Subject: ICT Timor Leste demonstrates alternative technology for ordinary people

Dear friends, Below is the latest ICT training organised by ICT Association of Timor-Leste (ICT-TL). The news was taken from Timor-Leste Media Development Centre (TLMDC) <>

Regards, Abel ------------

*ICT Timor Leste demonstrates alternative technology for ordinary people

Timor-Leste Information Technology (ICT-TL) on Friday demonstrated alternative technology for ordinary people to get access to information through the telephone and internet.

ICT-TL Coordinator, Abel Pires da Silva, said this was an alternative technology for Timorese people to use the internet and telephone without using a simcard and free of charge.

"Timor Telecom remains expensive, because it is the only communication company in the country, therefore they are monopolizing everything. Timor Telecom does not care about Timorese people's condition, the important thing for them is how their company is successful in the country," Pires said.

Pires said the alternative technology is cheaper, it could cost five or ten dollars for a month. ICT-TL is commencing to move forward with this program, Pires said.

"We will first try to provide it for NGOs, how the NGOs' communication can be cheaper and will also implement at schools, as well as at health community centers," Pires said.

From here they will make sure our capability and will enhance this information to all community members to see and understand, as well as through this alternative people could feel that their communication fee is cheaper, Pires said.

IT trainer Ono Purbo from Indonesia said he shared daily experiences in Indonesia with his friends in Timor-Leste. Ordinary people in Indonesia had found out their own ways to get cheaper and free telephone, Purbo said.

Timorese people are also facing the same economic situation, therefore ICT-TL should find out alternative technologies for its ordinary people to get access to free and cheaper telephone and internet.

"We have never competed with Timor Telecom, because they are working for money and we are helping people who are not able to get access to information," Purbo said.

He added the only difficult thing is how they could make people to be clever and if all people are being clever and that they could now be able develop this country.

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