Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News September 12, 2008
FRETILIN does not deny Xanana’s struggle: Mari Alkatiri – Diário Nacional, 12 September

FRETILIN’s Secretary General Marí Bin Amude Alkatiri said Thursday (11/9) FRETILIN does not deny the current Xanana Gusmão’s struggle for Timor-Leste’s independence.

“History remains history. We should not deny history. Those who deny history are those who want to deny the contribution of FRETILIN. Unless FRETILIN contributed, they or even all of us would have been called Ibu or Bapak,” said Alkatiri.

Alkatiri said the transformation of the ASDT to FRETILIN marked the beginning of national unity, not by the current Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão.

However, once Xanana Gusmão took charge of the resistance he did work also on national unity and therefore Alkatiri urged every not to deny this fact.

Alkatiri added that peace rally would be done soon and if there was any violence occurred during the rally he would resign from his position as secretary general of the party.

Among the distinguished guests present were Atul Khare, ambassadors of Cuba, China, Brazil, Portugal, and others.

National prominent leaders such as Francisco Xavier do Amaral and the President of the Democratic Alliance Manuel Tilman also seen among the guests.

Around one thousand militants of the party took party in the commemoration of transformation from ASDT to FRETILIN.

Govt to cancel veterans’ housing projects – Timor Post, 12 September

The State Secretary for Former Combatants and Veterans’ Affairs, Marito Reis, said the government is going to cancel housing projects for veterans in 10 districts of East Timor because the contractors could not meet the deadline for transferring those houses to the government.

“We had a meeting to cancel the housing construction for veterans in 10 districts,” said Reis.

In nine districts, the housing construction has reached 80% of its completion. However, in Viqueque, the project has been abandoned and the construction in Aileu could not proceed as there was no agreement reached with the contractor.

In four districts (Dili, Manufahi, Liquiça and Manatuto) the resettlement housing for veterans had been completed 100%.

Arson case of customs’ office heard – Timor Post, 12 September

Dili District Court on Thursday (11/9) started its hearing for the suspects who put fire on the office of East Timor’s Customs during 2006’s crises.

The five suspects believed to be involved in the act of arson presented to the court were Eugénio Candido Alves, Julião Soares, Orlando Marques, Deolindo F. da Silva and Raimundo da Cruz.

Elízio Guterres, a security guard of the office who witnessed the event told the court that Eugénio is the main actor of the arson case.

The other four suspects were acquitted as there was no witness against them.

The decision of the court is to be handed on October 2, 2008.

According to the law, the maximum sentence for an arsonist is eight years in prison.

PM wants to speedily acquire PNTL’s patrol boats – Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 12 September

Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão urged the Secretary of State for Security to quickly buy patrol boats for the National Police as the budget for the item is not yet executed.

“Why the money to buy boats is not yet executed?” asked Gusmão.

Gusmão added, “Data should be gathered now so that the money can be executed soon.” He said that the ministry had to buy the boats this year and that they could not wait until next year to do the purchase.

Secretary of State for Security, Francisco Guterres, said that the ministry planned to acquire boats from Australia.

However, the purchase has not done yet because the money appropriated for the item is not enough.

According the secretary of state, the shipping company has now asked for an increase of the original price between US$ 63 up to US$97 millions.

PM to suspend police involved in cock fighting – Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 12

Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Security affirmed Thursday (11/9) that he would suspend the members of the PNTL who involved in illegal gambling, including cock fighting.

He said that based on his personal observation, many inspectors and agents involved in cock fighting and other illegal gambling and this affect their economic lives.

“I do not want to hear an agent, let alone an inspector to take part in cock fighting event,” said Gusmão.

Former SRSG Hasegawa met Gusmão – Televizaun and Radio Timor-Leste, 11 September

Former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in East Timor, Sukehiro Hassegawa, met Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão Thursday (11/9) where they discussed about the current situation in the country.

They also discussed the possibility of bringing in a Thai company to raise chicken in East Timor. The owner of the company is a good friend of the Japanese.

After the meeting, Gusmão said that the investment activity is very productive and positive since it could help reducing poverty in the county and help creating job opportunities for the Timorese nationals.

“As we want to combat poverty and to provide employment for our countrymen, this activity is very productive and positive,” said Gusmão.

The company is reported to raise 50,000 chickens daily in Thailand. The operation of this company in East Timor would be worked out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

PM advised PNTL to avoid carry over – Televizaun and Radio Timor-Leste, 11 September

East Timor’s Prime Minister, who is also standing as Minister of Defense and Security, Xanana Gusmão, advised the East Timor’s National Police (PNTL) to seriously execute 2008 state budget.

Gusmão explained the execution is important in order to avoid carry over in the next fiscal year.

Tough the PNTL is demanded to seriously execute the budget, the government cannot hand over the budget directly to the PNTL as there are still many institutional-related problems facing the PNTL.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister also announced one week time for the PNTL to register vehicles belonging to the institution.

Gusmão said a lot of money is allocated annually for the maintenance of vehicles however the number of vehicles is yet unclear.

Finance Ministry ready to work with justice system, says Finance vice Minister – Televizaun Timor-Leste, 11 September

East Timor’s Ministry of Finance and Planning will be ready to cooperate with the judicial systems if there are facts and evidence about the ministry’s staff involved in maladministration and corruption.

Vice Minister for Finance and Planning, Rui Hanjam, made the statement Wednesday in relation to the comments of the Ombudsman’s office saying the ministry is not serious in considering the recommendations of the PDHJ about the cases maladministration and corruption found in the Ministry.

Hanjam advised the PDHJ to submit its reports to the public ministry so that the case can be processed according to the applicable laws.

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