Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 3, 2008

Timor-Leste Daily Media News

MPs debates power outage in the capital - Suara Timor Lorosae, 3 October

Members of the National Parliament suggested the government to recruit more professional as a way to find solutions to the frequent power outage in the capital.

MP Pedro da Costa from CNRT made the statement during a plenary session Tuesday (30/9).

There are three new generators purchased to deal with the problem frequent power blackout.

Meanwhile, PSD bench leader in the Parliament Fernando Gusmão said that the power blackout happens because there is a failure in the company which operates the electricity.

Recently, FRETILIN MP Inacio Moreira demanded the Secretary of State for Water and Urbanization, who also deals with electricity to be sacked due to his incapacity in finding solutions to the recurring problems of power outage.

FRETILIN demands documents of Parliament's car purchase - Suara Timor Lorosae, 3 October

Opposition party in the National Parliament, FRETILIN, demanded documents and other paper-works related to the 65 cars purchase for the National Parliament.

The demand was made by MP Francisco Branco Miranda during a Parliament's plenary session Tuesday (30/9).

Branco argued that the money used to buy the cars belongs to the people and therefore the process of the purchase has to be transparent to the people.

He said that the process of buying the cars is not transparent amongst the members of the National Parliament.

Vice President of the National Parliament Maria Paixão  said that though National Parliament is an autonomous state institution, it is not yet financially autonomous.

She therefore asked the opposition party to seek the documents from the government.

Meanwhile, head of National Procurement Office, Francisco da Costa Soares Borulako said that the documents could be given to anyone only if there is decision from the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to do so.

Govt sends new military law to Nat'l Parliament - Suara Timor Lorosae, 3 October

The government had sent a new law on military service to the National Parliament to be discussed and then approved.

And the proposal of the law itself had been further submitted to the President of Committee B dealing with the issues of Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Security by the second Vise President Maria Paixão.

President of the Committee, Duarte Nunes, said that the law will be discussed in the Committee before taking it to the plenary of the National Parliament to vote on.

Secretary of State for Security, Julio Tomas Pinto, said that if the law is passed as soon as possible, the Ministry would start recruiting new officials for the Defense Force in this month.

Prove me you're professional and I'm ready send the FSI and UNPOL back, says PM - Suara Timor Lorosa'e, 3 October

East Timor's Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said Tuesday (30/9) if the East Timor Defense Force (F-FDTL) and the National Police (PNTL) proved him that they are already professional, the Prime Minister could ask the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) and the United Nations Police (UNPOL) to leave the country.

"The problems becomes smaller with the presence of the international forces and we feel we could not move if there are police from all over the world present here so prove me (you are professional) and I can send them back," said Gusmão.

He explained that East Timor is an independent country but the movement of its Defense Force and its National Police is limited while the Australian soldiers walking around carrying their weapons.

"You cannot do it (carrying weapons around) while malaes (foreigners) can; what kind of independence is this?" questioned Gusmão.

He explained that in order to be really professional, the police should not carry their weapons while going to discotheques and that the police agents not to involve in illegal gambling.

As the Minister for Defense and Security, Gusmão asked the officers of both F-FDTL and PNTL to keep the spirit of joint operation to show that they are ready to take responsibility of securing and defending the sovereignty of Timor-Leste.

PNTL officers should avoid personal interest, says de Jesus - Timor Post, 3 October

Timorese Acting Police Commander, Afonso De Jesus has called on all Timorese National Police (PNTL) officers to work well in serving the country's people not prioritizing personal interest.

The commander made the comments on Tuesday (30/9) in connection with some of the police inspectors who had worked for personal interest.

"I am calling on all the police officers within the police force to work together and keep up with the spirit of nationalism. We cannot work alone within this institution," De Jesus said.

De Jesus said the police force needed help from the country's leaders to professionalize the country's police officers.

He added the police institution needed to make changes, because some of the police officers still new and their mentality were not so good.

Parliament calls for people to not panic - Timor Post, 3 October

Parliamentary Committee B has called for the Timorese people to not panic with illegal pamphlets which are currently spreading within the community regarding the appointment of the country's new general police commander.

President of the Parliamentary Committee B for National Security and Defense, Duarte Nunes said the Parliament and Government knew about the spreading pamphlets observing, therefore the people should not panic, but should remain calm.

Nunes said the pamphlets were distributed by the irresponsible people to provoke instability in the country and make the people to panic.

The pamphlets said if the Government try to appoint a candidate from the country's east and that would merger instability within the country.

He added the Government had planned to appoint a new top police commander in the upcoming November.

Agricultural state secretary symbolically harvests soybean in Bobonaro - Radio Timor-Leste, 3 October

State Secretary for Agriculture, Marcos da Cruz has symbolically harvested 42 hectares of soybean in Maligo of Kailako, district of Bobonaro.
During a speech marking ceremony for the harvest, the state secretary said planting soybean was an important step to increase the country's local products.

Da Cruz said although he did not exactly know about the quantity of the farmers' products, yet the products in this year was increasing.

After the harvest, the Government was directly buying the soybean products, 0, 50 cents per kilogram.

The state secretary also held a visit to the project of rehabilitation of irrigation implemented by Tao Propoes Company which will end in the upcoming November.

Court sentences four years in prison to Eugenio - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 3 October

The Dili district court has made verdict sentencing Eugenio Candido Alves to four years in prison, because he was found guilty involving arson to the Custom Department's former building on August 6, 2007.
The court took the verdict based on the Penal Code Article 170 and 180 about committing arson to the public buildings and disturbances.

The trial for this case led by Deputy Penal judges consisting of Maria das Dores, Prosecutor Felisberto Cardoso and public defender Augusto do Santos Marques.

Prosecutor Cardoso said he made accusation to five accused, as they were suspected of being involved in burning down the building of costume office in 2007, but the four other accused were released as they were not found guilty.

Meanwhile, Legal Advisor for Eugenio said the verdict was acceptable to him and had discussed about everything related to the verdict with the family of Eugenio.

Public Prosecution to make accusation after having statement from Brigadier Ruak - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 2 October

Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro, said the case of the country's crises of 2006 would be taken to court after the Public Prosecution had got statement from the Defense Force Commander, Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak.

The prosecutor general said they would make an official request to the Defense Superior Council to allow Brigadier Ruak to give his statement over the case.

"This is preliminary process and is not the time for making accusation, the final decision taken after getting statement from Brigadier Ruak," Monteiro said.

In response to the F-FDTL Chief of Staffs, Lere Anan Timur's concerns about ranking hierarchy to question him [Lere Anan] in the inquiry, Monteiro recognized it.

Monteiro said the inquiry should actually be done by a prosecutor, yet he was sick and that they handed over it to the investigative police to do it.

He added the president and prime minister had also faced inquiry in relation to the recent crises of 2006.

I'm not afraid of justice because truth is on my side, says Falur - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 2 October

East Timor Defense Force's Lieutenant Colonel Falur Rate Laek said Thursday (2/10) that he is not afraid of facing justice because the truth is on his side.

Falur made the statement after answering the questions from the office of Pubic Prosecution in relation to the 2006 crises in which he is alleged of handing over weapons to former combatants.

"Only those who are afraid of facing justice are those who are guilty and those who are brave to face justice are those who have truth," said Falur.

He said that that as he fought for independence and democracy, he himself should uphold justice and therefore he is ready to cooperate with the justice systems.

He explained that he was happy with the questions asked because as a combatant he is always happy.

Two more F-FDTL officers would be questioned in relation to the handing over weapons to former combatants in the 2006 crises.

The country is on the verge of dictatorship, says FRETILIN - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 2 October

FRETILIN's President Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' said Thursday that East Timor is on the verge of dictatorship because there is tendency in the current government led by Xanana Gusmão to kill the rights of the people.

The statement was made during a press conference in relation to the statement made by the Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão last Saturday in Ainaro where Gusmão threatened the people not to take part in the peace rally organized by FRETILIN.

He stressed that the party will not allow dictatorship to take place again in the country as the people fought hard to get rid off it during the illegal Indonesian occupation.

Lu Olo added FRETILIN is really concerned and saddened by the statement made and he urged Gusmão's government to respect the Constitution of the Republic along with other existing applicable and to respect the rights of the people to stage a peaceful rally.

He explained that the country should be built on the spirit of democracy, tolerance and peace but not on dictatorship.

He reaffirmed that the FRETILIN's peace rally is not to create conflict but to affirm democracy and justice in the country and therefore it should not be banned by the government.

The date for the peace rally is not yet known.

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