Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News October 14, 2008
Timor-Leste Daily Media News AMP’s MPs met three days in Dare to discuss 2009’s State Budget - Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 14 October President of the National Council of the Majority Parliamentary Alliance (AMP) Fernando ‘La Sama’ de Araujo said Monday that the AMP had three days meeting in Dare where they discussed among others the issues of 2009’s state budget and cabinet reshuffle. Lasama said the meeting is a normal process because the government was formed by the Parliament and therefore it is reasonable to know the programs of the government for 2009. He added that during the meeting many AMP MPs called upon the cabinet reshuffle to be done soon by Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao. MP Estanislau Aleixo da Silva of Fretilin said that the government had failed to fulfill its promise to the people to do reform in many public sectors. He said that the government is not serious in dealing with allegations of corruption mushrooming in many government’s departments. He said that now the Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry does not work properly as he is becoming a walking ministry for businessmen, buyers and vendors. He also added that up to date there is no proposal yet from the government about next year’s budget to be discussed though the proposal has to be submitted three months before the entry of the new fiscal year. Ofelino can be in prison for 5 years for negligence - Suara Timor Lorosae, 14 October Dili District PNTL Commander Inspector Pedro Belo said Monday that according to Indonesian penal code article 359, Agent Ofelino Filomeno can be charged for negligence and the maximum sentence could be up to five years behind bars. “That’s what the law says but it depends highly on the investigation process,” said Belo. He said that Ofelino will be disciplined as well for taking pistol with him when he is off-duty, according to the PNTL’s Law No. 13/2004. Meanwhile, PNTL’s Acting Commander Inspector Afonso de Jesus said the PNTL will launch an investigation into the negligence of Ofelino Filomeno. On returning from Saturday night’s patrol, Ofelino left his pistol on a family’s table where his six-year old son Leo grabbed the pistol and then shot his younger brother Alasco Lucky, a six-month old baby on Sunday morning. De Jesus commented that the sanction to be imposed will be based on the investigation into the incident. “In regard to what sanction to be imposed to Agent Ofelino, it will be dependent upon investigation,” he explained. Foreign minister welcomes ISF commander - Timor Post, 14 October Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Zacarias da Costa and International Stabilization Forces (ISF) Commander, Brigadier Mark Holmes has discussed about cooperation between the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country. Minister da Costa said during the meeting they were talking on the air-cross way by helicopters flying into the Indonesian border zone, as Indonesia had urged to abide by. Da Costa said the country’s people when traveling to Oecuse should be flying away from the distance of 12 miles from the border before entering into the enclave region of Oecuse. He added during the meeting the ISF Commander, Brigadier Holmes also conveying about the replacement of the ISF soldiers in the country with engineering infantry to help support the country’s reconstruction. UN representative meets with foreign minister - Timor Post, 14 October The UN representative in Timor-Leste had met with the country’s Foreign Minister, Zacarias Albano da Costa talking on the UN mission in terms of relationship between the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and the Government. Minister Da Costa said the UN representative, Fin Rieske Nielsen met with him talking about the relations between the UNMIT and the Government, mainly the implications to his ministry. Da Costa said apart from talking on the UNMIT’s activities in the country, they also discussed about requesting the UN Commission of Peace Building coming to meet with the country’s authorities. He added the UN Peace Building Commission was a new mechanism being applied in the countries like Burundi, Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau.
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