Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review, 15 February 2008

Friday, 15 February 2008


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National Media Reports

TVTL News Coverage

President's condition improving: Through an official statement, the Minister of Health Nelson Martins has confirmed that the condition of President Jose Ramos-Horta's health is improving. Minister Martins said that the President could now breathe normally without the help of a ventilator. The President suffered no infections, and his body has responded well to the medications.

Fretilin rejects email accusations: The Secretary-General of Fretilin Mari Alkatiri has totally rejected claims that Fretilin had backed Alfredo Reinado and was planning to assassinate President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão.

After the attacks on the President and Prime Minister, an anonymous email was circulated accusing Fretilin of being behind the assassination attempts.

"I am always blamed when something wrong happens in this country," said Mr Alkatiri. "But I do not let this worry me. I know the people who are doing this- they are people who used to support Alfredo. Because he has died, they are now trying to lay the blame on others."

Fretilin is also demanding that the State Secretary of Security, Francisco Guterres, and the State Secretary of Defense, Julio Thomas Pinto, take responsibility for the attacks. Furthermore, Fretilin wants UNMIT, UNPol and ISF to provide an explanation as to why they were unable to detect and prevent the attempts.

RTL News Coverage President's condition improving: The Minister of Health Nelson Martins has confirmed that the condition of President Jose Ramos-Horta's health is improving. Minister Martins said that the President could now breathe normally without the help of a ventilator.

PGR issued arrest warrants: The General Prosecutor of the Republic, Longuinhos Monteiro, has issued arrest warrants for six suspects involved in the attack on the residence of President Jose Ramos-Horta on Monday (11/2) in Metiaut, Dili. Mr. Longuinhos said that the Public Ministry still needs 21 more days to complete the investigation and to identify other suspects.

Stage of Emergency may combat disturbances: The Director of the National Forum of NGOs (FONGTIL), Angelina Sarmento, commended the decision of the state to implement the 'Stage of Emergency', claiming that it would help to combat violence and crimes. "It is good that the state implements a 'Stage of Emergency' as this will help to maintain security and stability," said Ms. Sarmento. Ms. Sarmento has also appealed to the public to respect the 'Stage of Emergency.'

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Print coverage PGR/Lasama discuss arrest warrants: The General Prosecutor of the Republic, Longuinhos Monteiro, has authorized the United Nation Police (UNPol) and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) to arrest eighteen suspects for the attacks of the PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão on Monday (11/2). "I have met with the Acting President to update him on the criminal process from the Public Ministry," said Mr. Monteiro on Thursday (14/2). (STL)

Australian PM visits TL: Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has come to Timor-Leste today in the wake of attacks on PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. PM Rudd will meet with PM Xanana Gusmão, Acting President Fernando Lasama and the Opposition Leader, Mari Alkatiri. "He has come to Timor-Leste in solidarity with the Government and the people of Timor-Leste," said the Foreign Minister of Timor-Leste, Zacarias da Costa. (STL)

Fretilin rejects pamphlet accusation in internet: The President of Fretilin, Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, has rejected accusations circulated by an anonymous email claiming that Fretilin was behind the assassination attempts on President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão.

"We were also blamed for the 2006 crisis, but there has never been any evidence to corroborate this. I know the people who are behind this- they are taking the opportunity to throw the country into more confusion," said Mr Alkatiri. (DN)

Lasama appeals for calm: The Acting President of the Republic, Fernando Lasama, has made an appeal to the criminals involved in the attacks on PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão to immediately submit themselves to justice. "I appeal to my civilian East Timorese colleagues who are carrying weapons to voluntarily submit their weapons and themselves to the state and to justice," said Mr. Lasama

Mr. Lasama also agreed to an international commission of investigation on the attacks. "I want a deep investigation into the attempted assassinations. Timor-Leste will invite international experts to provide support and to investigate these matters," said Mr Lasama. (DN)

'Stage of Emergency' declared to normalize situation: Members of the National Parliament, Gertrudes Caetano Moniz and Ilda Maria, said that the 'Stage of emergency' has been declared to normalize stability in the nation. PM Gusmão has extended the State of Emergency for a further ten days. In his national message, the PM appealed to all people, especially those who in Dili, to contribute to the security and stability of the country. (DN)

Mateus: arrest to Alfredo's men is under coordination: The PNTL Operational Commander, Mateus Fernandes, said that arrest warrants for Alfredo's men who were involved in the attacks against President Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão are still under process.

"PNTL, UNPol and ISF are still coordinating to take this responsibility … we are still in discussions. We hope that in four or five days, a decision will be taken about the arrest warrants to capture Alfredo's men," said Commander Fernandes. (DN)

NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Timor Post (TP) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanário Nacional (SN) Tempo Semanal (TS)


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