Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review June 18, 2007
Tuesday, 18 June 2007


National Media Reports

UNMIT supports CNE
CNE President Faustino Cardoso Gomes said that the CNE has obtained technical and logistical support from UNMIT to facilitate arrangements for the parliamentary elections on 30 June.
Mr. Cardoso also mentioned that the CNE has received a total of US$175,158.00 from the Government.  (STL and TP)
Horta asks CNE to be impartial and independent
President José Ramos-Horta called on the CNE to maintain its independence and impartiality during the legislative elections.
"CNE's impartiality is very important for the people and the development of democracy in the country," said Mr. Horta at a workshop held by the CNE on Friday (15/6) in Dili. (STL)
LABEH: PDHJ should investigate the corruption case
The Director of Lalenok ba Ema Hotu (LABEH), Christopher Henry Samson, said that Human Rights and Justice Provedor (PDHJ) should investigate the alleged corruption case in Xanana Gusmão's cabinet during his term as President.  (TP)
Horta meets Alfredo's men and petitioners
President José Ramos-Horta met with Alfredo's men and the petitioners on Saturday (16/6) in Fatuberliu, Manufahi.
The objective of the meeting was to find ways to resolve the problems of the petitioners and PNTL members who fled Dili during last year's crisis. (TP)
Fugitives are ready for dialogue
The former Commander of the military police, Maj. Alfredo and the petitioners' spokesperson, Gastão Salsinha, reportedly declared that they would both be ready to come down to Dili and negotiate on behalf of their supporters.  (TP)
Fretilin rejects Australian criticisms
At a press conference held on Sunday (17/6), Fretilin said the Australian government's criticism of a plan to develop Timor's defence force amounted to political interference during the run-up to the parliamentary elections scheduled at the end of the month.  Fretilin rejected these criticisms as they violate Timorese sovereignty.  (DN and STL)
SRSG: "PNTL should be the professional"
SRSG Atul Khare stated on Thursday (14/6) at the UNMIT Headquarters in Dili that UNMIT wants to establish a professional and responsible police force.
"We want the PNTL to be a force that is effective, efficient, responsive, accountable and non-partisan.  There are about 898 police officers who are now back on duty in Dili," said the SRSG. (DN)
Jose: "Dialogue with Alfredo should not be delayed"
The Executive Director of the HAK Association, Jose Luis Oliveira, said that the Government should initiate the dialogue with Alfredo Reinado Alves and his men in order to solve the problem promptly.  (STL)
International Media Reports
Fighting In Dili Subsides
17 Jun 2007, 10:11 am.
Fighting broke out in East Timor's capital, Dili, last night but appears to have subsided.
The UN mission told residents by text message that fighting broke out opposite the American embassy and in Santa Cruz in the vicinity of cemetery.
It said there was also violence in a third area.
It was not immediately clear who was involved in the fighting.
No casualties were reported at the main hospital.
Campaigning started earlier this month for June 30 elections to choose a new prime minister and parliament, and there have been several violent incidents, including the murders of two activists.
NewsRoom 2007


Timor Post (TP)
Radio Timor-Leste (RTL)
Suara Timor Lorosae (STL)
Diario Tempo (DT)
Diario Nacional (DN)
Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
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