Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review June 22, 2007

[Poster's note: Repeats of international articles already sent out to the east-timor list ( have been removed.]

Friday, 22 June 2007



National Media Reports

Ramos Horta: Never close the door to dialogue

The president of republic, Jose Ramos Horta told journalists on Wednesday (20/6) in sub-district Cristo Rei, Dili, that that the operation to capture Reinado was halted so dialogue could be held.

"The door of dialogue has been opened, so I should not be forced to close it. As the president of republic, I am never frightened to solve problems, however people should also pay respect to the state," said Horta. (TP)

CNRT: Media should be more responsible with regards to the Shadow Government

At a press conference held by the National Congress Reconstruction of Timor Leste (CRTL) on Thursday (21/6) in Bairo Central, Dili, the Secretary General of CNRT, Deonisio Babo Soares, criticised journalists responsible for publishing CNRT's Shadow Government proposal.

Mr. Babo revealed that the publication of this proposal has had a major impact upon CNRT and has been divisive across the country.

He added that CNRT has presented a complaint to the media, which it has not published. (TP)

PNTL guarantees the election: Viqueque's police will get their weapons back

When attending the swearing in of judges, prosecutors and public lawyers on Thursday (21/6) in the Court of Appeal Caicoli, Dili, the Commander-Designate of PNTL, Afonso de Jesus, affirmed that PNTL will make major effort to guarantee that the parliamentary elections on 30 June are successful and conducted in a peaceful atmosphere.

In response to the statement made by President Horta about people's uneasiness with the PNTL, Mr Afonso said that problems always rise in connection with elections, even in other countries.

He added that the weapons of PNTL officers in Viqueque district will be handed back after the ballistic testing. (TP)

Political parties are asked to give a financial report of their campaign

The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Mr. Estanislau da Silva said that political parties should report on their campaign finances, because the government subsidy is only aimed at facilitating political rallies.

Speaking journalists on Thursday (21/6) in Dili Port, the Prime Minister also said that the government will see whether all the US$30,000 has been used for campaigning or not.

"If we are talking about transparency, the best way to achieve this is for political parties to hand in financial reports to the Government"

Mr. Julio Thomas Pinto, the national observer of the military and politics, also said that the subsidy given to political parties is not being used properly. (DN)

Benevides: "I will find out Alfredo's opinion"

The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Mr. Estanislau da Silva said that the dialogue between government and Reinado is a beneficial step for Timor-Leste, and that Alfredo could face justice.

Separately, Mr. Benevides Barros, the lawyer of Alfredo said that he will not be commenting on the decision to halt the operation on Alfredo and his groups before talking to Alfredo.

Speaking to a journalist, the political and military observer, Mr. Julio Thomas Pinto, said that before having dialogue, there should be clear platform and agreement between the state and Alfredo to avoid confusion. (DN)

ISF is ready to halt the operation on Alfredo

The spokesperson of International Stabilization Forces (ISF) in Timor-Leste, Squadron Leader Ivan Benitez-Aguirre said that ISF is ready to halt the operation to find Alfredo Reinado and his group.

Speaking to a journalist on Thursday (21/6) in his office, Mr. Benitez said that the mission of the ISF in Timor-Leste is to follow the directions given by the state of Timor-Leste.

"Our mandate is to give assistance to Timor-Leste and to help create the conditions under which the leaders of the nation can fulfill their roles." (DN)

Alcino Barris: "Police need everyone's collaboration"

Speaking to a journalist on Thursday (21/6), the Minister of Interior, Alcino Barris said that guaranteeing security for the upcoming election is not only the responsibility of the police, but needs the collaboration of every citizen in the country.

"The police provide a service, but every one should be of the mindset that for the country to be better, everyone has to avoid violence and control him/herself …" said Mr. Barris.>

International Media Reports

East Timor at Beijing Fair seeking tourism investments June 21, 2007

Beijing, China, 21 June ­ East Timor is taking part in the Beiijing International Tourism Exposition (Bite) to attract investors, Timor's ambassador to China, Olímpio Miranda Branco said in Beijing Wednesday.

The Beijing International Tourist Exposition (Bite) is on in the Chinese capital from June 21 to 23 and will bring together around 800 exhibitors from 80 countries, including Chinese and international tour operators and destinations.

East Timor, Brazil and Cape Verde are the only Portuguese-speaking countries taking part in the exposition, but while the Brazilians and Cape Verdeans are hoping to attract Chinese tourists, East Timor aims to attract investment to the sector.

"We want to show what East Timor has that is good and possible to develop the sector in the country, particularly in terms of investment in infrastructures," said Miranda Branco speaking to Portuguese news agency Lusa.

"In the pavilion were are going to show the culture, the history, the landscape, the beaches, everything that makes East Timor a tourist destination with a lot of potential, and which can attract investors to the sector," the ambassador said. (macauhub)

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Timor Post (TP) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanario Televisaun Timor-Leste (TVTL)



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