Subject: Indonesia anti-graft body chairman meets Timor Leste attorney
09/19/08 19:38
Indonesia anti-graft body chairman meets Timor Leste attorney general
Dili (ANTARA News) - The chairman of Indonesia`s Corruption Eradication
Commission (KPK), Antasari Azhar, held talks with Timor Leste Attorney
General Longuinhos Monteiro and Parliament Speaker Fernando Lesama de
Araujo here on Friday.
They discussed various matters relating to Timor Leste`s plan to
establish an anti-graft body similar to Indonesia`s KPK.
Timor Leste already has an institution for corruption eradication called
`Prodovia Direitus Humanus Justica` which was initiated by its
parliament. It is chaired by Sebastiao Ximenes.
The body had also conducted comparative studies in the Philippines, Hong
Kong and a number of other countries.
Azhar told Lasama corruption eradication activities in Indonesia did not
only consist of arresting and prosecuting suspected currupters but also
of preventive efforts so that legal instruments for such endeavors were
also needed.
"I appreciate Timor Leste`s government and people for their efforts to
fight corruption in the early stages. This is a good attitude and good
beginning," Azhar said.
He said corruption in Indonesia had taken root in such a way that the
KPK had to work extra hard in enforcing the law on corruption
On the other hand, Lasama said there were weaknesses in his country
legal system, one of which was the absence of a criminal procedures code
so that steps to enforce the law could face a stumbling block.
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