Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review 14 June
[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] Thursday, 14 June 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports UNMIT Representative visits Baucau In response to the concerns raised by district authorities and political parties regarding the legislative election on 30 June, a representative from UNMIT, Wolfgang Weisbrod-Weber, visited Baucau and met with the District Administrator and political party representatives. At a press conference held on Tuesday (12/6) in Baucau, Mr. Wolfgang said that discussions focused on issues such as logistics, elections and security. He added that security surrounding the movement of ballot boxes to the District Counting Centers and the lack of transportation for political parties were amongst the main concerns brought up during the meetings. (TP) UNPOL will set up seven police stations in Dili The UNPol Police Commissioner Rodolfo Tor informed journalists that UNPol will set up seven police stations in Dili to strengthen the security force currently in place. Mr. Rodolfo added that the seven police stations will be located in Biro Pite, Kampung Liberdade (Comoro), Fatuhada, Ailook Laran, Tuana Laran and Fatumeta. (TP) The Court has the authority to capture the perpetrators involved in last year's crisis In response to the recent demands made by the former commander of the military police, Alfredo Reinado, to capture the perpetrators of last year's crisis, Feliciano Fatima Alves from the Commission responsible for security said that the court has the authority to capture them after a warrant has been issued. "Only the court has the authority to issue this warrant," said Mr. Alves on Wednesday (13/6) at the national parliament. (STL) PDHJ gets evidence of violence After monitoring the 13 districts across the country, the Human Rights and Justice Prosecutor (PDHJ) said that it has evidence that political parties in the districts are violating the code of conduct. (STL and TP) Sinco-Sinco object to the accusations The Sinco-Sinco group headed by Antonio dos Santos and Lebo denied and objected to the accusations made regarding their involvement in terrorizing and intimidating the population in Ermera district over the last three weeks. "These are false accusations and there have not been any confirmations made by the victims," dos Santos said on Wednesday (13/6) at the national parliament. (STL) Inconsistency in the laws regarding gambling In response to the issue of illegal gambling in Dili, the lawyer of the Game Zone Company, Natercia B. de Deus, said that the case involving Game Zone is very complicated and different from the other cases. She added that the cases demonstrate the inconsistencies in the laws of Timor-Leste. (STL) UNMIT and UNDP responsible for ballot papers Three members from the CNE and four members from STAE went to Surabaya, Indonesia yesterday (13/6) to supervise the printing of the ballot papers for the parliamentary elections. The team was accompanied by STAE Director Thomas Cabral. UNDP and UNMIT suggested that the ballot papers be printed in Surabaya because it would be cheaper than printing them in Timor-Leste. Mr. Cabral said that they (UNDP and UNMIT) must therefore take responsibility of any problems that arise. (TP) Australian security analyst worried about F-FDTL improvement An Australian defense and security analyst expressed concerns over the government's plans to develop the F-FDTL. "East Timor is in danger of building a military that it cannot afford and far bigger than it needs," Prof. Hugh White from the Australian National University told the ABC. He added that the proposal to expand the Timor-Leste defense force raised concerns in Australia. "It would not be enough to defend itself from neighboring countries, but much bigger than necessary to defend itself from illegal fishermen or other security threats that it may face," said White. (TP) Alfredo calls on Ramos Horta not to blame the police Former military police, Maj. Alfredo Reinado Alves, called on President José Ramos-Horta not to condemn the PNTL for the incidents that took place in Viqueque last week. Reinado said that as the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Horta should encourage the PNTL to investigate the case. "I was unhappy when I heard that the President condemned his forces," said Mr. Reinado. (TP) International Media Reports NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
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