Subject: Daily Media Review: 11 June 2007
Monday, 11 June 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Fretilin's "Movement group" encourages voting for new party Fretilin's "movement group" led by Pedro da Costa and George Teme, reportedly appealed to all their supporters to vote for CNRT, a new party led by former President Kayrala Xanana Gusmão. "Voting for the CNRT would be the same as voting for Fretilin." (STL) Horta's statement could raise instability Christian Democratic Party (PDC) member, Antonio Ximenes, said that the statement made by President José Ramos-Horta on the involvement of some PNTL members in the incidents that took place in Viqueque could raise instability in the country. "During our campaign in Viqueque, we gathered information from PNTL members that the people had lost their confidence in the PNTL," said Mr. Ximenes on Saturday (9/6). He added that President Horta should withdraw the comments he made at the PNTL academy in Dili last Thursday (7/6), as such statements could create instability in the country. Last Thursday, President Horta said that he had lost confidence in the PNTL. (STL) Democratic Party: Fretilin should be responsible for Viqueque incidents The Democratic Party (PD) representative, Julião Mausiri, called on Fretilin to take responsibility for the fatal shooting that took place in Viqueque last week (3/6). Mr. Mausiri said that Fretilin supporters in the area disrupted the activities of the other political parties. (STL) Urahou case: PD has not received letter from CNE In response to the rumors that Democratic Party (PD) members were involved in burning houses in Urahou Lisapat, Ermera district last 30 May, PD Spokesperson Rui Menezes said on Friday (8/6) at the National Parliament that PD has not received any letter from the CNE in reference to the case. Mr. Rui also said that the party objected to such violence, as well as other information stating that PD has split up. (STL) Tribunal decides to imprison the man responsible for Viqueque's fatal shooting The Dili District Court during the first interrogation on Friday (8/6) decided that the suspect of the fatal shooting in Viqueque and PNTL member, Luis da Silva Guterres, should be imprisoned while the investigations on the case proceed. (STL) President asks UNPol to improve PNTL Following the fatal incident that took place in Viqueque last week (3/6), President José Ramos- Horta called on the UNPol Commissioner to make an extra effort to improve the PNTL. "I have given the UNPol Commissioner two-three days to reflect on ways to improve the PNTL," said Mr. Horta after meeting with the members of the political parties, the SRSG, DSRSG Rieske Nielsen and the UNPol Commissioner on Thursday (6/6) at the UNMIT Headquarters, Dili. (STL) The suspect gives reason behind fatal shooting in Viqueque At the first judicial interrogation at the Dili District Court on Friday (8/6), the suspect of the fatal shooting that took place in Viqueque, Luis da Silva Guterres, declared that he shot the victim after Kudalai (the victim) hit him. (TP) Fugitives Alfredo and Salsinha call for dialogue The former commander of military police, Major Alfredo Reinado and the petitioners' Spokesperson, Gastão Salsinha, called on the Government to organize a meeting soon. "We are very patient, however, if this meeting continues to be postponed, we will end the opportunity for dialogue," said Reinado and Salsinha on Tuesday (10/6) at the border of Suai, Covalima. (TP) Political parties asked to avoid speculating on the Viqueque case While attending the swearing-in ceremony of the Vice Minister of Health on Friday (8/6) at the Palacio da Cinzas in Dili, Prime Minister Estanislau Aleixo da Silva called on all political parties and the Timorese people not to speculate on the Viqueque incident, which led to the death of CNRT member, Afonso Kudalai. (DN) NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING
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