April 2008

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United States should support justice, not endorse impunity, says ETAN; Administration Should Respond to CAVR Report, Not Endorse CTF

Senators Write U.S. State Dept. on Training Kopassus and Brimob

Background on Kopassus and Brimob

Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims!

ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the on the U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007

Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims!

Statement by NGOs to Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting

Urge UN Secretary-General to Act for Justice for East Timor

Groups write to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates on Indonesia

Read the ETAN leaflet that former U.S. Amb. to Indonesia Edward Masters called "scurrilous." Remembering A Shared History: Suharto and the United States

ETAN: Remembering A Shared History: Suharto and the United States

Letter to UN on West Papua by two senior members of the House Committee of Foreign Affairs

La’o Hamutuk: Sunrise LNG in Timor-Leste: Dreams, Realities and Challenges

The West Papua Report - March 2008; April 2008; Back Issues

ETAN: Guide to U.S. Security Assistance to Indonesia and East Timor (revised April 2008)

Action ALERT from ETAN & West Papua Advocacy Team: Urge Indonesia to Remove Indicted Officer from West Papua  send a fax via ETAN

April 16 - 26

Presidential Pardons- No Substitute for Justice

Timor rebel comes out of hiding
Indonesia Arrests Fourth E Timor Rebel - Police
E Timor told to follow the rules, Australia
Ramos Horta and the Timor rumour mill
No RI citizens in Horta attack- Police
E.Timor president wants emergency state lifted & it mostly is

Militia link to Timor attack suspects
E Timor Official To Pick Up Rebels Held In Indonesia - President
Arrested East Timor Soldiers To Be Returned to Dili [+Reinado Has $800,000 In Aussie Bank]
Dateline Transcript- Shooting Of Horta

Australian prime minister says 200 troops to be withdrawn from East Timor
Two killed in East Timor gang violence
TNI and Timor Leste military to establish defense cooperation
New patrol boats under fire

MOU on RI-US defense cooperation to be formalized soon

Rebuilding infrastructure poses challenge to tackling malaria
Security concerns stop coffee growers from harvesting

Church Trains Youth To Spread Message Of Nonviolence
Pope statue a symbol of Timorese freedom struggle

UNMIT Daily Media Review

29 April
25 April
24 April
22 April
21 April

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April 13 - 19

Timor rebel's lover blamed
SBY Warns Horta of Putting Ties at Risk
East Timor aims to mend relationship with people
A moving homecoming to what can never be the same

We didn't shoot first, rebels say
Pires's Heart-Shaped `Betrayal' of Reinado
Indonesia arrests 3 over E Timor attacks
Horta may allow 'petitioners' back into army
How would-be assassin's bullets changed me
Home Exorcised as Ramos-Horta Prepares to Return

Plan to employ East Timorese workers has support- MacTiernan

AFR in Jakarta- Presidents Are But Bit Players in Diplomatic Charade (CTF)
Acquitted Eurico to meet Xanana
Former E Timor militia leader Eurico Guterres to stand in Indon elections
Canberra mute as Timor accused walk free

East Timor tightens security for Ramos-Horta return
Alarm at China's influence in E. Timor

Daily Media Review

18 April
17 April
16 April
15 April
14 April

Other Links (open in new windows)

UN: Report of the SG on the UNMIT for the period from 21 August 2007 to 7 January 2008 (S/2008/26)
Security Council Report: Feb 2008 Timor-Leste

An Ideal State for East Timor: Reconciling the Conflicting Paradigms by Josh Trindade

Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper: Displacement in the 2006 Dili Crisis: Dynamics of an Ongoing Conflict

Joint Command for PNTL and F-FDTL Undermines Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform in Timor-Leste

UN: Committee on the Rights of the Child
Concluding observations (2008)
Concluding observations - OPSC (2008)
Concluding observations - OPAC (2008)

Conference presentations from Charles Darwin University Conference: The struggle to rebuild East Timor
ANU: Asia Pacific Week 2008 Abstracts

TAPOL: Backgrounder on the Commission of Truth and Friendship

ICTJ: Too Much Friendship, Too little Truth - Monitoring Report on the Commission of Truth and Friendship in Indonesia and Timor-Leste

HRW: World Report 2008 Timor-Leste, Indonesia

EU: Final Report on 2007 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections

AI: Indonesia Submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review First session of the UPR Working Group, 7-8 April 2008


Late Night Live in Timor-Leste
In early October, Phillip Adams went to Timor-Leste to gather material for a special series of radio programs to be broadcast on Late Night Live starting on Monday 22 October 2007. Find out more...

April 5 - 12

Moving Story Of an E. Timor Child of Occupation
Two years on, ETimor's displaced struggle to return home

No one to blame for East Timor abuses
Release of Militia Leader Eurico Guterres
Jakarta judges clear ex-militia leader over Timor carnage
Court Frees Former ETimor Militia Leader Eurico Guterres

Timor-Leste- Justice for 1999 Victims "Will Probably Take a Generation" - U.S. Ambassador
Timor CTF- All Clear? [+US support, Guterres release 'face-saving']
CTF a failure if it lacks transparency- Rights group
Timor not a failed state, says US

Atambua returns to normal; Timor refugee protest leaders detained

Reinado High On Ice, Booze During Attack
E. Timor's basket-case police force needs rebuilding- UN

Ramos Horta hits out at Indonesian military
East Timor army kills rebel supporter in operation

'Nonsense' life sentence for Maluku separatist sparks criticism

Daily Media Review 

10 April
09 April
April 08
07 April

I’ve long admired ETAN’s work. For well over a decade, ETAN has conducted some of the most effective grassroots campaigns I know. With limited resources, they helped free a nation and fundamentally changed policy toward one of the U.S.’s closest and most repressive allies, Indonesia.

Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”

Make a monthly pledge via credit card: click here

March 29 - April 5

Reparations key to justice
Indonesia-Timor truth commission ready to report findings
Assistant Secy Hill on Truth and Friends
CTF has entered final stage of implementation of its mandate and the writing of the Final Report
Editorial - Truth at Last?
TNI May be blamed for 1999 E. Timor Violence

Human Rights Probes Obstructed by AGO- Komnas HAM [incl- Papua, Trisakti]

ICG Urges East Timor To Tackle Refugee Problem
ETimor requests 33.5 million dollars from donors

A harsh passage to democracy
East Timor to use force against rebels
Pires admits she was Reinado's lover, but didn't influence him
East Timor Govt Runs Out of Money To Feed Refugees

WFP shifts focus of food assistance
RI-Timor Truth Commission Report Delayed Until Horta Recovers

Timor urged to get tough on offenders
Aussies 'slow to reach Ramos Horta'

Former ETimor Refugees Demand Govt Attention as Thousands Protest in Atambua

From Canberra to Jakarta- Reforming the Military [a JP op-ed by Kontras]

Daily Media Review

04 April
03 April
02 April
01 April
31 March

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