Subject: Timor Leste Women's Platform

Women's Political Platform of Women¹s Organizations in Political Parties for the Parliamentary Elections 2007

Considering the situation of women in the country today, and assessing the problems that women still encounter in their daily lives although Timor-Leste is independent;

Conscious that the election is a democratic process where all citizens can choose those who will represent them in Government and in the Parliament likewise, political campaigns are an instrument whereby political parties can present their political programmes to all citizens and voters.
For this Parliamentary Election we, the representatives of women¹s organizations in the political parties, have looked at, considered and discussed the condition of women.
We, the representatives of women¹s organizations in the political parties have, therefore, jointly decided to take the Women¹s Political Platform to the parliamentary election as issues of national concern as follows:
1. Women and Education;
1.1. Empower women and sensitize leaders and organizations who manage formal and non-formal education programmes to provide access to women
1.2. Conduct literacy programmes for women
1.3. Strengthen civic education programmes in school curriculums to include gender
1.4. Enhance training programmes on gender and human rights to both women and men living in rural areas
2. Women and the Economy
2.1. Increase women¹s management capacities  and  their capacity to ensure food security through training programmes
2.2. Adopt policies to ensure women¹s access to development funds
2.3. Develop small industries to promote local products, especially those which already have the involvement of women
2.4. Create employment for youth and ensure equal access for both women and men
3. Women and Health
3.1. Initiate a national campaign to reduce HIV/AIDS with special attention to women¹s empowerment
3.2. Develop a reproductive health and family planning programme through training and information dissemination to both women and men with a special attention on youth
3.3. Establish a mobile clinic service for mothers and children in rural areas
3.4. Increase the distribution of information on breast feeding through trainings and the disseminating of material through media outlets
3.5. Organize programmes on clean water and sanitation especially in areas where there are existing gaps
3.6. Further strengthen nutrition programmess for children and mothers
3.7. Increase the number of midwives in rural areas together with succinct education and information programmes
4. Women and Politics
4.1. Continue to increase women¹s capacity to participate in politics through training
4.2. Establish and strengthen women¹s caucus / committee in the National Parliament
4.3. Establish a consultative mechanism for women members of parliament, women¹s organizations and members of government
4.4. Use and interpret immunity provisions without impeding the application of law
4.5. Establish strong mechanisms for the promotion of women¹s rights and gender equality  (within ministries or departments) through informative processes that enable the voice of women to be heard as well as strengthened mechanisms pertaining to financial and human resources
4.6. Adopt policy to address and prevent human trafficking into and out of the country and human trafficking within the country
4.7. Implement a decentralization policy in accordance with the Constitution of Timor-Leste
5. Women, Justice and Security

5.1. Approve the domestic violence bill and penal code

5.2. Increase awareness of legal actors (judges, prosecutors, police and lawyers) and local authorities on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and their responsibilities pertaining to gender based violence and women¹s human rights through targeted training
5.3. Implement justice for everyone
6. Women and Culture
6.1. Promote a culture of respect for gender equality that admonishes discrimination for women
6.2. Strengthen consultative mechanisms at the grass root level to discuss practices that discriminate against women and reduce the impact of the patriarchal system
6.3. Strengthen unity and solidarity amongst Timorese women and establish a culture of peace through education and the construction of non-violent and tolerance values
7. Women and Media
7.1.Provide media training on gender and promote regular meetings between the media and women with a view to increase the media¹s reporting on women and increase information for women on all issues
Thank you
Dili, 28th May 2007
Name                        : Fransisca Alves Taolin
Title                       : Membrus quadro AMST
Party                       : PST
Name                        : Joanita de Jesus Viegas
Title                       : Membru Politiku/Fundadora
Party                       : UNDERTIM
Name                        : Maria Maia dos Reis e Costa
Title                       : Membru CCF membru do CC da OPMT
Party                       : FRETELIN
Name                        : Brigida Antonia Correia
Title                       :
Party                       : CNRT
Name                        : Gertrudes Moniz
Title                       :
Party                       : PD
Name                        : Josefa Xavier
Title                       : Membru CN
Party                       : PSD/ASDT Koligasaun
Name                        : Etelia da Costa
Title                       : Sekretaris Feto Republikano
Party                       : PR
Name                        : Venancia M. Ferreira
Title                       : Tesoureiro
Party                       : PMD
Name                        : Julieta Bubun
Title                       : Chefe organisasaun iha partidu Cristao
Party                       : PDC
Name                        : Maria Fatima de Deus
Title                       : Sekretaris
Party                       : PUN
Name                        : Osorio Mau Lequi
Title                       : Sekreatario Geral PDRT
Party                       : PDRT
Name                        : Meta Terezinha da Costa
Title                       : Membro PNT
Party                       : PNT


Politika ba Feto husi Organisasaun Feto Nia Iha Partidus Politikus Ba
Eleisaun Parlementar 2007


Hare ba situasaun feto tomak ohin loron iha rai laran, no mos halu avaleasaun ba problemas neebe feto sira sei hasoru iha sira nia vida loro-loron, maske Timor Leste ukun an ona;

Konsiente katak eleisaun proseso demokratiku ida ba sidadaun houtu atu hili ninia representante ou saseluk iha parlementu no governo. Nune mos kampanye politika hanesan instrumentu ida ba partidu politiku hodi hatoo ninia programa ba sidadaun ou votantes tomak;

Ba iha eleisaun parlementar ida ne'e, ami husi organisasaun feto iha partidus politikus nia laran haree, tetu, diskuti kona ba feto nia kondisaun konkreta;

Tan ne'e ami feto husi partidus politiku desidi hamutuk atu lori Plataforma Politikaba Feto ba kampanye politika ba eleisaun parlementar nudar assunto nasional hanesan tuir mai ne'e;

1. Feto ho Edukasaun

1.1. Hakbiit feto no mos sensibilisa responsaveis no organisasaun neebe halau edukasaun formal no non formal atu fo fatin ba feto nia aseso

1.2.Haklaken programa alfabetismo  ba feto

1.3.Haforsa liu tan programa edukasaun sivika iha kurikulum edukasaun atu inklui mos isue generu

1.4.Habot programa treinamento kona ba genero, direitus humanus ba feto ho mane iha areas rurais

2. Feto ho Ekonomia

2.1. Hakbiit kapasidade feto ba gestaun no seguransa alimentar liu husi treinamento.

2.2. Hamosu politika ida hodi fo garantia ba feto atu hetan fundus ba desenvolvimentu

2.3. Hari industrias kik atu promove produtus lokais liliu produtos neebe halu husi feto  feto

2.4. Loke kampu servisu ba joven sira no asegura aseso hanesan ba mane ho feto

3. Feto ho Saude

3.1. Haboot kampanye nasional ba hamenus HIV/AIDS ho atensaun atu hakbiit feto

3.2. Desenvolve programa saude reprodutiva no planeamento familiar  husi treinamentu no diseminasaun informasaun ba feto ho mane ho atensaun espesial ba joven sira

3.3. Loke klinika movel (posyandu) ba inan ho oan too ba area rurais

3.4. Habelar informasaun kona ba programa susu ben inan liu husi treinamentu no diseminasaun informasaun iha media komunikasaun

3.5. Halau programa ba be mos no saniamentu, liliu iha fatin neebe sei falta  iha areas rurais.

3.6. Haforsa liu tan programa nutrisaun ba labarik ho inan

3.7. Aumenta numeru parteiras ba iha area rurais hamutuk ho programa edukasaun no informasaun forte

4. Feto ho Politika

4.1. Kontinua hakbiit kapasidade feto atu partisipa iha politika liu hosi treinamentu

4.2. Harii no haforsa  caucus/komitee feto iha parlementu

4.3. Harii mekanismo konsulta husi feto membros parlamento, organisasaun feto no mos feto membros

4.4. Uza no halau interpretasaun ba imunidade   ne'ebe la taka dalan ba lei atu lao

4.5. Harii mekanismo ne'ebe forte ba igualdade gender no direitos feto (ministerio ou departementu) husi prosesu ida neebe informativo, bele rona feto nia lian no mos mekanismo ida neebe bele hametin ho rekursos finanseiros no humanos forte

4.6. Hamosu politika ida atu hasoru no prevene trafiku humanu husi liur mai rai laran, husi rai laran ba liur no iha rai laran rasik

4.7. Halao politika desentralisasaun tuir konstituisaun republika demokratika Timor Leste.

5. Feto ho Justisa no Seguransa

5.1. Aprova lei violencia domestika no kodigu penal

5.2. Hasae koñesimentu kona ba CEDAW no responsaibilidades autor legal (juis, prokurador, polisia, advogadu) no autoridade lokal kona ba violensia bazeia ba genero no feto nia direitus humanus liu husi treinamentu

5.3. Hatur justica ou lia los ba ema hotu.

6. Feto ho Kultura

6.1. Promove kultura nebe respeita  igualdade generu no la halu diskrimanasaun ba feto.

6.2. Hamosu mekanismu konsultativu ida iha base atu diskuti kona ba pratikas neebe diskrimina kontra feto no  hamenus sistema patriarkal

6.3. Hametin unidade no solidariedade ba feto  Timor Leste tomak no hari kultura dame tuir edukasaun no hari valores, naun violensia no toleransia

7.Feto ho Media

7.1. Halau treinamento ba media kona ba gender no mos halau enkontro regular ho feto atu media bele halu reportagem neebe fo oportunidade ba eto no mos  habelar informasaun ba feto ba asunto hotu-hotu

Dili, 28 de Maio 2007


Name                        : Fransisca Alves Taolin
Title                       : Membrus quadro AMST
Party                       : PST

Name                        : Joanita de Jesus Viegas
Title                       : Membru Politiku/Fundadora
Party                       : UNDERTIM

Name                        : Maria Maia dos Reis e Costa
Title                       : Membru CCF membru do CC da OPMT
Party                       : FRETELIN

Name                        : Brigida Antonia Correia
Title                       :
Party                       : CNRT

Name                        : Gertrudes Moniz
Title                       :
Party                       : PD

Name                        : Josefa Xavier
Title                       : Membru CN
Party                       : PSD/ASDT Koligasaun

Name                        : Etelia da Costa
Title                       : Sekretaris Feto Republikano
Party                       : PR

Name                        : Venancia M. Ferreira
Title                       : Tesoureiro
Party                       : PMD

Name                        : Julieta Bubun
Title                       : Chefe organisasaun iha partidu Cristao
Party                       : PDC

Name                        : Maria Fatima de Deus
Title                       : Sekretaris
Party                       : PUN

Name                        : Osorio Mau Lequi
Title                       : Sekreatario Geral PDRT
Party                       : PDRT

Name                        : Meta Terezinha da Costa
Title                       : Membro PNT
Party                       : PNT


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