Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 13, 2008
Timor-Leste Daily Media News Vets do not get paid for incomplete paper-works, says Reis - Timor Post, 13 October Secretary of State for former combatants and veterans of resistance Marito Reis said that some veterans cannot get paid because the documents submitted are incomplete. “We have to delay the payment for the families submitted the documents to let the families know that for a fallen veteran, only a person is eligible to get the pension, not two,” Reis said. He added that this kind of problems that slow the payment for some veterans or their families. There has been protest from families of fallen heroes about the slowness of the government in paying pensions to the families of those died. He said that pension for those who died is smaller than those who are still alive because it is the law of the government. Railos still out of prison - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 13 October Commander for Fretilin former civilian hit squad commander, Vicente da Concecăo known as Railos is yet to serve his sentence after receiving an overseas medical treatment. Legal Advisor for Railos, Jose Pedro Camoes said Railos had returned from overseas medical treatment for about a week, but he was yet to be in prison, as he was still spending 60 days of his provisional suspension. Comoes said Railso was not totally freed, but he would be staying at home due to health condition, while waiting for his court trial in January 12 next year. The Railos hit squad was set up in 2006 during the country’s crises by the former interior minister, Rogerio Tiago Lobato who was also Fretilin’s deputy president. We’ll seek for support from investors, says Alfredo Pires - Timor Post, 13 October Secretary of State for Natural Resources Alfredo Pires said the government of Timor will seek for support from investors to build the pipelines from the Greater Sunrise to Timor-Leste for the national interests of the country. Pires said that the main concern of Woodside to have pipelines drawn to Darwin is due the problems of security in Timor-Leste, to which Pires said that there is no security problem at all to bring in pipelines to the country. “I think in our point of view there is no security problem here as we have resolved many problems,” he said. He added that there if the pipelines are to be drawn to a point in south coast area of Timor-Leste, there would be no security problems. According to Pires, it is important to create a good environment encouraging investors to invest here. Pires said that the government would bring in brave investor for the development of the pipelines to Timor-Leste. However, he wanted the local qualified and skilled people to work with the company. For the development of pipelines to Timor-Leste’s coast, Pires said he had visited Norway recently and had a chance to look at a new vessel which is going to do pipeline construction. Unidentified armed groups attempted to attack Dili’s PNTL Commander - Timor Post and Diario Nacional, 13 October An unidentified armed group tried to attack the Dili District’s PNTL Commander Inspector Pedro Belo in his residence in Bebonuk Dili on the midnight of October 8, 2008. The group was seen in the area driving two taxis whose numbers had been taken out. A neighbor said that on Wednesday between 1 and 2 A.M. an armed group was seen there in two taxis, carrying also automatic weapons. The group was seen moving around the residence of the police officer, about 100 meters with the taxis whose lights were off. Seen this, PNTL’s Task Force Unit was called to the location. However, as the Task Force arrived there the armed group had left the location. A police post has been built in the area after the attempt. A policeman in the area said that indeed there was an armed group trying to attack Inspector Belo, saying that the group is consisted of former PNTL members. Soon after the Task Force Unit arrived, Belo came out and had the police to go back. “Who attacked me? I am still alive,” said Belo after the attack. Should look at other initiatives over CVA’s recommendations - Televizaun Timor-Leste, 13 October Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Zacarias Albano da Costa, said the recommendations made by the Joint Commission for Truth and Friendship (CVA) should also be about other initiatives to strengthen the two country’s relationship. The minister made the comments in recent days in connection with the handing over of the CVA’s report to the Parliament. Da Costa said there were so many things recommended in the report, yet should prioritize things related to strengthening the two countries’ bilateral ties. “We are working with the Indonesian Foreign Ministry in Jakarta for looking at an action plan to implement the recommendations,” Da Costa said. Da Costa added his ministry would explain the CVA’s recommendations to the people throughout the country. GNR trains PNTL’s instructors - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 13 October The UN-GNR Police from Portugal has completely trained 44 of the Timorese National Police (PNTL) to become instructors for the police in future. State Secretary for Security, Francisco Guterres said the UN-GNR police provided training for the country’s police officers due to getting mandate from the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste UNMIT). Guterres said the police officers were trained with theory on the police’s works and how to develop curriculum in the police academy. He called on the country’s police academy to develop training for increasing the skills and knowledge for the country’s police officers in future. Need to reform F-FDTL, says Horta - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 13 October President Jose Ramos Horta who is also the country’s defense force supreme commander, said the state needed to reform the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) through capacity building from the old generation to the new generation. President Jose Ramos Horta who is also the country’s defense force supreme commander, said the state needed to reform the Timorese Defense Force (F-FDTL) through capacity building from the old generation to the new generation. The president Jose stressed the defense force’ old generation should transfer their skills to the new F-FDTL’s officers to lead the defense force in future. “We should create proper conditions for the new generation, the country’s veterans should transfer their skills to the new generation,” Horta said. Horta explained transition of transferring skills within the F-FDTL ought to be made from day to day and there should be proper investment within the defense force. Horta added the country’s security situation had commenced returning to normal, as they were helped by the UN and the International Stabilization Forces (ISF). A six year-old boy killed his sibling by his father’s pistol - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 13 October A six year-old boy shot his six months-old sibling by using his father’s pistol on Sunday (12/10) in Audian, Dili. The fatal incident happened after the father, Ofelino Filomeno, who is a Timorese National Police (PNTL) member forgot to lock the pistol and left the pistol within the reach of his son Leo. As Leo got the pistol on the family’s table, he then shot the head of his younger brother Alasco Lucky and Lucky died instantly. The father was sleeping after returning in fatigue from PNTL’s night patrols. The mother, Nívia Monteiro, who was preparing the family’s breakfast in the kitchen rushed to their room upon hearing the shooting. Seeing Lucky covered with blood and died, she then fell on the ground and became unconscious. A relative of the family said that Ofelino often forgets to lock his pistol after returning from night patrols.
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