Subject: Daily Media Review 21 Feb 2008
Thursday, 21 February 2008 UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING< "UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any conseque6nce resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations." National Media Report TVTL News Coverage Lasama thanks US Ambassador: Acting President Fernando Lasama de Araujo has thanked the United States Government for providing three FBI officers to Timor-Leste to work with the Prosecutor General in investigating the events of 11 February. "I give my thanks to Ambassador Hans Klemm for the rapid response to the request by Timor-Leste to conduct deeper investigations into the assassination attempts against PR Ramos-Horta PM Xanana," said Acting President Lasama on Wednesday (20/2) in Palacio das Cinzas Caicoli, Dili. Military operation against Salsinha cancelled: The Commander of the Defence Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), confirmed that the operation against Salsinha and his group has been cancelled as they have left Dili. Commander TMR said that further preparations are needed before continuing the operation. Commander TMR pointed out that that is was only this operation which was cancelled, and not the entire operation which is still continuing. "We have cancelled this operation. We know that they have walked away and we need to reassess before continuing the operation. It is useless to go to an empty place," said Commander TMR. (11/2). Public Ministry issued request letter to witnesses: The Public Ministry has issued a request letter to four civilians in relation to the assassination attempts against President José Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão. The General Prosecutor, Longuinhos Monteiro, said the requests were based on the investigation conducted so far. To date, sixteen witnesses have given their statement to the Public Ministry. One of the witnesses has been placed under house arrest as they were involved directly in the conspiracy to commit the assassinations on 11 February. International Secret Agents in TL: The General Prosecutor of Timor-Leste, Longuinhos Monteiro, has confirmed that three Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officers from the United States of America (USA) and five Australian Federal Police (AFP) officers have arrived in Dili to investigate the conspiracy and attempted assassinations against PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. "The Government has invited them, as Timor-Leste has no forensic capacity and no laboratories to analyse ballistic evidence," said Mr. Monteiro. Upon the request of the General Prosecutor, the President of Republic is also asking the Government and Australia to provide some crime and forensic investigators. The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Hans George Klemm, also confirmed that the US Government sent three FBI officers to help in the investigations. (STL) RTL News Coverage Ireland supports conflict resolution: The State Secretary for the Council of Ministers, Hermenegildo Pereira, confirmed that the Government of Ireland will assist Timor-Leste in the area of conflict resolution. Mr. Pereira said that the Irish Government would focus on education and human resource development. Ireland will send a delegate to Timor-Leste to be responsible for human resource development. "The visit is very important as Ireland is a guest and friend of Timor-Leste. As the Foreign Minster informed, Ireland has made a decision to widen its programs on foreign affairs to include specific areas, such as conflict resolution," said Mr. Pereira on Wednesday (20/2) in the Government Palace, Dili. Military operation against Salsinha cancelled: The Commander of the Defence Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), confirmed that the operation against Salsinha and his group has been cancelled as they have left Dili. Commander TMR underlined further preparations are needed before continuing the operation. Commander TMR pointed out that that is was only this operation which was cancelled and that the whole investigation was still continuing. "We have cancelled this operation. We know that they have walked away and we need to reassess before continuing the operation. It is useless to go to an empty place," said Commander TMR. As the General Commander for the Joint Operation, Commander TMR had discussed the mechanisms of the operation with the National Police of Timor-Leste and coordinated with the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) and United Nations Police (UNPol.) (11/2). 18 people who stand against the "State of Emergency" released: The Operational Commander of PNTL Mateus Fernandes said that the eighteen people arrested on Monday night for breaching the State of Emergency were released yesterday (20/2) after being detained for 72 hours. Commander Fernandes said there is no indication that the eighteen people were involved in crimes. The investigation shows that they were protesting against the decision of the Government to impose the "State Emergency." "They were released as there was no indication that they were involved in anything," said Commander Fernandes. 'State of emergency' targets Fretilin: The Fretilin Member of the National Parliament, Francisco Miranda Branco, has said that Fretilin believes the Government to be committing human rights violations against Fetilin as well as politically persecuting them. This statement was made in relation to the arrest of the former Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, JosE Teixeira, in his residence in Taibisse, Dili by PNTL Task Forces. The arrest was conducted without an arrest warrant. "The Government has begun its political persecution and human rights violations. The arrest has surprised Fretilin and we consider it as political persecution against Fretilin," said Mr. Miranda on Wednesday (20/2) in Dili. Print Coverage Lasama thanks FBI: Acting President Fernando Lasama de Araujo has thanked the United States Government for providing three FBI officers to Timor-Leste to work with the Prosecutor General in investigating the events of 11 February. "I would like to make clear to the public those who are coming (FBI and AFP) are not part of an international commission. They are experts requested by the State of Timor-Leste to support the General Prosecutor in conducting the investigations," said Acting President Lasama on Wednesday (20/2) in Palacio das Cinzas Caicoli, Dili. (STL) USA sends FBI to Timor-Leste: The General Prosecutor of Timor-Leste, Longuinhos Monteiro, has confirmed that three Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officers from the United States of America have arrived in Dili to investigate the conspiracy and attempted assassinations against PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. Mr. Monteiro said that FBI will stay in Timor-Leste as long as they were requested to by the Public Ministry. (TP) No more dialogue with Salsinha: National Parliament members have asked Gastão Salsinha and his group to submit themselves to justice as they are the perpetrators of the problems being faced in the country. MPs have also given their support to the coordination between the F-FDTL, PNTL and ISF to pursue Salsinha and his groups. "The State is sacred. The position of Fretilin is that we will no longer pursue dialogue with the people who want to destroy the State," said Fretilin member of NP David Dias Ximenes. ISF starts operation in Manufahi: The International Stabilisation Force (ISF), comprised of Australian and New Zealand Forces, on Monday (18/2) started their operation to search for the suspects involved in the assassination attempts against PR Horta and PM Xanana. Even though the population is uneasy with the presence of the international forces, they are happy with the State of Emergency and know that the ISF is protecting them by providing security. "The 'State of Emergency' could bring us peace in this nation," said Almerio Oliveira, a Youth Council member of Manufahi in Manufahi. (TP) F-FDTL and PNTL implement "State of Emergency' professionally: The Deputy President of National Parliament, Maria Paixão, has observed that the F-FDTL and PNTL have conducted themselves professionally during the implementation of the State of Emergency. (DN) Military operations against Salsinha cancelled: The Commander of the Defence Forces of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak (TMR), confirmed that the operation against Salsinha and his group has been cancelled. "We have cancelled this operation. Cancelling does not mean that the overall operation has stopped." said Commander TMR on Wednesday (20/2) in Palacio das Cinzas Caicoli, Dili after briefing the Acting President Fernando Lasama Regarding the extension of the "State of Emergency," TMR said that any extension is the decision of the Council of Ministers. (DN) * * * NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Timor Post (TP) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanário Nacional (SN) Tempo Semanal (TS) UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu |