Subject: Daily Media Review: 7 June 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Thursday, 07 May 2007



National Media Reports

Alfredo's status is unclear

The Spokesperson of the National Elections Commission, Fr. Martinho Gusmão, has called upon the Government to explain the status of the former military police commander, Alfredo Reinado Alves, ahead of any dialogue with him.

"If Alfredo's status has not yet been properly defined, I think Alfredo has the right to hide away as the system does not favor his case," said Fr. Gusmão at the CNE office in Kintal boot, Dili. (STL)

President demands PNTL screening

President José Ramos-Horta has called upon UNPol to screen the PNTL members in the 13 districts, following the incident in Viqueque, which he claims has ruined the PNTL's credibility.

"Further screening should be performed across the districts, especially as some PNTL members have tried to manipulate the presidential election and the upcoming parliamentary elections. I agree with Prime Minister Estanislau Aleixo da Silva's decision to disarm the PNTL in the districts," said Mr. Horta at a press conference held on Wednesday (6/6) at the International Airport in Dili, as he returned from his first visit to Indonesia. (STL and TP)

Alkatiri calls for an investigation to the fatal shooting in Viqueque

Fretilin's Secretary-General Mari Alkatiri called for an investigation into the fatal shooting of a CNRT member in Viqueque last Sunday (3/6).

"It must be fully investigated in order to determine the facts and the circumstances (what, when, where, why and who)," said Alkatiri in a letter to the press on Wednesday (6/6). (STL)

Arsenio Bano: Movement group violated electoral law

The spokesperson of the ruling party ­ Fretilin - Arsenio Paixão Bano, said that the "Frretilin movement group" violated article 46 of the electoral law by using names of other candidates and attributes of the party in their electoral campaign.

He said such actions can confuse the voters, specifically the Fretilin supporters. (TP)

IDP problems are not treated seriously by the government

The member of the national parliament from the East Timor Socialist Party (PST), Pedro da Costa, said, on Tuesday (5/6) at the national parliament, that East Timor's government led by the ruling party ­ Fretilin - has no serrious interest in addressing the problems of IDPs.

He added that there still is no solution to last year's crisis and people still live in the camps. (TP)

Party condemns the Viqueque incident

At a press conference held on Wednesday (6/6) in Dili, the Secretary-General of the National Congress for Reconstruction of Timor-Leste (CNRT), Dionisio Babo, condemned the shootings in Viqueque which led to the death of a CNRT member, Afonso Kudalai.

He also appealed to all CNRT supporters to avoid any undemocratic provocations from others that could lead to violence. (TP)

The fugitive, Alfredo receives president's letter

The response letter from President José Ramos-Horta has been received by Alfredo Reinado Alves on Tuesday (5/6).

An unnamed lawyer of Reinado said that they have not yet received a reply from their client, Reinado, to the President's letter. (TP)

International Media Reports

Tension Continues in East Timor District

Source: Prensa Latina

Dili, Jun 6 (Prensa Latina) The tensions continued Wednesday in Timor Leste s Viqueque district, where three people died this weekend in two shootings related to the campaign for legislative elections June 30.

The violence in that region, 155 miles east of Dili, forced the UN Mission in Timor Leste to increase the police car patrols.

Since the campaign began May 29, violent incidents have taken place in several places in this Asian country between members of the Revolutionary Front of Independent Timor Leste, which led the nation s fight for independence, and the National Council of Reconstruction of Timor, created recently by ex President Xanana Gusmao.

Last year Timor Leste fell into a deep political crisis when almost half the army rebelled and a wave of violence caused the United Nations to deploy a 2,500-man international contingent to impose order.

The UN is investigating Tuesday s highway shooting of two members of the governing Revolutionary Front of Independent Timor Leste and the similar killing of Alfonso Guterres, chief of National Council of Reconstruction of Timor Leste security at a campaign act. hr ccs tac dor PL-42

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)


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