Subject: Timor Leste Daily Media News September 24, 2008
Timor-Leste Daily Media News
Leaders of the world pleased with Timor-Leste’s situation – Radio Timor-Leste, 24 September Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Zacarias Albano da Costa, said heads of state and Government of all the countries have welcomed positively the development of Timor-Leste’s current situation which had been gradually returned to normal. The minister said stability being reached by the nascent country would be attracting foreign investors coming to invest. Da Costa stressed Timor-Leste had reached its stability, yet the UN keep extending its mission for another year. The Government and the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) will make an assessment over the country’s necessity to define modality of the UN in the country. UN secretary general opens the UN Assembly session – Radio Timor-Leste, 24 September The UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon has officially opened the UN Assembly for session of 2008, starting on Wednesday (24/9) in New York. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Zacarias Albano da Costa in a telephone interview said all members of the UN were pleased with issues discussed, such as global fuel price and food security issues which had affected people’s lives worldwide. Da Costa said the UN would stand firmly with all of its members to make a joint effort combating such global issues. President Jose Ramos Horta is scheduled to convey Timor-Leste’s position over the global security and food shortage issue being faced by the country. Public Prosecution to summon Lere and Falur for inquiry – Televizaun Timor-Leste, 24 September East Timor’s Prosecutor General Longuinhos Monteiro said Wednesday (24/9) that the office of Public Prosecution had summoned Colonel Lere Anan Timor and Lieutenant Colonel Falur Rate Laek to face inquiry in relation to the 2006 crises. Monteiro said that the two F-FDTL officers were summoned to simply give their testimonies but not as suspects. Lere and Falur are scheduled to give their statement to the public prosecution on September 29 and October 1, 2008. Meanwhile, Monteiro also informed that in the near future two F-FDTL and an UNPOL officer would be called to give their statements in relation to February 11, as he was also on board with the PM Xanana Gusmão’s convoy. Longuinhos explained that after the hearing, the office of Prosecutor General would make accusation which is likely to be done in December 2008 or January 2009. Thus far, the office of Prosecutor General had identified 23 suspects; all of them were followers of the former rebel leader Alfredo Reinado Alves. ISF hands over facilities to Alola foundation – Suara Timor Loro Sa’e, 24 September The International Stabilization Forces (ISF) from Australia has handed over school facilities, such as books, pens and shirts to the Alola Foundation to be distributed to schools throughout the country. Advisor for Alola Foundation, Marydith Budge said the facilities were contributed by Australian students who won a writing competition where a student wrote about Timor. Budge said the Australian students wanted to contribute to the schools in the county which less facilities. She added the school facilities were currently being kept in the office of Alola, because students were still on holiday. ‘Shut up’ to those who don’t know the procurement systems, says Procurement Director – Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 24 September The National Director of the Procurement Services Francisco Soares ‘Borulako’ said Tuesday (23/9) those who do not know the working procurement systems should stop questioning the procurement services. “We have a lot of criterion about bidding systems which we often give out to our contractors and if they are eligible then we give them the tender,” Borulako said. He, therefore, urged the members of the Parliament who know nothing about the procurement systems to shut up. Borulako explained that the single source mechanism which became a common polemic is also regulated in the law to be applied during emergency situation such as the purchase of weapons. Recently, an AMP MP, Adérito Hugo of CNRT, accused the procurement services for what he called as conspiracy with contractors in implementing certain government projects. Meanwhile, the Director of the Human Rights and Justice Ombudsman Sebastião Dias Ximenes said that in most cases the bidding systems and procedures are only to fulfill formality by the procurement already identified or even chose the winners of the biddings. Nat’l Parliament to initiate anti corruption law – Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 24 September The second Vice President of the National Parliament Maria Paixão said Monday (22) that in order to fight and eradicate corruption in the country the parliament would urgently initiate a draft law on anti corruption. “PN also sees that it is extremely urgent to initiate a draft of anti corruption law and to be urgently approved by the same parliament enabling the judiciary system to start prosecuting those involved in corruption,” Paixão said. She also encouraged the office of Prosecutor General to courageously do their functions in eradicating corruption in the country regardless of mounting threats against the office. She stressed that she is in favor of the establishment of the new anti corruption commission by the government and urged the office of Ombudsman to specifically focus on the issue of human rights. Meanwhile, Estanislau Aleixo da Silva, an MP from FRETILIN, said that the office of Prosecutor General should take necessary legal measures against those who threaten the office via telephone because the law permits the office to have access to the telecommunication system. There should competition between TT and new operator – Diário Nacional, 24 September Parliamentary Majority Alliance (AMP) and Fretilin MPs have agreed with the Government‘s policy of inviting other telecommunication operators to compete with Timor Telecom Company (TT) in the country. The MPs said the Government had the power to invite other companies coming to invest, yet the Government should learn profoundly the contract for TT by the former Fretilin Government. AMP MP Vital dos Santos said TT had not been professional in the treatment of its clients, because there were no competitors. Fretilin MP Estanislau da Silva said it was good when the Government had approached TT, but the Government should also look at condition for new operator and should look at as well on the contract made by the former government for TT. Govt to decriminalize defamation – Diário Nacional, 24 September East Timor’s Justice Minister Lúcia Lobato said the government will decriminalize defamation in the proposal of penal codes presented the National Parliament Tuesday (23/9) if the Parliament authorizes the government to do so. “If the National Parliament authorized (the government), when the new penal codes to be presented to in May, defamation would not a crime,” said Lobato. Lobato explained that if anyone felt defamed then the person could file civil process against the person. Domingos Sarmento, a FRETILIN’s MP in the Parliament disagrees with the proposal of decriminalizing defamation in the future penal codes, arguing that those who are poor may not be able to pay for compensation. Meanwhile, MP Vital dos Santos from Democratic Party (PD) said that he entirely agreed with the proposal. However, he suggested the government to create special condition if defamation is to be decriminalized. Court names Lere Annan Timur and Falur as suspect in 2006’s crises – Suara Timor Lorosa’e, 24 September Dili District Prosecution has named Timor-Leste Defense Force Chief of Staffs, Lere Annan Timur and Falur Rate Laek as suspects of the country’s recent crises of 2006. The prosecution’s decision was made through notification to summon Lere Annan Timur and Falur Rate Laek to be inquired in the upcoming September 29. Lere Annan and Falur said they recognized the notification from the Prosecution Office, yet they were still yet to know about the reason why the Court had named them as suspects. Lere Annan said he respected the notification and that he would cooperate with the Court and would respond it. “I think justice is for all, we all are under the law and the Court has its power to ask whoever to respond it,” Lere Annan said. Parliament sends official letter to warn ambassador – Radio Timor-Leste, 24 September The Timorese Parliament has sent an official letter to Minister for Foreign Minister and Cooperation, Zacarias da Costa for warning the country’s Ambassador to Portugal, Manuel Abrantes. Deputy Parliamentary President Maria Paixão said the Parliament was concerned about the ambassador who had not welcomed well the delegation of Timorese MPs in Portugal. Paixão said the Parliament had also informed this matter to Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão to take it into consideration. Meanwhile, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Zacarias da Costa, said it was not the ambassador’s fault, but it happened because the Parliament had never coordinated them about the Parliament delegations’ visit to Portugal. The minister said the Parliament should first coordinate with his ministry, as everything related to overseas visit was dealt by them. He therefore called on the country’s politicians and the Government officials to a have good coordination before departing. US ambassador holds a visit to Baucau – Televizaun Timor-Leste, 24 September The US Ambassador to Timor-Leste, Hans Klemm has held an official visit to the eastern district of Baucau for looking closer directly at USAID funded Candlenut Project. The ambassador said they were here to help support skills of the country’s people in the field of social economy. “We are here to help you in improving your skills in the field of social economy, practically in the field of agriculture for more than 15 years,” Klemm said. Baucau CRS Program Manager, Adelio Lopes said in increasing the candlenut products in the eastern region, CRS and USAID cooperated to set up groups for improving both quantity and quality of candlenuts. Group member, Dulce da Silva said she involved in the group to learn about how to increase and improve the quality of their products. Making strategic planning for women’s participation – Televizaun Timor-Leste, 24 September State Secretary for Professional Training and Employment started making strategic planning for the state budget which was allocated to gender equality programs. State Secretary for Professional Training and Employment, Bendito Freitas, said his department and State Secretary for Promotion and Equality cooperated with the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) and International Labor Organization based in Jakarta held a seminar to have proper strategy on managing budget in the process of development. Freitas said the two departments wanted to help support the country’s women by improving their skills, because women also being part of unemployment in the country. State secretary for Promotion and Equality, Idelta Maria Rodrigues, said they would hold a strategic planning which would prioritize women’s participation in the country’s development.
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