Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 9, 2008
Timor-Leste Daily Media News Timor’s Interpol Chief, Longinhos Monteiro last Saturday departed to Petersburg of Russia for participating in general meeting of International Police Crime Organization (Interpol) on the serious and minor cases, such as Malibaka case. Prosecutor General Monteiro said Timor-Leste had many times worked together with International Criminal Police making plan for investigation into serious and minor cases. Monteiro said before representing Timor-Leste in the meeting he had coordinated with the country’s criminal police unit, because Timor-Leste was currently being a member of Interpol. F-FDTL ready to respond violence, says Julio Tomãs Pinto - Diario Nacional, 8 October State Secretary for Defense, Julio Tomãs Pinto, said the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) was ready to respond violence which might take place during the long march by Fretilin shortly. The state secretary said every citizen and political party of the country had the right to express, yet they should hold it peacefully and said Fretilin had made comments that there would be no violence. Pinto said F-FDTL’s military police were prepared to boost the Timorese National Police (PNTL) for securing the long march and if any violence would be committed, the defense force and the Government would not tolerate it. He added although Fretilin had publicized that would guarantee the long march, yet they should get first authorization from PNTL. Set aside egoism to live in peace, says PM - Suara Timor Lorosae, 8 October Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said during an opening of Gender’s Resource Center at the National Parliament Tuesday (7/10) that women would have to set aside their egoism and interests if they want to see the people to live in peace and harmony. “Dissipate individual egoism, group interests, sectoral or ministerial egoism, especially among the members of the government in that we can execute our designed programs and plans,” Gusmão said. He believed that if Timorese women live by this principle a peaceful society would be established in Timor-Leste. He urged women to work together to boost their intellectual and technical capacities and to provide access to all existing services. He added that women should adopt a global vision in order to improve their capacities. The resource center is funded and supported by the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) and UNIFEM. He hoped that the center would provide information in relation to gender equality and encourage women to take leads. F-FDTL commanders were only implicated, says Pinto - Suara Timor Lorosae,8 October Secretary of State for Defense Júlio Tomás Pinto said Tuesday (7/10) that F-FDTL officers did not distribute weapons to civilian but were only implicated in a big cause taking place in 2006 where they had to defend the F-FDTL that was under attacked. “The involvement of Colonel Lere, Lieutenant Colonel Falur and Commander Maubuti was an implication of a big cause at that time,” Pinto said. He argued, “What the commanders did was to simply defend the F-FDTL institution which was under attack then.” He said Timorese public knows who distributed weapons to civilians, fueling the crises in 2006. In relation to the intention of calling Brigadier Taur Matan Ruak to give his statement before the Public Prosecution, Pinto said the call has to be in line with the law and that the call has to be approved by the President of the Republic. “It is important that he is called based on the law such as that it is the competence of the President to authorize it,” Pinto reiterated. F-FDTL would be deployed along TL-Indonesian borders - Suara Timor Lorosae, 8 October Secretary of State for Defense Júlio Tomás Pinto said Tuesday (7/10) that in order to fight against illegal immigrants in the country, East Timor’s Defense Force (F-FDTL) has to be deployed along Timor-Leste – Indonesian borders. He added that an assessment team had been dispatched to gather public opinion from the places where the F-FDTL members would be stationed. To date, the members of the Defense Force has been stationed in Tilomar, Batugade, Maliana, Lolotoe and Bobonaro. A team of the Secretary of State for Defense is scheduled to visit the population living border areas in Oekuse to explain the functions of the F-FDTL in a democratic country. He said that since the beginning the policy of the state has been to avoid armed conflict with the Indonesian along the borders and therefore the F-FDTL members will be placed behind the PNTL’s Border Police and Immigration. Pinto explained that there had been three meetings or so with the Indonesian Armed Forces about the intention of deploying the F-FDTL along the borders. State bodies keep supporting gender equality: Gusmão and Lasama - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 8 October Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão and Parliamentary President, Fernando “Lasama” Araujo, said the country’s state bodies would continue promoting gender equality in Timor-Leste through capacity building program. Gusmão and Lasama made the comments yesterday during speech marking ceremony for commemorating international day of women in the rural areas at the Parliament house. PM Gusmão said the Government would give more opportunity to the country’s women in the rural areas having good skills to move forward with the country’s development. Parliamentary President Lasama has pledged to cooperate with all the diplomatic corps in the country to empower Timorese women. Police ready to respond situation: Belo - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 8 October Dili District Police Commander, Inspector Pedro Belo, said the police force was ready to respond situation, mainly if any violence committed during the long march by Fretilin. The commander said every citizen of the country had the right to hold peace rally or long march, but should follow the existing law being applied. Based on information they come up and down in the Capital Dili, but should abide by the rule, otherwise, the police would respond it,” Belo said. Belo called on the police to keep maintaining security within the country and not involving in politics. Too early to summon Brigadier Taur for inquiry, says President Horta - Timor Post, 8 October President Jose Ramos Horta who is also the supreme commander of the Timorese Defense Force, said it was too early for to urge a suspension of Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak for facing inquiry regarding the recent crises of the country in 2006. The president said the assassination attempt to him by the former rebel leader, Alfredo Reinado Alves and followers on February 11 should be the priority of the court to process it, not the crises of 2006. Horta was responding a notification made by the country’s Public Prosecution to summon Brigadier Ruak to give his statement in the court. Horta stressed the attempted assassination and the ambush on February 11 was an urgent case that needed to be processed soon. The Public Prosecution is pending so many cases and is not yet to be processed legally. The International Investigative Commission also recommended some soldiers who engaged in the crises, but it did not mean the state should follow it, Horta said. PNTL members who form new petitioners will be expelled, says Pedro Belo - Rádio & TVTL, 7 October Dili PNTL Commander Inspector Pedro Belo said during a police parade Tuesday (7/10) that any police officers who join forming new petitioners within the PNTL will be expelled from the PNTL. “If anyone wants to make petitioners within the PNTL, she or he will be expelled tomorrow from the PNTL,” said Belo. He called on the police to defend law and order and not to be easily divided by any political maneuvers. He also urged the police to act professionally in responding to the plan of FRETILIN’s peace march and the ‘rumors’ of the new petitioners in the PNTL. He said around 700 officers of the PNTL would be deployed to provide security during the peace march. He added that PNTL would not give any space for anyone wishing to divide the PNTL and create instability in the country. Interim PNTL Commander and others questioned over missing money - Rádio Timor-Leste, 7 October Secretary of State for Security Francisco Guterres said Tuesday (7/10) that Interim PNTL Commander Afonso de Jesus and other officers are being questioned by the office of Public Prosecution over the missing of US$27,000 during the Joint Operation Command. According to Guterres they were called to give their statements based on new evidence found from the investigation into the case. “They are still in the PNTL and they are called just to give more details about the case,” explained Guterres, adding that as the investigation goes on some more officers would be called to give their statements as well. He said that the government is still expecting the results of the investigation in order to settle the issue as soon as possible. Financial crises can beget global security crises, says Ramos Horta - Rádio Timor-Leste, 7 October East Timor’s President José Ramos Horta said Tuesday (7/10) that if the financial crises in the United States and Europe are not dealt with properly they could beget security crises all over the regions of the globe. He said the crises had tremendously affected the economy of China because China has not exported a lot of its manufacturers into the markets in the United States and Europe. He argued that as the exportation is low, it slows the economic development there and consequently millions of people will be out of jobs. According to him, all this economic slow-downs would bring forth instability in the region. He called on the United States and Europe to exert their leadership to curb the global financial crises. Horta concerns about rumors mongering in the country - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 7 October President Jose Ramos Horta said he was concerned about the current rumors mongering that there would be another petition makers from the Timorese National Police (PNTL) regarding the appointment of new police commander. The president said the country’s recent crises of 2006 which was sparked the two country’s two security forces, PNTL and F-FDTL as a lesson for the country to not repeat what people had experienced. Horta also concerned about Fretilin’s plan to mobilize mobs for holding long march in the upcoming November. “I am calling on the country’s politicians, mainly the Fretilin leaders to hold dialog with the state bodies and the bishops seeking solution to the country’s problems,” Horta said. Horta also explained in holding a rally there should be clear objective and if the rally would only be held for political purposes he disagreed. Horta called on the all the country’s politicians to keep maintaining peace and stability in the country. MPs debates power outage in the capital – Suara Timor Lorosae, 3 October Members of the National Parliament suggested the government to recruit more professional as a way to find solutions to the frequent power outage in the capital. MP Pedro da Costa from CNRT made the statement during a plenary session Tuesday (30/9). There are three new generators purchased to deal with the problem frequent power blackout. Meanwhile, PSD bench leader in the Parliament Fernando Gusmão said that the power blackout happens because there is a failure in the company which operates the electricity. Recently, FRETILIN MP Inacio Moreira demanded the Secretary of State for Water and Urbanization, who also deals with electricity to be sacked due to his incapacity in finding solutions to the recurring problems of power outage.
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