Subject: UNMIT Daily Media Review - 06 August 2008


(International news reports and extracts from national media. UNMIT does not vouch for the accuracy of these reports)

Fretilin will accept court’s decision – Diaario Nacional

Fretilin MP Aniceto Guterres said that Fretilin will accept the decision of the Court of Appeals over the legality of the Economic Stabilization Funds (FEE) when the decision is made. Mr Guterres said that it was important to uncover why the Government had established the FEE.

Fretilin and AMP agree to extend UN forces in TL – Diario Nacional, Timor Post and Suara Timor Lorosa’e

Related to recent statements made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President José Ramos-Horta on the UNPol mission in Timor-Leste, Democratic Party MP Vital dos Santos said that the National Parliament supports an extension of UNPol in the country.

MP Vital said that he believes that the nation will continue to face political instability until 2011, and as such, requires the presence of UNPol. CNRT MP Virginia Belo concurred with MP Vital, saying that she believed that Timor-Leste still required UNPols to assist the PNTL.

IDPs at Comoro to return home today – Diario Nacional

IDP Representative of the Comoro Airport Camp Paulino da Costa said that the IDPs have begun to return to their communities today (8/6) as per the Government’s recovery’s policy. He also said that it was the Government’s responsibility to provide security for the returned IDPs.

The contract of buying 26 cars for MPs still secret – Diario Nacional

Fertilin and KOTA MPs are concerned that the contract for purchasing luxury cars for MPs is still being kept a secret. Fretilin Vice President Francisco Branco said that despite all the talk of transparency, the Government has shown no transparency in this process. It is not even known if the cars have been transported to Timor-Leste yet.

Government should present list of weapons- Timor Post

Ex-prime minister Estanislao Aleixo da Silva said that he believes the Government should provide a list of weapons lost in the 2006 crisis before forcing civilians to hand over their weapons. Responding to questions about the use of illegal weapons by Fretilin, Mr da Silva denied that Fretilin members had ever used or kept illegal weapons.


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