Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review June 19,
2007 Tuesday, 19 June 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Greater Logistical Challenges Ahead of Parliamentary Elections The UN Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) says the parliamentary elections scheduled for June 30 will be logistically more challenging as a total of 14 political parties and coalitions present candidates for election. Reiterating UNMIT's support for the national authorities charged with running the elections, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Finn Reske-Nielsen, said "UNMIT continues to work with the national authorities to ensure that the upcoming election is free, fair and transparent." For this election, the number of ballot boxes and seals will increase to three or four boxes per polling station instead of two. Other challenges include the increased numbers of electoral material, polling stations and polling staff. "Preparations for the parliamentary elections are not an easy task and I commend all those involved in the operation both from UNMIT and the national auuthorities for their efforts in ensuring that the upccoming elections will proceed smoothly," said the DSRSG. As previously done during the run-off presidential elections last May, the number of ballot papers produced will be 20% extra of the total number of registered voters. A total of 652,000 ballot papers will be distributed throughout the country in pads of 50s. At the district level, a reserve will be kept to deal with contingencies. The distribution of non-sensitive material (including ballot boxes and voting screens) across Timor-Leste's 13 districts started last week with UNMIT providing logistical support. The sensitive material (including ballots and stamps) will be transported from Dili to the district capitals from 26 June and from the district capitals to the 708 polling stations and 520 polling centers by helicopters, vehicles and horses with porters on 29 June. At the end of polling, the electoral material will be retrieved from the polling centers and moved to the District Counting Centers, where counting will take place, as per the provisions of revised electoral law. The reception and reconciliation of the electoral material will begin on the evening of 30 June and counting will start immediately after. The counting centers will operate from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm until the District Counting Centers complete the process. This time around counting is expected to take longer than 48 hours. Once this is finalized, all sensitive materials will be returned to the CNE's National Tabulation Center. UNMIT is mandated through Security Council Resolution 1704 to "support Timor-Leste in all aspects of the 2007 presidential and parliamentary electoral process, including through technical and logistical support, electoral policy advice and verification or other means." (TP) Bishop of Baucau: "Alfredo's status must be defined by the law" In response to Alfredo's case, the Bishop of Baucau, Mgr. Basilio do Nascimento, said that even if Alfredo were a national hero, his case must still be investigated. (TP and DN) Chief of Australian Forces visits Timor-Leste The Chief of the Australian Forces, Lieutenant General Peter Leahy, visited Timor-Leste on Sunday (17/6) to meet with the Australian forces serving in Dili and provide moral support. This is Lt. Gen. Leahy's second visit to Timor-Leste since the Australian forces arrived in the country last year. "Australia is proud of the professionalism which you have shown in all your actions," said Mr. Leahy. (TP) Xanana and Horta extend their condolences to former Governor Former President Xanana Gusmão and President José Ramos-Horta extended their condolences to Abilio Soares, the last Indonesian Governor of East Timor before its independence in 1999, who died last Sunday at the age of 60 after suffering from cancer. (TP and DN) PDHJ received 23 cases of violence At a press conference held by DN on Monday (18/6), Silveiro Pinto Baptista from the Human Rights and Justice Provedor (PDHJ) informed that PDHJ received 23 cases of human rights abuses committed by the ISF, UNPol, PNTL and F-FDTL. (DN) East Timor's Prime Minister will resume his role tomorrow Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva will resume his role as Prime Minister tomorrow after temporarily suspending it to participate in the political campaigns in the districts. (DN) International Media Reports Indonesian envoy sends condolences over Abilio`s death 06/18/07 20:08 Antara News Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - Indonesian Ambassador to Timor Leste Ahmed Bey Sofwan has sent condolences to the relatives of former East Timor governor Abilio Jose Osorio Soares who passed away at the Prof. W.Z. Johannes hospital here on Sunday. Born in Dili, capital of Timor Leste, on June 2, 1947, Abilio was survived by his wife and five children. Abilio was appointed the East Timor governor in 1994 for a five-year period. In 1999, he was re-elected the province's governor but stayed on the post for two months due to pro-independence group's victory in the UN-sponsored ballot on August 30, 1999, which led to the region's breakaway from Indonesia. Since then, he lived in Kupang, capital of East Nusa Tenggara province bordering Timor Leste. Abilio, along with a number of former East Timorese civilian and military officials were accused of involvement in post-ballot human rights violations. He was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in jail by a district court. He later appealed to the Supreme Court which later acquitted him of the charges after serving jail term at the Cipinang penitentiary in Jakarta for 111 days. Copyright © 2007 ANTARA NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) [This message was distributed via the east-timor news list. Write Support ETAN. For more info: ]
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