Subject: May 25 Political Party Accord
On 25 May, following the signing ceremony of the Code of Conduct, the leaders of the 14 parties/coalitions participating in the forthcoming parliamentary elections jointly signed a "Political Party Accord' which party representatives themselves had together drafted in Tetum earlier in the week. Please find a copy of the Tetum original and also the unofficial translation in English pasted below. Political Party Accord (translation) Political Parties participating in the 2007 Parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste agree to sign an Accord as a commitment to regulate their actions in the campaign process until the Election Day on 30 June 2007 and the post-election period. This Accord is intended to be a complementary document at the initiative of Political Parties without any contradiction with the Code of Conduct as issued by CNE. All Political Parties accept their responsibility to issue clear instructions to their members and supporters in order to respect this Accord and the Code of Conduct. Parties commit to denounce any of their members or supporters who violate this Accord. In order to support and strengthen this Accord and the Code of Conduct, the Political Parties agree with following points: a) Political Parties who signed this document, commit to respect and implement this Accord and Code of Conduct as issued by the CNE. b) Political Parties shall immediately notify the CNE, in writing, the details of any alleged violations, with copies to other Parties, UNMIT and election observer organizations. Should any serious case, which merits criminal prosecution, arise witness information shall also be submitted to relevant authorities so that legal measures and processes can be undertaken. c) Political Parties shall give due consideration to information provided by other Parties, the CNE, STAE, UNMIT, UNPOL, PNTL and election observers, and shall seek to resolve any allegations arising from their members and supporters through dialogue. d) Political Parties agree to meet jointly together at the national, district, sub-district and village levels to discuss any reported violations and to prevent any further incidents. Such discussions shall not, however, replace any criminal prosecution, which may be required. Therefore, all Political Parties who signed this Accord condemn all forms of violence, terror and intimidation as well as anybody who uses the opportunity of elections to address localised disputes under the guise of political affiliation or association which may be associated with the campaigns, voting and announcement of results for the Parliamentary elections. Political Parties shall jointly denounce and condemn any irregularities or partiality of the organs administering and supervising the electoral process (campaign, election and counting of votes). Political Parties leaders shall also provide guidance and instruction to party coordinators in districts, sub-districts, villages and sub-villages, to accept this Accord and also encourage an environment of peace, tolerance and respect for one another. The Parties who signed this Accord reaffirm their belief in the basic principles of good governance such as inclusiveness, participation, transparency, accountability and other principles in accordance with the rules of a democratic State based on the rule of law. The Parties or coalition that may be elected to government shall ensure a meaningful role for the opposition in parliament as well as the participation of civil society in the political, economic and social development process of this country. Political parties agree that, should they become opposition parties, they shall make constructive contributions with a view towards pursuing the process of developing public policies and legislation and that they shall strive to secure that the National Parliament, as a sovereign organ, shall respond to the needs of the people. Political Parties hereby pledge that they shall not politicise State institutions such as the F-FDTL, PNTL and the Public Administration. For one people, for one nation, for national unity, for democracy and the stability of national security, for peace and progress. --- Partidus Politikus nebee hola parte iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 iha Timor- Leste, konkorda atu asina Akordu ida ne’e hanesan kompromisu ida hodi regula sira nia komportamentu iha prosesu kampaña eleitoral to’o eleisaun iha loron 30 Juñu no depois eleisaun. Akordu ida ne’e hanesan dokumentu komplementar tuir Partidu Politiku sira nia inisiativa no vontade i la kontradis ho Kódigu Konduta nebee CNE nudar orgaun eleitoral halo. Partidus politikus hot-hotu simu sira nia responsabilidade hodi fó sai instrusaun klaru ba membrus no militantes partidu hotu hodi respeita Akordu ne’e ho mós Kódigu Konduta. Partidus sira asume kompromisu hodi denunsia i kondena sira nia membrus no militantes nebee mak viola Akordu ne’e. Nune’e atu reforsa no hametin Akordu no Kódigu Konduta, Partidus Politikus sira konkorda ho hanoin tuir mai ne’e: a. Partidus Politikus sira nebee asina dokumentu ne’e kompromete an atu respeita no implementa Akordu ida ne’e no Kódigu Konduta nebee CNE fó sai; b. Partidus Politikus sei informa kedas pur eskritu ba CNE, ho kópias ba Partidus sira seluk, ba UNMIT, no ba organizasaun observadores eleisaun nian, kona ba violénsia ruma nebee hetan ho alegasaun violénsia ho detalles. Iha kazus sérius nebee fó indikasaun krimes nian, informasaun no provas tenke hato’o hotu ba autoridades kompetentes hodi hola medidas i prosesus legais; c. Partidus Politikus sira tenke fó konsiderasaun ba informasaun nebee mai hosi membrus Partidus maluk Akordu Partidus Politikus nian Partidus Politikus nebee hola parte iha Eleisaun Parlamentar 2007 iha Timor- Leste, konkorda atu asina Akordu ida ne’e hanesan kompromisu ida hodi regula sira nia komportamentu iha prosesu kampaña eleitoral to’o eleisaun iha loron 30 Juñu no depois eleisaun. Akordu ida ne’e hanesan dokumentu komplementar tuir Partidu Politiku sira nia inisiativa no vontade i la kontradis ho Kódigu Konduta nebee CNE nudar orgaun eleitoral halo. Partidus politikus hot-hotu simu sira nia responsabilidade hodi fó sai instrusaun klaru ba membrus no militantes partidu hotu hodi respeita Akordu ne’e ho mós Kódigu Konduta. Partidus sira asume kompromisu hodi denunsia i kondena sira nia membrus no militantes nebee mak viola Akordu ne’e. Nune’e atu reforsa no hametin Akordu no Kódigu Konduta, Partidus Politikus sira konkorda ho hanoin tuir mai ne’e: a. Partidus Politikus sira nebee asina dokumentu ne’e kompromete an atu respeita no implementa Akordu ida ne’e no Kódigu Konduta nebee CNE fó sai; b. Partidus Politikus sei informa kedas pur eskritu ba CNE, ho kópias ba Partidus sira seluk, ba UNMIT, no ba organizasaun observadores eleisaun nian, kona ba violénsia ruma nebee hetan ho alegasaun violénsia ho detalles. Iha kazus sérius nebee fó indikasaun krimes nian, informasaun no provas tenke hato’o hotu ba autoridades kompetentes hodi hola medidas i prosesus legais; c. Partidus Politikus sira tenke fó konsiderasaun ba informasaun nebee mai hosi membrus Partidus maluk seluk, CNE, STAE, UNMIT, UNPOL, PNTL no Observadores ba eleisaun nian, no buka rezolve alegasoens ruma nebee mai hosi sira nia militantes, membrus liu hosi diálogu; d. Partidus Politikus sira aseita atu hasoru malu iha nível nasional, distrital, sub-distrital i sukus hodi diskute informasoens kona violasoens no buka prevene insidentes seluk. Enkontrus ka diálogus ne’e sei labele halakon prosesu legal kriminal ruma nebee iha; Nune’e Partidus Politikus sira nebee asina Akordu ne’e kondena kualker violénsia, ameasas no intimidasaun i mós kondena ema ida nebee uza oportunidade eleisaun nian hodi hamosu problemas/konflitus lokais liu hosi dalan afiliasaun ka asosiasaun ba Partidus Politikus ruma iha periodu kampaña, votasaun no anúnsiu rezultadus eleisaun parlamentar; Partidus Politikus sira sei hamutuk denunsia no kondena iregularidades ka parsialidade orgauns nebee administra no superviziona prosesu eleitoral (kampaña, eleisoens i kontajen votus); Líderes Partidus Politikus sira mós sei fó orientasoens i instrusoens ba responsáveis Partidu ida-idak iha distritus, sub-distritus, sukus no aldeias, hodi simu konteúdu Akordu ida ne’e, i fó korajen atu hamoris klima ba dame, toleránsia no respeitu malu; Partidus nebee asina Akordu ida ne’e re-afirma sira nia fiar ba prinsipius bázikus ba boa governasaun hanesan inkluzaun, partisipasaun, transparénsia, responsabilizasaun, no selu-seluk tan tuir regras ‘estado de direito democrático’. Partidu ka Koligasaun nebee mak povu sei hili atu ukun, rekoñese papel importante ba opozisaun iha Parlamentu, no asegura partisipasaun sosiedade sivil iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu politiku, ekonómiku i sosial iha rai-laran; Partidus sira konkorda katak, mak sai opozisaun karik, sei fó kontribuisaun (input) nebee konstrutivu ba hala’o prosesu dezenvolvimentu polítika públika, lejizlasaun, no sei luta hodi asegura katak Parlamentu tomak hanesan orgaun soberanu sei hatán ba Povu; Partidus Politikus sira garante katak sei la partidariza instituisoens Estadu nian hanesan: F-FDTL, PNTL i Servisus Administrasaun Públika. Ba Povu ida deit, ba Nasaun ida deit, ba Unidade Nasional, ba Demokrasia no Estabilidade i Seguransa Nasional, ba Paz i Progresu. Timor-Leste, 25 Maiu 2007. see also Timor Votes in 2007
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