Subject: Timor Leste explores cooperation with Yogyakarta

10/27/08 17:41

Timor Leste explores cooperation with Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Timor Leste`s Economic and Development Minister Joao Gonzalves is visiting Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) to explore win-win cooperation in various fields.

"We hope cooperation win-win cooperation with Yogyakarta in the field of agriculture, industry, handicrafts, and human resources development will be materialized," Gonzalves said at a meeting with Yogyakarta Vice Governor Paku Alam IX here on Monday.

In the meeting with Paku Alam IX at Kepatihan Pareanom building, Gonzalves was accompanied by his deputy, Rui Mauvel.

On the occasion, Gonzalves said Timor Leste as a new country in its development process invited Indonesian investors including from Yogyakarta to invest in various fields in his country.

Gonzalves said his visit to Yogyakarta was to obtain first hand information about the development of local small-and-medium scale industry.

"We want to get a lot of knowledge from Yogyakarta because this province has prospective micro and agrobusiness, and such a condition is similar to that in Timor Leste," he said.

In his visit, Gonzalves also explored a possible business meeting with related institution in Yogyakarta and Timor Leste, as well as private parties to find out in which fields the cooperation could be made.

"Business meeting among government officials and businessmen will be of great advantage to Timor Leste`s development in agriculture, industry, handicrafts, and human resources development," he said. (*)


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