Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 2 February 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Friday, 02 February 2007



National Media Reports

Elections Process Is Not UN's Responsibility: DSRSG Reske-Nielsen

Speaking during UNMIT's weekly press conference in Dili on Thursday, DSRSG Finn Reske-Nielsen said that the election of 2007 is the responsibility of the Timorese people and the Government. Unlike the elections of 2001 and 2002, conducted by the UN, this year elections would be conducted by the government of Timor-Leste, said DSRSG Reske-Nielsen. Mr. Reske-Nielsen points out that one of the events that already took place is the voters' registration which started on Monday and would continue to the sub-district levels in order to allow all Timorese to participate in the process. He further said that UNMIT and the UN family members will continue to provide assistance to the election process, and that it has provided experts to STAE, CNE, and the Parliament. The Deputy SRSG also said a team of senior members of the UN had carried out a series of consultations in Dili and Liquica Districts and will visit other districts in the next few weeks to have a complete understanding of the situation, the people's expectations and the challenges leading up to the elections. He said that the challenge would be to hold successful and democratic elections as per the people's wishes.

In a separate article, DSRSG was quoted as saying that the Independent Electoral Certification Team, appointed directly the UN Secretary-General has a few recommendations to the government to make changes in order for the elections to proceed successfully and in accordance with the international standards. In terms of security, Mr. Reske-Nielsen said it is improving but that it would not be correct for the UN to say the security situation was sufficient to hold elections. But the UN believes that there is goodwill from the government in taking into account the recommendations of ECT to hold a fair and just election process, said Mr. Reske-Nielsen.

At the same press conference, UNPOL announced the detention of 47 people in Ailoklaran, Bairro Pite on Wednesday 31/1 including the leader of the martial arts group PSHT, Jaime Xavier Lopes. Commissioner Tor said the 47 were in police custody awaiting court trial.

On the same operation, Commissioner Tor said many weapons were seized and that the group are well structured with the capacity to destabilize the nation. (TP, DN)

Prosecutor Violates Constitution

President of the National Parliament, Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' said Prosecutor General, Longuinhos Monteiro has violated the Constitution for signing an agreement with Major Alfredo Reinado to appear in Gleno Court. Guterres said he does not understand why the court hearing for Alfredo needs to be in Gleno Court while for other citizens hearings are carried out in Dili. He considers the latter decision as disrespect to the Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, adding that all citizens must be treated equally and there should not be special courts for criminals. The President of the Parliament agrees that there is discrimination in the judiciary system. He said some citizens abide by the justice system, but in some cases the Prosecutor does what he wants as in the case of Major Alfredo. He said that on 19 December the court issued a warrant to capture Alfredo and his group but it has not been executed. Major Alfredo has reportedly said he met and discussed with the Prosecutor General to advance his case, adding that he stood up for the political interference on the institution and as a military police he worked to stop the aggression, hence it is time to follow the judicial process. He said the delay in the court process is due to its impartiality and interference or manipulation from political interests.

In a separate article, former Falintil member, Cornelio Gama, L7 said a planned coup d'etat by Alfredo is false as he personally met with Alfredo who confirmed to him it was all rumours. Gama, former Falintil Commander Antonio Manecas, Mau Hunu and former veteran Ernesto Fernandes held a meeting with Major Alfredo sometime this week. (STL, TP, DN)

Horta Wants To Stop Justice Process: MP Corte-Real

MP Alexandre Corte-Real (UDT) said the decision of Prime Minister Ramos-Horta to close his door to members of MUNJ for holding a peaceful demonstration can be interpreted as trying to stop the justice process for those responsible for the crisis. He said this attitude has raised many concerns among the community that Ramos-Horta is trying to stop the justice process. The MP said the Minister should open his door and listen to members of MUNJ even if the government is not taking any measures. (STL)

RTTL News Headlines

Commission C Inspect Power Station

Members of Commission C of the National Parliament visited Comoro power station to inspect and confirm if the power fuel has been mixed with water. According to TVTL the Commission will carry further investigation next week

Parliament Looses Member

The National Parliament lost one of its member on Wednesday. MP Jacinto Maia (Fretilin) died on Wednesday afternoon. He was 34 yrs old. According Francisco Guterres 'Lu-Olo' the MP was a dedicated man who had contributed a lot to the people and the Parliament.

Minister Bano Laments Behaviour Of Martial Arts Group

Minister of Labour and Community Reinsertion, Arsenio Bano said rival groups should opt for dialogue rather than violence to sort out their problems, adding that the violence has affected many people leaving them without homes or forcing them to seek shelter somewhere. He gave as an example the recent burning of three houses in Ailok Laran and appealed for them to stop the violence.

Major Alfredo Appeals To Half Violence

During a press conference in Aifu, Ermera early this week, Major Alfredo appeal to all youth to stop the violence and not to let themselves be used by other people for their personal interest.

International Media Reports

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional Seminario Lia Foun (LF) Televisaun Timor-Leste [TVTL]


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