Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 3, 2008

Timor-Leste Daily Media News

Inquiries for two men died after drinking traditional gin continues, says police - Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 1 October

Maubisse Sub-District Police Commander, Sub-Inspector Teotónio Magno said Sunday (28/9) that the investigation into the death of two men after drinking traditional gin during a religious celebration in Maubisse was still ongoing.

Magno said the families of the victims wanted the investigation to be done and that the police had questioned the group providing the traditional gin.

It is believed that the gin was mixed with poison in that after drinking the gin two young men died soon after that and three other men were hospitalized.

In relation to the case, Maubisse Sub-District Administrator Koto Moruk said he did not want to comment on the case since the two men had died.

The religious celebration was held in Maubisse in April 2008.

Govt approves national security law - Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 1 October

East Timor’s government had approved national security act, says a government’s press release Monday (29/9). The national security act incorporates internal security act, national defense act and civilian protection act.

It would also define levels of cooperation between defense and security forces regardless of their autonomous institutions and rules of engagement. The law will be submitted to the National Parliament.

Govt wants Muslims to maintain peace and stability - Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 1 October

East Timor’s Vice-Prime Minister, José Luis Guterres urged the Muslims in the country to contribute to the establishment of peace and stability in the country.

Guterres made the statement during his visit to the An’nur Mosque at Kampung Alor, Dili to congratulate Muslims celebrating their Idul Fitri.

He said that the establishment of peace and stability was important and every Timorese, including Muslims, had to contribute so that the people live a better life.

“We all should maintain peace, stability, and love so that the people of East Timor live a better life,” said Guterres.

He stressed that the government was to serve every one and ready to work with Muslims to establish peace and stability in the country.

Among the visitors were representatives of UNMIT, US embassy and Australian Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Peter Heyward.

Parliamentary table in charge has no right to suspend Caminha, says CNRT MP - Radio Timor-Leste, 2 October

National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction (CNRT) Chief of Bench, Eduardo “Dusai” Barreto, said the parliamentary table in charge had no right to suspend MP Cecilio Freitas Caminha without warning him first.

Dusai said based on information he had MP Caminha was currently receiving medical treatment out of the country.

MP Fernanda Lay from the Committee I, said the Parliament’s internal rule gave opportunity to the MPs who were absent for five days to provide notification letter for stating their reason.

Lay said the recent comments made by Deputy Parliamentary President were not threat, but it was a warning for the MPs to abide by.

Court postpones trial for firing into F-FDTL soldiers in 2006 - Radio Timor-Leste, 2 October

The Dili District Court have postponed trial for former civilian hit squad commander, Vicente da Conceição known as Railos and two of his followers, Mateus Dos Santos alias Maurakat and Leandro Lobato who were suspected of being involved in firing into the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) soldiers in Tasi Tolu on May 24, 2006.

The trial should actually be held on Monday (29/9), yet Railos and Maurakat did not appear in the court. Therefore, the court decided to postpone it to January 12 next year.

The accused Maurakat could not appear in the court, because he was still having security deals with security in charge and whereas Railos was currently receiving an intensive medical treatment in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the court made decision to release conditionally Leandro Lobato, urging him to report himself at police station.

The exchange shootings between the defense force soldiers and the Railos civilian hit squad left nine were killed and three seriously wounded.

The Railos Civilian hit squad was set up in 2006 by former Fretilin deputy president Rogerio Lobato who was also the country’s former interior minister.

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