Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review June 20,
2007 Wednesday, 20 June 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports East Timor's President halts search for fugitives East Timor's new President on Tuesday called off the Australian-led search for fugitive ex-Military Police Commander, Major Alfredo Reinado Alves and his followers, who are wanted for a series of fatal shootings that took place last year. "I have heard all parties, including the United Nations, and today I decided that the police and military operation to capture Alfredo Reinado and his men should stop," Ramos-Horta told reporters on Tuesday (19/6) in Dili. (STL, TP, DN and TVTL) Fr. Martinho: the F-FDTL and petitioners case should be resolved fairly In response to accusations made by the petitioners' Spokesperson, Gastão Salsinha, regarding the Notaveis Commission report, the Director of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Baucau Diocese, Fr. Martinho da Silva Gusmão, said that the state should resolve the case of F-FDTL and petitioners fairly. According to Fr. Gusmão, this would not be the final solution but a step forward towards dialogue and justice. (TP) Australian Forces have not been reduced In response to international media reports that Australian forces in Timor-Leste would be reduced after the parliamentary elections on 30 June, the Commander of the International Stabilization Forces (ISF), Brigadier Mal Rerden, at the UNMIT press briefing on Tuesday (19/6) informed that no decision on this matter has been made. (TP) Barris: "police should be neutral during campaigning" During a visit to the PNTL in Aileu district on Monday (18/6), Interior Minister Alcino Barris said that the police should be impartial during the campaigning period and should maintain law and order so that the people could exercise their rights freely. (DN) Clemency law only benefits some groups Socialist Party (PST) representative, Pedro da Costa, on Monday (18/6) said that he disagreed with the clemency law approved by the Parliament as it only benefits some groups. (DN) Government must build police stations in villages The coordinator for the refugees from Ermera district, Julio do Rosario Lemos, called on the new government to build permanent police stations in the villages (Sucos) in order to guarantee the security of the people, especially those living in rural areas. The IDPS currently live in the Jardim Barbosa da Costa Farol IDP camp in Dili. (DN) Sebastião: "corruption should be eliminated from the ministries" At a workshop held by the Human Rights and Justice Provedor (PDHJ) on Monday (18/6) in Dili, Sebastião Dias Ximenes stated that the objective of the workshop was to find ways to combat corruption in all ministries across the country. He mentioned that the PDHJ has received 20 corruption cases and investigations are currently ongoing. (DN) International Media Reports New nation votes for legislators -- first independent parliament since independence EAST TIMOR. 30 Jun 2007. The citizens of the region's newest nation will vote for members of the 65-member unicameral parliament for five year terms, choosing the first independent parliament since the country gained independence in 1999. The vote will determine the composition of the government of Jose Ramos-Horta, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was elected president in May. Internal divisions are weakening the ruling party and opening up opportunities for its main opponents. The first task for the party that wins control is restoring order in the country of 1 million people, a task that involves addressing grievances in the military and bringing rebel military units back under central command. The nation's present leaders are criticized for doing too little to build the economy and ease social ills, which include staggering unemployment and the continuing refugee crisis. Fretilin's main opponents are the liberal Democratic Party (PD), the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD) and the Socialist Party (PST). Support for Fretilin has been eroded by the turmoil that has been almost constant since Spring 2006, when 600 former Fretilin fighters, nearly half of the army, mutinied. They alleged discrimination and malpractice in the military. Then-prime minister Mari Alkatiri claimed the protests, which left at least five people dead and 70 injured, were part of an attempted coup. Jose Ramos-Horta stepped in as prime minister when Alkatiri stepped down. The United Nations has extended and beefed up its peacekeeping mission in East Timor for the volatile election period and will assist with the logistics and monitoring of the election. Troops from Australia and New Zealand are also in place to try to keep the keep the violence in hand. Japan is sending in election monitors. Timor, a former colony of Portugal, is the world's newest nation. It voted for independence from Indonesia in 1999 after 24 years of occupation that human rights groups say left as many as 200,000 dead. Updated Jun/07 NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
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