Subject: UNMIT's Daily Media Review, 5
February 2008
Tuesday, 5 February 2008 UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING "UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any conseque6nce resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations." National Media Reports TVTL news coverage SRSG comments on role of media: The Special Representative of the Secretary General, Atul Khare, discussed the importance of media during the 15th anniversary of the daily national paper, Suara Timor Lorosae last Friday (1/2). "The role of media is not only to provide information," said the SRSG. "The media should also teach the people." PM: F-FDTL must give hope to people: Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao has said that in order to face the future, people must have confidence in the F-FDTL. This institution must be the cornerstone for providing faith to the nation and the people in areas of security, stability and development. Horta: Human resources must be strengthened ahead of tribunal: President Jose Ramos-Horta has urged the Government to start building and strengthening the capacity of staff in anticipation of a military tribunal. "We must also prepare F-FDTL officers in the justice sector," said the President upon his arrival from an official visit to Brazil. "It's important and urgent to ensure that the military institution is fully functioning." The President also said that the institutions of the government and the state are still fragile and require the assistance of the United Nations until 2012. UNPol transfers 3 police stations to PNTL: To establish peace and security in Dili, UNPol handed over three police stations in Bidau, Mercado Lama and Bairopite to PNTL yesterday. On the ceremony of handover of responsibility, PNTL officers said that they were willing and ready to provide security to the community. "We feel happy that our friends from UNPol are providing this opportunity. Thanks to UNPol and the government," said a PNTL officer. RTL news coverage MAFF begins to monitor farmers: The Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Mariano Sabino Lopes, said his ministry has started monitoring farming activities in the districts as a way to encourage less dependence on the Government. The Minister called for the farmers to maintain agricultural equipment, such as tractors, provided by the Government and explained that it was not the Government's intention to provide all equipment to the farmers. The Minister did assure the farmers that the Ministry would cooperate with other stakeholders to procure local products. Horta: UN and ISF to stay until 2012: President José Ramos-Horta said that the United Nations (UN) and the International Security Forces (ISF) will stay in Timor-Leste until 2012 with annual reviews of the mission. The President also said that the presence of UN and ISF has helped to strengthen the economy of Timor-Leste as the UN employs 1000 employees and ISF 300 employees. * * * IDPs receive food aid from WFP: IDPs in Motael Church have received food rations reduced by 50 per cent. A WFP Assistant Field Security Officer, Joao Francisco, said that although the Government and WFP have worked together to provide food assistance to the IDPs, the decision to reduce the food was made solely by the Government. Responding to a question by journalists regarding the reaction of IDPs to the food reduction, Mr Francisco said that: "In the beginning, there were a few protests at the food reduction, but since the policy has been explained, the IDPs have accepted the food reduction." One of the IDPs, Marcelina Soares, commented: "We are not IDPs by choice, and the decision to reduce the rice rations have made us very sad. However, the Government's decision to reduce the food should be accepted and it is not a problem for me." (TP) Government concerned with Tsunami threat to TL: The Government of Timor-Leste has been preoccupied with the threat of natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods, heavy rains, high winds and the impact that these disasters have on people's lives. "If there are high winds, tsunamis or any other natural disasters, the police and the F-FDTL will rescue people from these disasters," said the State Secretary for Security, Francisco Guterres, and yesterday in the Government Palace. (TP) IDPs upset at food reductions: IDPs in Motael Church are upset at the Government's policy to reduce food rations. One IDP, Duarte de Jesus, "We did not move to this IDP camp because we didn't have food. We moved because of the crisis started by the Government," said Mr de Jesus. "Because of this, the Government has a responsibility to look after us." Another IDP, Jacinta Arosa Ximenes, had also rejected the policy of food reduction, choosing not to accept the reduced rations in protest. "I don't want to accept this policy," said Mrs Ximenes. "There are more than 20 members of my family in this camp; six are still in school. I only one woman and don't have the capacity to meet the all the needs of my family members." (DN) Taur Matan Ruak: "Cooperation needed to solve crisis": The Commander of F-FDTL, Taur Matan Ruak, has said that if Timorese people really want to resolve the crisis, then all people need to cooperate together in a peaceful way. These comments were made at the 5th anniversary of the F-FDTL navy held in Hera last Saturday. "I would like to say that there are no problems without solutions," said the Commander. "Once upon a time we had a problem with Indonesia, and we solved it. It should be easier for us to solve our own internal problems. (DN) SRSG: Laws form basis of democracy: The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Mr Atul Khare, has said that he believes laws form the foundations of any functioning democratic state. Mr Khare made these statements last Friday during the 15th anniversary celebrations of the daily national paper, Suara Timor Lorosae. The SRSG also said that the current structure of Timor-Leste's institutions are still fragile and have limited capacity in building peace and in resolving conflicts. "Because laws are the basis of democracy, they need to be strengthened in order to build confidence in the development process," said Mr Khare. (STL) Horta: Alfredo/petitioners' problems won't affect F-FDTL recruitment: President Jose Ramos-Horta has stated that the unsolved problems of Alfredo and the petitioners will not affect the recruitment process for the F-FDTL. "The problems of Major Alfredo and the petitioners will not impact on the recruitment process as these are separate issues," said President Horta. "The recruitment process of the F-FDTL will be based on the law." (STL and DN) PM: Defence and security main priorities: Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão articulated his priorities as Prime Minister during the 5th anniversary of the F-FDTL navy held in Hera last Saturday. "Since I became the Prime Minister, my main priorities have been to restructure the F-FDTL in line with the principals of the current government and to reform the security and defence sectors," said the Prime Minister. (STL) UNPol handover 3 police posts to PNTL: The United Nations Police have symbolically handed-over three police posts to the PTNL during a ceremony held in Bidau. The United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Mr Atul Khare, said during the ceremony that security in Timor-Leste was improving. (STL, DN and TP) NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Timor Post (TP) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanário Nacional (SN) Tempo Semanal (TS) UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING <> Back to February menu |