Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 9, 2008

Timor-Leste Daily Media News

ISF ready to help community policing, says ISF commander - Radio Timor-Leste, 10 October 10

The International Stabilization Force (ISF) Commander, Brigadier Mark Horn, said the ISF was ready to help community policing of the country if they were needed.

The commander made the comments during an interactive program held by Timorese Public Radio (RTL) on Thursday (9/10) night on community policing.

Brigadier Horn said the ISF kept staying in the country to help the country’s people in restoring peace and stability.

“We spoke to community leaders and police for guaranteeing peace and stability within the country,” He stressed.

Deputy UN Police Commissary, João Carlos Aravalo, said in reaching a good achievement, the community policing was important to build confidence in the community.

Meanwhile, Acting Commander of the Timorese National Police (PNTL), Afonso de Jesus said police was born from the community and that would keep building good relations with them to restore peace and stability in the country.

Bauacau acting police commander officially leaves his post - Radio Timor-Leste, October

Acting Police Commander, Inspector Aderito da Costa Xinemes Neto, said the arrest by the UN-GNR Police to him was against they the law, as reason of the arrest was unknown.

On the bases of the arrest, Neto has officially left his post and has handed over police attributes to the new Acting Police Commander, Sub Inspector João Cancio Pires on Friday (10/10).

Speaking to journalists, Neto said he handed over the attribute of his post based on the suspension request made by the UN Police.

“I was arrested yesterday based upon the UN police suspension request saying I involved in a case,” he added.

UN Police arrests Baucau district police acting commander - Radio Timor-Leste, 10 October

UN-GNR Police has arrested the Acting Commander of Baucau District Police, Aderito da Costa Ximenes Neto.

Timorese National Police Operation Commander, Mateus Fernandes said based on the preliminary information he had that the UN police arrested him due to he [Aderito Neto] suspended some of his members who were indiscipline.

Fernandes said the investigation into the case was on going, as the national police was yet to know about the main reason of the arrest.

“The reason of the arrest by the UN police was unknown to the national police. Investigation into the case is on going. Only the UN police are doing the investigation without involving PNTL,” Fernandes said.

Fernandes added the case had been in the court and had been tried last night in the Bauacau District Court and until now the national police was continuing to contact the UN police about the reason of the arrest.

Meanwhile, State Secretary for security, Francisco Guterres, said the reason of the arrest was also unknown to him and said only the Public Prosecution had the right to publicize it.

Guterres added Neto was very cooperative during the court hearing and wanted submitting himself to the legal charge.

Justice Minister ready to face justice - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 10 October

East Timor’s Justice Minister Lúcia Lobato said she is ready to face justice without using her immunities as a minister if she involved in corruption in the rehabilitation of prisons in Bekora and Ermera.

Lobato made the statement Friday (10/10) after giving her statement to office of the Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman in relation to allegation of corruption.

She said that during the meeting, she urged the office of Ombudsman to quickly finish the investigation and then make a report to the office of Public Prosecution.

She said that the office of Ombudsman should make announcement to the public if in the end there is no corruption in the case of prison rehabilitation.

The allegation of corruption involving the Minister was made by the opposition party.

Australia proposes to take care of TL’s maritime security - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 10 October

Secretary of State for Defense Júlio Tomás Pinto said that Australian Ambassador in Timor-Leste had proposed to take care of Timor-Leste’s maritime security in order to prevent illegal fishing.

Pinto made the statement after together with the Commander of ISF met the Prime Minister who is also Minister of Defense and Security.

Pinto said that the two countries had to work out a legal agreement where the ISF can work with the F-FDTL and PNTL to curb recurring illegal fishing in the southern part of Timor-Leste.

He added, the Prime Minister who is Minister of Defense and Security had instead proposed a trilateral agreement involving Australia, Indonesia and Timor-Leste to deal with the issue of illegal fishing in these countries.

Railos is free, handing two weapons to PNTL in Likisa - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 10 October

Likisa PNTL Commander Inspector Afonso dos Santos said Friday (10/10) that the commander of secret armed group Vicente da Conceição ‘Railos’ had handed in two HK 33 together with 1,478 bullets to the PNTL in Likisa on October 8.

Dos Santos said on October 6, he got an order from the Minister of Defense and Security Xanana Gusmão to collect the weapons from Railos.

He then explained that on the night of October 8, he went with Railos to Metagou area where Railos himself dug out the weapons and then handed in these weapons to him.

He had then handed in those weapons and bullets to the National Police in Dili on Friday (10/10).

According to him Railos is free now after having medical treatment in Surabaya, Indonesia.

Dividend Trust makes links with districts: Alves - Timor Newsline, 10 October

Matchmaking Coordinator, Celio Marques Alves, said Peace Dividend Trust was currently making links with districts to help strengthen its programs, such as tenderization and business verification for the country’s people. Alves made the comments during a press conference held yesterday at the office of the Peace Dividend Trust in Balide of Dili.

Alves explained they had also provided information to the public and over seas countries, so that the internationals could come and buy the farmers’ local products.

Alves added the Peace Dividend Trust also provided training on increasing the skills of the local businessmen and farmers.

PN leaders allow govt to do corruption, says opposition leader - Timor-Post, 10 October

Fretilin’s bench leader Aniceto Guterres said Thursday that the National Parliament under the leadership of Fernando de Araújo ‘La Sama’ had been allowing the AMP government to do corruption by being permissive in demanding the transparency from the government.

Aniceto said that the president of the parliament had not kept his own promise to the people once he took office where La Sama said he would never be a mouthpiece for the government.

“The promise of the President of the Parliament has gone with the wild wind and it leaves us with the reality we all face and witness,” said Guterres.

He also said that the bureau of the parliament had systematically made the parliament a second class organ of state and that it has blurred the principle of separation of powers between organs of the state.

He added that the leadership of the parliament failed to ask the government to present document about the number of national and international advisers working for the ministry of finance and also the documents about purchasing patrol boats.

He said that the bureau had also totally denied the democratic rights of the opposition when state budget discussion was ongoing in the plenary.

Answering to the statements made, president of the National Parliament Fernando de Araújo ‘La Sama’ said that the parliament can never be an opposition to the government because it’s the parliament that forms the government.

He said that the parliament cannot value the performance of the government and that this has to be done by the public.

FRETILIN wants to get rid of the govt through constitutional and peaceful ways, says Lu Olo - Timor-Post, 10 October

Fretilin’s president Francisco Guterres ‘Lu Olo’ declared Thursday that the objective of the peace rally is to get rid of the incumbent government through a peaceful way.

“Fretilin’s demands have been very clear: through legal and constitutional ways,” explained Lu Olo.

The former president of the National Parliament said Fretilin will not use violence or coup d'état to oust the AMP government as the experience of 2006 shows.

He said that in many countries, certain people may have used the weaknesses of the government as a trigger to launch a coup against the government but Fretilin will not do it.

Lu Olo said he was puzzled by the statement of the President Ramos Horta, arguing that the statements do not reflect any neutrality from the President’s side.

“The right of the opposition to do peace march should not be denied by President Horta,” he said.

Lu Olo reminded the President to adopt a neutral position in order to promote dialogues in finding way-outs for existing political differences.

Xanana admits his government’s incapability - Timor-Post, 10 October

East Timor’s Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão said Thursday during the official opening of the second legislature term that the challenge for the state, specially the government of the Majority Parliamentary Alliance (AMP) is its incapacity of effectively using plentiful existing resources for the common goods of the people.

“Our challenge now is not lack of resources but lack of capacity to use our existing resources, investing them in productive sectors in order to effectively build the country” he said.

Gusmão added that based on the development plan, in 2009 the government is committed to improving what have been done in 2008, to further consolidate reform agenda and to accelerate economic development.

He said in order to fight against corruption; the government would send a bill to the parliament on the establishment of an anti-corruption commission.

He added that the government will also submit a bill on the establishment of a public service commission to ascertain productivity, professionalism, efficiency and integrity in the public service.

President Horta calls on gas and oil investors to respect Timor-Leste - Radio Timor-Leste, 10 October

President Jose Ranos Horta has called on the oil and gas investors to respect Timor-Leste’s willingness to build the Greater Sunrise Oil Field’s pipelines to the country.

Horta said building pipeline to Timor-Leste was being the people’s interest and said decision of building pipelines should be based on technical and commercial aspects not through a political decision.

Horta said the investors should not make comments early and be influenced with the decision made the Australian Government.

The Malaysian Petronas Company is currently doing a research about the possibility of building pipeline to the country.

PM Gusmão calls on politicians to avoid campaign for discouraging people - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 10 October

Prime Minster Xanana Gusmão has called for political parties of the country to avoid political campaigns that only destroy and decrease people’s confidence to the nation, as well as making people to be discouraged.

The prime minister made call yesterday during a speech marking for the opening of the second parliamentary legislative session at the Parliament House.

Gusmão said today was not time to backward, but the time for moving forward, because the country’s people wanted to live in peace and remain calm.

Gusmão added the Government kept proposing the Government to support various sectors which would determine the country’s development.

President Horta keeps urging Government and Parliament to combat poverty - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 10 October

President Jose Ramos Horta has continued urging the Government led by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão and the Parliament to resolve issue of poverty in the country.

The president made the comments yesterday during a speech marking the opening of second Parliamentary legislative session at the Parliament House.

Horta said fighting against poverty in the country was an important way and had been the president’s top priority to go forward.

Horta stressed the Government should put fighting against poverty as its top priority, because the issue of poverty could impact on security of the country and national unity.

Horta called on the Government officials and MPs to not betray those who had had sacrificed for the country’s independence and urged them to work responsibly.

UN counseling officer urges Government to be proactive in protecting women and children - Radio Timor-Leste, 9 October

The United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) Counseling officer Jeca de Oliveira has urged the Timorese Government to be proactive in protecting women and children from violent actions.

Oliveira made the comments today (9/10) during a press conference held at the office of UNMIT, Kaikoli of Dili.

Oliveira said angry and violent actions were being the cause of mental illness and were also human emotions and that could emerge problem at work if it could not be controlled well.

Oliveira stressed the Government needed to put hands into violence appeared within a family, in a way that women and children were protected.

He added the UNMIT counseling officers had approached the victims who were suffering from the mental illness.

Security and defense are important, says Gusmão - Radio Timor-Leste, 9 October

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, said security and defense were also important aspects to be priority in supporting the development of education, economy, justice and social security.

The prime minister made the comments today (9/10) during the opening of second legislative year of the Parliament.

Gusmão said the Government was proposing the Parliament to initiate legislation in strengthening the country’s education, economy, health, justice and social security.

CVA’s recommendations not obligation to follow, says President Horta - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 9 October

President Jose Ramos Horta, said recommendations made by Timor-Leste and Indonesia’s Joint Commission of Truth and Friendship (CVA) were not obligation for the country’s state bodies, such as the Government and the Parliament to follow it up.

President Horta made the comments today (9/10) after handing over the CVA’s report to the Parliament during the opening of second legislative year of the Parliament.

“Recommendations are only recommendations and are not obligation for the Government and the Parliament to follow them,” Horta said.

Horta added the CVA proposed the two countries to create a new mechanism for implementing the recommendations institutionally, but not similar to an ad hock.

One of the CVA’s recommendations is Timor-Leste and Indonesia should strengthen defense and security sector in the two country’s borders.

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