Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review June 21,
2007 [Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.] Thursday, 21 June 2007 UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING THE UN INTEGRATED MISSION IN TIMOR-LESTE DOES NOT VOUCH FOR THE ACCURACY OF THESE REPORTS National Media Reports Attorney-General to clarify stipulations made in letter to Alfredo Reinado The Military, Security, and Political Observer, Julio Tomas Pinto, said that President Horta's order to stop the ISF-led operation to capture former Military Police Commander, Alfredo Reinado Alves and his men, should be seen as a platform to determine whether a solution should be taken through dialogue or the justice system. Furthermore, Mr. Pinto said that the Attorney-General should explain the stipulations made in the letter to Reinado. (TP) Attorney-General and Alfredo's lawyer will meet with Bishop Alberto Attorney-General Longuinhos Monteiro and Alfredo's lawyer Benevides Correia Barros will meet Mgr. Alberto Ricardo da Silva to discuss a peaceful solution to the Alfredo Reinado case. "This will be the first step taken towards solving this case," said Mr. Longuinhos on Wednesday (20/6) at his office in Dili. (TP) Prime Minister concerned over Xanana's remarks In response to CNRT President Xanana Gusmão's remarks that government funding for the communities would foster corruption, Prime Minister Estanislau Aleixo da Silva called upon the political parties to avoid making such inflammatory remarks. "Xanana's comments contradict the government's plans which was approved by the Parliament," said Mr. da Silva on Wednesday (20/6) in Dili. (TP and DN) Fretilin supports Horta's position The ruling party Fretilin has supported President Jose Ramos-Horta's position that an amnesty should not be granted for serious crimes against humanity as it would not be consistent with the international law. "In-depth investigations into the criminal actions must be conducted in order to build respect for human rights and the laws," said Aniceto Guterres in a press letter. (TP) Valentim: "Investigation into corruption cases will take time" In response to the concerns raised at the PDHJ workshop on Tuesday (19/6), Valentim Ximenes said that investigations into corruption cases will take time and would require sufficient resources and education in order for them to be properly conducted. (TP) The winning party should unite the people During the campaign of the East Timor Nationalist Party (PNT) on Wednesday (19/6), President José Ramos-Horta has asked the winning parties of the upcoming parliamentary elections to unite with the different political parties. Longuinhos calls on Alfredo not to bring the weapons to the dialogue Attorney-General Longuinhos Monteiro called on the former Military Police Commander, Alfredo Reinado, not to bring the weapons to the dialogue. "The meeting with Alfredo must be free of any threats or intimidation," said Mr. Monteiro on Wednesday (20/6) at his office in Dili. (STL) Church will not take part in the dialogue with Alfredo The Bishop of Dili, Mgr. Alberto Ricardo da Silva, told journalists on Wednesday (20/6) that the church would not mediate the dialogue between the government and Reinado. (STL) Kudalai's family asked UNPol to investigate the case The family of the victim of the fatal shooting that took place in Viqueque on Sunday (3/6), called on UNPol to do an in-depth investigation and identify the perpetrator. (STL) Halting the operation on Alfredo is the positive step In response to the state's decision to call off the military operation against fugitive Alfredo Reinado and his men, the Director of HAK Association, Jose Luis Oliveira, said that the decision is a positive step for the future of the nation. CNE held a meeting with political parties CNE held a meeting with all political parties yesterday (20/6) to discuss the campaign schedule. "The objective of the meeting was to avoid any overlap in the parties' schedules," said the CNE Spokesperson, Fr. Martinho Gusmão. (DN) International Media Reports East Timor President says hunt for rebel leader is over Last Updated 20/06/2007, 22:59:35 ABC Radio Australia The East Timorese president Jose Ramos-Horta says a police and military search for rebel Major Alfredo Reinado is over. The rebel soldier is accused of involvement in last year's deadly civil unrest. The President says orders from him and the government have been accepted by all parties. As a result there are no more military and police operations against Major Alfredo Reinado. Mr Ramos-Horta says he ordered the hunt called off after meetings with the head of the United Nations mission in East Timor, the country's military chief, prosecutor-general, parliamentary speaker and bishops. Abandoning the search meets one of the key demands made by the fugitive, who has also requested meetings with the nation's leaders in order to give himself up. NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)
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