Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News September 16, 2008
Xanana doesn’t need ISF-UNPOL any longer – Suara Timor Lorosa’e,
16 September
East Timor’s Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão said Monday (15/9) that he does not need any more the presence of the International Stabilization Forces (ISF) and the United Nations Police (UNPOL) here as these forces often create difficulties for the country’s Defense Force and its National Police to carry out their services. “Timor should not accustom itself of getting into a situation where the people disturb each other the solution has to come from foreign forces and in order to deal with arguments we have to ask for help from foreign police and then after that they start to accuse each other,” Xanana explained. Xanana added, “We see ISF wandering around East Timor though our force only stays in their headquarters; we see the United Nations Police wanted our police to ask permission from them should they want to deal with a problem, only complicating the problem.” CNRT party’s bench leader in the National Parliament Eduardo Barreto ‘Dusae’ said that Timor-Leste does not need the presence of the ISF here as the situation gets back to normal. However, Fretilin’s MP Estanislau Aleixo da Silva said, the works of the PNTL are extremely challenging there it needs continued capacity development and support. He also suggested the government to choose a particular country to have comparative study for the officials of the PNTL. Meanwhile, the UNPol’s Acting Commissioner Juan Carlos Arevalo believed that the PNTL are capable of taking the security responsibility. However, he added, UNPOL will keep monitoring the development of the PNTL in maintaining law and order here. Govt to cancel the purchase of two patrol boats – Timor Post, 16 September Minister for Defense and Security Xanana Gusmão said Monday (15/9) he had ordered Secretary of State for Security Francisco Guterres to cancel the agreement of buying two patrol boats from China. The reason for the cancellation of the patrol boats purchasing is due to the increase in its original price. “I have asked the Secretary of State for Security to cancel the agreement me made with China in relation to the purchase of two boats and asked to give back the money we had paid previously,” said Gusmão. Xanana also explained that during his current visit to Australia he was frequently asked why Timor-Leste only want to buy boats from China. “Australia nation questioned me why we always want to buy boats only from China however I told the Australian that we Timor-Leste would like to buy two boats for maritime police but since China keeps increasing the price we then decided to cancel it,” he added. Feb. 11 ballistic examination to arrive next week says AG – Timor Post, 16 September East Timor’s Attorney General Longuinhos Monteiro informed Monday (15/6) that next week the results of the ballistic examination into the event of February 11 which had been done by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) would arrive in Dili, paving the justice process at the tribunal. Longuinhos visited Australia last week to closely monitor the investigation process where he found out that the investigators had found many things, including the type of weapon used to fire the President of the Republic. He said that the user of the weapon has also been identified but due to existing law he could not tell the public while the investigation is yet ongoing. However, he added that once the results of the ballistic examination arrive, he would present them to the tribunal. 66 newly recruited PNTL underwent basic training – Televizaun Timor-Leste, 16 September At least 66 newly recruited members of the East Timor’s National Police underwent a basic training in Dili recently in order to improve their knowledge and capacity to better serve the people and the country. The Director of the PNTL Academy Police Carlos Jerónimo said that the training was designed for 250 new members of the PNTL who could not complete their training due to 2006 crises. He added that similar training would be given to 3,196 members of the active PNTL in the immediate future. Jerónimo stressed that those who did not take part in the training would have lost their rights to be members of the PNTL. Though the training itself is not easy, the participants were happy to take part in it as it would help them to improve their capacity in the future. “I am happy because though the training is hard it is designed to improve our capacity, to have confidence building and to listen to each other and to respect each other in serving and protecting the people and the country,” said Teodolindo Alves Correia. Four of the participants are women and the training itself was carried out of the members of the PNTL. IDPs in Watulari demanded Govt’s attention for their plight - Radio Timor-Leste, 15 September Around 180 families of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Matahoi village in Watulari demanded the attention of the state for their plight as they have been IDPs for more than two years but there is no humanitarian assistance provided to ease their pain. A spokesperson of IDP groups, Augusto da Silva, said Monday (15/9) that they have been IDPs since the 2007 post election political crises. However, he added, no state institutions had helped them out. He explained that there were lot promises, including from the President of the Republic, to help the group but to date those promises are still kept unfulfilled. Traditional laws to be upheld - Radio Timor-Leste, 15 September The head of Tulatakeu village in Remexio, Aileu said Monday (15/9) the village would apply traditional laws to regulate criminal acts such as homicide; stealing and destruction of environment should these things happen in the village. Adolfo Mendonça said that based on the traditional laws there are two categories of penalties to be imposed. He explained, for a serious offense, the perpetrator would be given penalties which include a water buffalo, a cash of US$50, a box of alcohol and a box of cigarettes. However, for petty crimes, a perpetrator is demanded to pay a goat, a pig, a sack of rice, and US$25 cash. He said that such penalties are agreed upon to restore law and order and respect for environment in the village. The adoption of the local traditional law was also witnessed by the Secretary of State for Environmental issues, Abílio de Jesus Lima. PNTL’s Border Police commemorated its Fifth Anniversary - Radio Timor-Leste, 15 September Border Patrol Unit of the East Timor’s National Police commemorated its fifth anniversary Monday (15/9) in Salele, Kovalima. Some sport events such as volley ball and football marked the commemoration, involving around 14 clubs in Kovalima. Amaro Amaral, the head of Salele Border Patrol Unit said the fund for the sport activities are from the Secretary of State for Security. TL loses $36 M due to illegal foreign fishing - Radio Timor-Leste, 15 September East Timor is estimated to lose more than US$35 million every year due to illegal fishing in its national territory by foreign ships. National Director for the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Lourenço dos Reis Amaral, made the statement Monday (15/9) in relation to the loss on the Timor side due to illegal fish catching in the Timor Sea areas belonging to Timor-Leste. The figure is made based on the number of ships illegally fishing in the territory of Timor-Leste.
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