June 2008


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LH: RDTL doubles budget in mid-year

ETAN Protests Promotion of New Kopassus Commander

International Coalition Urges UN to Take Active Role Promoting Justice for East Timorese

Congressmembers Urge Greater U.S. Commitment to Promote Justice for Timorese Call for U.S. Response to CAVR Report

JSMP: Presidential Pardons:
No Substitute for Justice

United States should support justice, not endorse impunity, says ETAN; Administration Should Respond to CAVR Report, Not Endorse CTF

 ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste (revised April 2008

Senators Write U.S. State Dept. on Training Kopassus and Brimob

Background on Kopassus and Brimob

Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims!

ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the on the U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007

Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims!

Statement by NGOs to Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting

Urge UN Secretary-General to Act for Justice for East Timor

Groups write to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates on Indonesia

Read the ETAN leaflet that former U.S. Amb. to Indonesia Edward Masters called "scurrilous." Remembering A Shared History: Suharto and the United States

June 17 - 28

JRH: Statement ending HR Commissioner candidacy
East Timor leader not taking UN job
Jose Ramos Horta staying, but looking around

James Dunn - East Timor- A New Dawn?
Porous border increases avian flu risks
Some IDPs are falsifying data to get payments
Govt urged to include E Timor in Pacific visa scheme
Two East Timor officers graduate from Duntroon
Push for Timorese to join workforce
Whale-shark survey for East Timor tourism

Justice Issues

11 Timorese Citizens File Case Requesting Court to Rule Presidential Decree on Clemencies Unconstitutional
Vatican- no peace without justice in the Promised Land of Timor-Leste
STP-CAVR Appeals for Resolution of Serious Crimes Cases

ICTJ: Overview of the Indonesian Supreme Court's Decision in the Eurico Guterres Case
Freedom to kill in East Timor
Interview with Joni Marques - former militiaman and ex-criminal
Freed ex-militia boss who led massacre of nuns, priests says he's "repentant"

Watchdog slams freeing of East Timor militia leader
Lobato and militias free, UN seeks guarantees for victims

NGOs urge govts to take CTF report

Widow calls for greater recognition of Balibo Five
Association HAK Program Update (January – March 2008)
JSMP: Legal Perspectives On Clemency

FRETILIN calls for justice for crimes committed under Indonesian attack and occupation

UN: Human Rights Council Adopts Outcome of Universal Periodic Review on Indonesia
Documents from the UPR
USGov: Trafficking in Persons Report 2008 - Timor; Indonesia

Amnesty International: Report 2008 Timor-Leste Chapter; Indonesia
HRW: World Report 2008 Timor-Leste, Indonesia

JRH takes Australia to task over education aid
Ramos-Horta 'refused to meet' Pires's mother

Mosque hangs on as example of tolerance
Youth Leaders Trained To Handle Their Emotions

Munir Murder Arrest Puts Heat on Military
Munir Case Puts Heat on Indonesian Spies
Suspect Stirs Indonesia's Murky Waters

UNMIT Daily Media Review 

26 June
24 June
23 June

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June 16 - 21

Witness to a new dawn in East Timor (James Dunn)
East Timor- Outsourcing Sugar Cane
The mean streets of Dili are now avenues of hope
Rebel's Aussie lover 'caused his death', Horta

UN police eye East Timor handover
United Nations wraps up police training despite human rights concerns
Australian police heading to East Timor
UN ETimor mission meets with Australia, New Zealand

Oil Bonanza Fails to Ease Timor's Woes
'Hamutuk Hari'i Futuru' A National Recovery Strategy
Arbour successor list narrowed down - JRH on it

Prostitution in Dili and Suai
Grateful Nation Erects Pope John Paul II Monument

Global Insight Upgrades East Timor's Sovereign Risk Rating on Improved Solvency

Spy Agency Placed Munir On `G' List [+Hendropriyono Would Have Signed Order]
Why Justice for Munir Is So Important for Indonesia

Aceh Needs Peace, Not New Provinces-' Activist and Politician

UNMIT Daily Media Review

20 June
19 June
18 June
16 June

June 8 - 15

Exporting our ideas: Cambodian NGOs visit Timor-Leste to learn about the Petroleum Fund Italy's Eni receives OK to develop oil field in area administered by East Timor and Australia

Land and property rights key to long-term stability
East Timor's baby boom puts Asia's youngest country under strain
East Timor students protest over MPs cars

UN to hand policing to Timor force
Profiting from peace in East Timor
UN forces sack Timor adviser Roque Rodrigues

A gentle test of Rudd's foreign credentials (visit to Indonesia)
Jakarta stands firm over tight grip on Papua

UNMIT Daily Media Review

09 June
10 June

I’ve long admired ETAN’s work. For well over a decade, ETAN has conducted some of the most effective grassroots campaigns I know. With limited resources, they helped free a nation and fundamentally changed policy toward one of the U.S.’s closest and most repressive allies, Indonesia.

Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”

Make a monthly pledge via credit card: click here

June 1 - 7

Parliament Committee Approves Resolution on CAVR Report
Activists urge UN secretary general to hold international tribunal for Timor Leste

Catholic Church Media Apostolate Loses Pioneer
New Pope John Paul II Memorial

Timor opposition leader targets policies in Lisbon address
Alkatiri to sue over `false allegations' of oil and gas bribes

JP Morgan receives custody of oil fund

Aust abortion plan for East Timor
Tiny East Timor faces huge hurdles on road to Beijing Olympics

UNMIT Daily Media Review

30 May
02 June
03 June
04 June
05 June
06 June

Other Links (open in new windows)

Late Night Live (Audio): Interview with JRH
SBS Audio - LH on national petroleum authority (in english)
LH: Proposed new legislation to regulate petroleum activities in Timor-Leste and the Joint Petroleum Development Area

LH: Power Plant and National Electrical Grid: Mega-project or mega-boondoggle?
LH: Agrofuels Projects in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste Immigration Website

AustraliaNetwork Video: UN flags East Timor troop withdraw
UN: GA Approves $7 Billion in Financing for 15 Peacekeeping Missions

TLGOV: Minister of Finance addresses parliamentary vehicle purchases

UN: Timor-Leste to review security sector with UN help
Asia Foundation: In Timor-Leste: Is the National Police Force Ready?

Fretilin: Alkatiri urges continuing US support for Timor Leste
Fretilin: Key aspect of Gusmao gun law defeated in Timor Leste parliament

TLGov: Budget Execution Report, First Quarter January - March

OCHA: Humanitarian Update Timor-Leste 31 MAY TO 13 JUNE

Oecusse Environmental Awareness Program

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Jackie Chan visits Timor-Leste
UN: To support Timorese economy, UN mission aims to increase local purchasing
UNDP: Building Trust In The Post Conflict Phase
New Zealand to support capacity developmentof civil society
AusAid: Making Land Work

OCHA: Humanitarian update 31 May - 13 Jun 20088
UNMIT: UN says Australia and New Zealand to play a key role in Timor-Leste

UN: Human Rights Council Adopts Outcome of Universal Periodic Review on Indonesia
Documents from the UPR
USGov: Trafficking in Persons Report 2008 - Timor; Indonesia

Audio: Timor Leste - Jim Dunn reports on his recent visit
Audio/Video: JRH on The road to nationhood

UNDP: Dealing wit the Scourge of Corruption in Asia
UNDP: How alternative energy is changing lives and saving forests
Timor-Leste: Humanitarian update 10 - 30 May 2008

Buy Local Timor-Leste Blog
UNMIT Weekly Bulletin

BPA: JPMorgan Australia appointed custodian of Petroleum Fund

Friends of Alola Bulletin June 2008

Amnesty International: Report 2008 Timor-Leste Chapter; Indonesia

East Timor Law Journal: Criminal Justice in East Timor & the Constitution of East Timor

Unmit Supporting The Growth Of Timor-Leste’s Private Sector
Celebrating Peace In Timor-Leste - Timor-Leste

UN: Report of the SG on the UNMIT for the period from 21 August 2007 to 7 January 2008 (S/2008/26)
Security Council Report: Feb 2008 Timor-Leste

An Ideal State for East Timor: Reconciling the Conflicting Paradigms by Josh Trindade

Refugee Studies Centre Working Paper: Displacement in the 2006 Dili Crisis: Dynamics of an Ongoing Conflict

Joint Command for PNTL and F-FDTL Undermines Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform in Timor-Leste

UN: Committee on the Rights of the Child
Concluding observations (2008)
Concluding observations - OPSC (2008)
Concluding observations - OPAC (2008)

Conference presentations from Charles Darwin University Conference: The struggle to rebuild East Timor
ANU: Asia Pacific Week 2008 Abstracts

TAPOL: Backgrounder on the Commission of Truth and Friendship

ICTJ: Too Much Friendship, Too little Truth - Monitoring Report on the Commission of Truth and Friendship in Indonesia and Timor-Leste

HRW: World Report 2008 Timor-Leste, Indonesia


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