare. In New York the agreement was also to be signed by the Australian government and the UN. According to Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, currently in New York, and the UN Secretary General, Dr. Ban Ki Moon will sign the document. According to TP, Alexander Downer has told the UN Secretary General that the he thinks the UN should continue to play an important role in monitoring and providing advice to Timorese leaders. (TP,STL) Incidents Reduced From 151 To 88: SRSG Atul SRSG Atul Khare said during UNMIT's press conference on Thursday that incidents of violence in the capital Dili have decreased from 151 to 88 when compared to the month of December 2006. Mr. Khare said in January the incidents have dropped to 38 and increased to 88 during last week violence. He said the reduction is due to the cooperation between the Timorese people and the UN, hence he classifies the situation as less dangerous now but acknowledges that the community concerns have increased. Following the violence in five areas, especially Ailoklaran, SRSG said that, together with his UNMIT colleagues, he immediately visited the areas to speak to the population and hear from them directly the reasons that led to the violence, adding that based on concrete information the police can set strategies to counter the violence. Mr. Khare said the UNPOL Commissioner, Rudolfo Tor had informed him the police had detained a few people involved in the disturbances. At the same press conference, DSRSG Eric Tan said the leaders of Martial Arts groups must be responsible and stop their members from becoming involved in the violence. Mr. Tan said he recently met with leaders of five groups namely, PSHT, 77, KORKA, Tae Dwon Do and Kung Fu Masters. Present at the meeting were representatives from Forum Komunikasaun Arate Marsais TL (KAMIL) and from the Ministry of Labor and Community Reinsertion. DSRSG said a summary was done during the meeting that mainly two groups, 77 and PSHT were involved in the violence and he appealed to them to stop the cycle of violence. He said they also made a plan to meet Dili District Administrator and Sub-Administrators in the Dili area to discuss security issues and to set up static posts in addition to the 13 police posts already established. DSRSG said UNPOL would like to support the sub-districts administrator to organize dialogue between rival groups, adding UNPOL will continue to investigate and target those involved in crimes. (TP, STL) NGO Presents Evidence Of Corruption in Ministry NGO LABEH (Organizasaun Lalenok Ba Ema Hotu) officially presented a document to the Office of the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice which indicates corruption in 5 ministries. In presenting the document, Christopher Samson, Director of LABEH requested that the Office of the Provedor's open an investigation into the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Health, Planning and Finance, Justice, Labor and Community Reinsertion and the Timor Sea. Samson appealed for the ministries to respect LABEH as an independent NGO and that it not be seen as an enemy. He said his organization obtained most of the information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation on the practice of nepotism in the recruitment process of staff, the loss of equipment such as computers donated from various countries and the purchase of equipment. He said according to the investigation there exists mismanagement in others ministries. Provedor Sebastiao Diaz welcomed the document and stated that people should not be scared to present their complaints as his office is here to protect and promote human rights and fight against corruption and promote good governance. The Office of the Provedor so far received 200 complaints. (STL) International Media Reports NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL] UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to January menu
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