Subject: Daily Media Review 27 Feb 08
Wednesday, 27 February 2008 UNMIT – MEDIA MONITORING "UNMIT assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles or for the accuracy of their translations. The selection of the articles and their content do not indicate support or endorsement by UNMIT express or implied whatsoever. UNMIT shall not be responsible for any conseque6nce resulting from the publication of, or from the reliance on, such articles and translations." National Media Reports TVTL News Coverage MPs insist on IICI: Members’ of Parliament from Fretilin, PSD, PD and CNRT are demanding that the National Parliament establish an International Independent Commission of Inquiry (IICI) to investigate the assassination attempts on the lives of PR José Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. They have also asked that the United Nations be involved in this. “An IICI is needed to find out the truth,” said PSD member of NP Mario V. Carrascalão. Alfredo’s man surrenders in Maubisse: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General Atul Khare said that one of the members of the armed group who attacked the residence of PR Ramos-Horta voluntarily surrendered himself to the United Nations Police (UNPol) in Maubisse, Ainaro district on Monday (25/2). “I personally received the information this morning that one of the men voluntarily submitted himself. His name was listed in the arrest warrants for the previous case,” said SRSG Khare. Govt busy with extra petitioners: The Government has been trying to cope with increasing numbers of petitioners gathered in Aitarak Lara. The Government has built an extra eight tents for the petitioners who had been camping on the veranda. The petitioners have increased to more than three hundred. During the last three days, F-FDTL assisted the petitioners by providing tents and preparing extra space for them. Alfredo’s case put to rest: The President of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Ximenes, said that while the case of Alfredo was no longer active given his death, his followers are still subject to justice. “The cases of Alfredo and those who have died have been put to rest. But those who are still alive, their cases are still being processed,” said Mr Ximenes. RTL News Coverage PSD agrees to establish IICI: The Member of Parliament from PSD, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, said that he agrees with the idea to establish an International Independent Commission of Inquiry (IICI) to investigate the attacks against PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. “It needs a neutral international body, not Timorese, to investigate the case in order to discover the truth. We all should accept and respect the results of the investigation when it comes out,” said Mr Carrascalão. Alfredo’s case put to rest: The President of the Court of Appeal, Claudio Ximenes, has briefed Acting President Fernando Lasama on the work conducted so far by the tribunal. Mr Ximenes said that the tribunal was implementing all its functions with no interference from any political body. Mr Ximenes also commented that the case of Alfredo was no longer active. “The cases of Alfredo and those who died have been put to rest. But those who are still alive, their cases are still being processed,” said Mr Ximenes. Print Coverage UN responsible for February 11: The MP from Kota, Manuel Tilman, has asked the UN to take responsibility for the events of February 11. “The security of the state and the Prime Minister falls under the responsibility of the UN. The UN should be responsible for establishing an International Independent Commission of Inquiry (IICI),” said Mr. Tilman on Tuesday (26/2) in the National Parliament, Dili. Separately, an MP from PSD, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, suggested that the nations involved in an IICI should exclude the nations whose forces are currently in Timor-Leste. (DN) Coordination needed to arrest Salshinha: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Timor-Leste, Atul Khare, said that the plan to arrest Salsinha and his group requires good cooperation between all security forces in order to avoid unwanted problems during the arrest. “ good coordination would make the operation stronger and more effective and would avoid other problems,” said SRSG Khare during the UNMIT press conference held on Monday (25/2) in UNMIT HQ Obrigado Barrack Caicoli, Dili. (DN) IDS need to return home: The State Secretary for Natural Disasters, Jacinto Rigoberto, has said that IDPs at the National Hospital Guido Valadares (HNGV) camp need to return to their homes or Bairos [suburbs]. “I think the IDPs at HNGV camp need to return home. This is necessary because they said they want to go home and live like others in their Bairos,” said Mr Rigoberto. Mr. Rigoberto also said that he would help IDPs return home by coordinating with community leaders. (DN) ETCRN: UNMIT responsible for February 11: The East Timor Crisis Reflection Network (ETCRN) is asking the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) to take responsibility for the attacks against PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão. The Coordinator of ETCRN, José Caetano, said that the people of Timor-Leste are waiting for an explanation from UNMIT, the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) and the Government of Timor-Leste about the events of February 11 as the security of Timor-Leste was the responsibility of the United Nations Police (UNPol) and the ISF. “We know that the events of February 11 are not only UNMIT’s fault, but UNMIT does bear responsibility for security in Timor-Leste based on Resolution 1704/2006,” said Mr. Caetano in an ETCRN press release. “In relation to the specific crimes, I do agree with SRSG Atul Khare that the events of February 11 are the responsibility of Alfredo. However, in relation to security issues, UNMIT bears ultimate responsibility. The UN has to show its maturity in the current situation and reflect on its mandate which is to contribute to, and maintain, security in the country,” said Chiquito da Costa Guterres, one of the ETCRN members. (DN) PSD asks for ‘State of Emergency’ rather than ‘State of Siege’: The Chief of PSD in the NP, Fernando Dias Gusmão is asking the Government to shorten the ‘State of Siege’ to a ‘State of Emergency’, arguing that the reality shows that a ‘State of Siege’ is no longer needed. “The ‘State of Siege’ was implemented when all the State institution were not functioning. However, the reality shows that all institutions are functioning well, so now, we only need the ‘State of Emergency,” said Mr. Gusmão. Mr. Gusmão also suggested that before March 20, the Government and Acting President should shorten the ‘State of Siege’, as 80% of Timorese are Christian and are about to start their religious activities in time for Easter. (DN) No amnesty for terrorists: The parties of PUN, PSD and KOTA have protested against the statement of Acting President of NP, Vicente Guterres,that amnesty will be given to Salsinha and his group when they surrender. Mario Viegas Carrascalão of PSD said that people who intend to kill national leaders and destroy the sovereignty of a nation are considered terrorists, and terrorists do not deserve to get amnesty. “I do not give amnesty to people who want to destroy and dissolve the independence of this nation,” said Mr. Carrascalão. Manuel Tilman from KOTA also said: “We cannot allow killers to be granted amnesty. No democratic nation would do this.” (DN) Petitioners increase to 456: As of yesterday afternoon, the numbers of petitioners had increased to 457 persons. According to a press release by the State Secretary of Security, the Government is now preparing health services, power, and water and sanitation in the petitioners gathering place in Aitarak Laran. The press release also stated that many petitioners had asked to be escorted to Dili by UNPol for security reasons. (DN) Carrascalão: Joint Operation should arrest perpetrators: The PSD member of the National Parliament, Mario Viegas Carrascalão, said that the F-FDTL/PNTL Joint Operation is supposed to arrest the perpetrators of the February 11 attacks, not just go after Salsinha and his group. “Upon what basis it the operation aimed at solely arresting Salsinha and his group?” asked Mr. Carrascalão. “For me, it is important to arrest those directly involved in the attacks of February 11. It is not true a true operation if it is only conducted to arrest Salsinha and his group.” (STL) 11 of Alfredo’s men arrested: The F-FDTL/PNTL Joint Operation arrested eleven members of Alfredo’s group in Aituri Laran-Taibisse, Dili on Tuesday (26/2). The Spokesperson of F-FDTL/PNTL Joint Operation, Inspector Mateus Fernandes, said that eight persons out of the eleven were those who escaped with Alfredo from Becora prison in 2006. A hand grenade was also seized during the operation. The men are now detained in the detention centre of PNTL Dili District. (STL) Japanese Ambassador: “Violence never solves problems”: The Ambassador of Japan to Timor-Leste, Kenzi Shimizu, has appealed for a non-violent approach to resolve the problems of Timor-Leste. The Ambassador made these comments during a meeting with the Acting President of the Republic, Fernando ‘Lasama’ de Araujo. “My purpose in this meeting is to pass on the sympathies of the Government and people of Japan to PR Ramos-Horta and PM Xanana Gusmão,” said the Ambassador. “My Government strongly condemns the acts against these two leaders. We believe that violence never solves problems and only serves to kill the efforts made towards building stability and development,” said Ambassador Shimizu on Tuesday (26/2) in Palacio das Cinzas Caicoli, Dili. (TP) NATIONAL NEWS SOURCES: Televizaun Timor-Leste (TVTL) Radio Timor-Leste (RTL) Timor Post (TP) Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) Diario Tempo (DT) Diario Nacional (DN) Semanário Nacional (SN) Tempo Semanal (TS) UNMIT MEDIA MONITORING Back to February menu |