Subject: Alkatiri in Indonesiaalso Fretilin Demand for A Re-election,
Alkatiri greets President Yudhoyono on Eid Al Fitr
Mari Alkatiri to Visit Muhammadiyah Leader
Thursday, 02 October, 2008 | 09:53 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Secretary-General of the Revolutionary Front
for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin) Mari Alkatiri was planned to
meet the chairman of Muhammadiyah Dien Syamsuddin at the cleric's house
in South Jakarta a day after meeting President Yudhoyono and Vice
President Kalla.
The former East Timor Prime Minister held his Idul Fitri prayer in
Jakarta on Wednesday at the same mosque where President Yudhoyono and VP
Kalla held prayer.
Alkatiri reportedly have the same purpose on visiting Dien Syamsuddin
with those of his visit to President Yudhoyono and VP Kalla, which was
to extend the Idul Fitri greetings, Alkatiri has so far remained silent
to the press.
Alkatiri was forced to resign in 2006 as unrest sparked by rebelling
troops led by Major Alfredo Reinado. Reinado led the troops based on the
western part of the country bordering Indonesia to raise their
discontentment of being discrimanated by the government compared to
their fellow troops in the eastern part of the country. Rival party
National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) led by Xanana
Gusmao took over the parliament with its coalition.
Fretilin Demand for A Re-election
Thursday, 02 October, 2008 | 14:48 WIB
TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Fretilin demanded a re-election in East
Timor, the party Secretary General Mari Alkatiri said on Thursday when
meeting the chairman of Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsuddin in Jakarta.
Alkatiri said the current East Timor government is unlegitimate and do
not have a strong constitutional ground, "we want a re-election"
Alkatiri stated.
Alkatiri claimed development was halted and conflict potentials have not
been contained since he was deposed by his party rivals. He threatened
to mobilize up to 200.000 supporters to push the government to hold a
re-election imediately giving a maximum time of one month.
Fretilin reigned in May 2002 after the United Nation handed over the
sovereignity of East Timor to the winning party on the August 2001
Alkatiri was forced to resign in 2006 as unrest sparked by rebelling
troops led by Major Alfredo Reinado. Reinado led the troops based on the
western part of the country bordering Indonesia to raise their
discontentment of being discriminated by the government compared to
their fellow troops in the eastern part of the country.
Alkatiri however run for the post again when a parliamentary election
was held in June 2007, Fretilin won the biggest vote. But rival party
the National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) led by Xanana
Gusmao which won the second largest vote took control of the parliament
after forming a coalition with the third and fourth largest party by
number of votes.
Famega Syafira
Mari Alkatiri greets President Yudhoyono on Eid Al Fitr
10/02/08 00:25
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Former Timor Leste`s prime minister Mari
Alkatiri came to an open house at the State Palace here on Wednesday to
greet President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on the occasion of the Islamic
holy day of Idul Fitri.
He arrived at the palace in the company of his wife at 10.49 am and
after queueing for a while along with other guests he got his turn to
shake hands and chat for less than 10 minutes with President Yudhoyono.
Besides the cabinet ministers also seen attending the open house were
House Speaker Agung Laksono, the chairman of the Regional
Representatives` Council, Ginandjar Kartasasmita, the chairman of the
Consitutional Court, Jimly Asshidiqie, the chairman of the Supreme
Court, Bagir Manan and the chairman of the Corruption Eradication
Commission, Antasari Azhar.
On the occasion President Yudhoyono was flanked by first lady Mrs Ani
Yudhoyono, second son Agus Harimurti and first son Edhie Baskoro and his
wife, Anissa Pohan.
Before receiving the guests President Yudhoyono received greetings from
family members led by Mrs Ani Yudhoyono. (*)
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