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Human Rights, Accountability & Justice

ETAN demonstrates at Indonesian Consulate in New York after the death of the dictator Suharto. Photo by John M. Miller/ ETAN.

East Timorese demonstrate in Dili for justice.
Photo by Karen Orenstein/ETAN
There is something else I'd like to ask of you: in order to uphold the rule of law, in order to have justice for the terrible things that were done to our people, especially our women, during the occupation of our country, I hope you will speak up for justice for East Timor at every opportunity. International law is supposed to guarantee that those who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity face justice. We must have an international tribunal for those who committed such serious crimes. It is also important to deny a visa to those suspected of serious crimes.

But as a small nation, we on our own cannot achieve this. It will take time, we recognise this. But with your help, and especially if you as individuals and as groups break the silence and speak up about justice for these terrible crimes, I am confident that we can achieve justice.

--Fernanda Borges, Member of Parliament, Timor-Leste, 5 March 2009

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Follow ETAN:


ETAN Honors LGBTIQ+ Pride in Timor-Leste (July 6)

ETAN Calls for End to Military Coup and Repression in Myanmar (March 22)

ETAN: Sexual Abuse Case an Opportunity for Justice and Healing/Kazu Abuzu Seksuál mak Oportunidade ba Justisa no Hadi'a-an  (March 22)


ETAN West Papua Update (June 10)

ETAN Condemns Violence and Racism Against West Papuans, Calls for freeing Papuan Political Prisoners (May 1)


ETAN joins 240 organizations in demanding an independent, thorough investigation of Indonesian environmental lawyer Golfrid Siregar’s death Read the full intenational solidarity letter and list of signers (October 31)

: Timor-Leste Honors President Bill Clinton: Setting the Record Straight (August 30)
U.S. National Security Archives: U.S. sought to preserve close ties to Indonesian military as it terrorized
East Timor in run-up to 1999 independence referendum


Joint Statement: UN General Assembly 73: Correcting the Record on Human Rights Violations in West Papua
and The 1969 UN Resolution Regarding 'Act of Free Choice' (October 2)

West Papuan and Polish pair have been charged with treason in Indonesi (September 7)

oint Statement of Solidarity:
20th Anniversary of the 'Biak Massacre', West Papua
(July 6)



Indonesia: Government must make public the 2005 fact-finding report on Munir’s case (September 6)

Dili, Timor-Leste, LGBTI Pride - Acceptance
ETAN message of support to Timor's LGBTI community (June 29)

Human Rights Campaign:
Congress Sends Letter to Indonesia to Stop Government-Sponsored Anti-LGBTQ Actions  (June 19)

Timor-Leste Association of Ex-Political Prisoners and Klibur Solidariedade send congratulations and solidarity to Palestinian Political Prisoners June 6, 2017

Avenida da Libertade de Imprensa

Timor-Leste activists to UNESCO on World Press Freedom Day 2017 celebration in Jakarta (May 1)



25th Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre ETAN Urges Justice for Victims of the Santa Cruz Massacre on 25th Anniversary

ETAN BACKGROUNDER: Santa Cruz Massacre (November 2016)

LH: Remembering the Santa Cruz Massacre, the Movement seeks Justice and Equality by Celestino Gusmão, a member of the Organizasaun Sagrada Família and ANTI. He works for La’o Hamutuk.

From ETAN's Blog: 25 years after the Santa Cruz massacre: did corporations influence Western government policy? by David Webster

Speech by President Taur Matan Ruak on the 25th Anniversary of the Santa Cruz massacre

Amnesty International, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), East-Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN), La’o Hamutuk, TAPOL, Watch Indonesia! and Asosiasaun HAK: PUBLIC STATEMENT - Indonesia: Close gap between rhetoric and reality on 1965 mass human rights violations (October 1)

also TAAN PUBLIK Indonesia: Penuhi jarak antara retorika dan realitas soal pelanggaran HAM massif 1965

Justice for Munir- 2016

ETAN Urges Justice for Munir on 12th Anniversary of Assassination (September 7, 2016)

ETAN Backgrounder: The Investigation of the Murder of Munir: Timeline and Recommendations

ANTI: Commemorating Referendum Day 30 August 1999 - 2016 and the International Day of the Enforced Disappearances (August 30)

Reject Wiranto as Coordinating Minister Sign ETAN's petition: Tell Jokowi to fire indicted war criminal Wiranto. He was recently-appointed Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Security Affairs. Graphic by LBH Jakarta.

ETAN, Tapol, Watch Indonesia!: Appointment of General  Wiranto as Minister confirms the deep-rooted impunity in Indonesia
(July 27)

ANTI: We Stand Against Impunity, Deny Formerly Accused General Wiranto From Holding a Position of Power!/Estatementu Konjunta: Ami Kontra Impunidade Hasoru Wiranto

Wiranto and the Biak Massacre
Victor Jara and Francisco Borja da Costa Justice for Chile's Victor Jara, None (Yet) for Timor's Francisco Borja da Costa (July 2016)
ETAN stands in solidarity with Indonesia's LGBT community (April 15)

ANTI: We Welcome the President of Indonesia to Timor-Leste, But Cannot Forget Cases of Crimes Against Humanity (January 25)


Filep Karma Freed! (November 19)

Condemn Recent Censorship of Discussions of 1965 (
October 25)

ETAN Urges Obama to Raise West Papua Rights with Indonesia President
(October 24)

1965: Evidence from Canadian Documents (October 27)

ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 50th Anniversary of 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia (October 1)

Watching The Look of Silence in Dili (August)

Groups Urge Free and Open Access to Papua (April 29)

Protest Highlights Restrictions on Access to Papua (April 29)

Journalist Allan Nairn on justice, Indonesia, Guatemala, Timor, West PapuaStopping the Killers From Killing: An Interview With Allan Nairn on Justice, Indonesia, West Papua, Timor-Leste, and Guatemala (January 8)


ETAN statement on Rule of Law in Timor-Leste/ETAN nia Afirmasaun kona-ba Estadu Direitu iha Timor-Leste (December 15)

ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia (December 11)

ETAN Opposes Appointment of Retired General Ryamizard Ryacudu as Defense Minister (October 26)

ETAN Backgrounder Breaking the Silence: The U.S. and Indonesia's Mass Violence (September)

ANTI: Welcome to Timor-Leste SBY! “Don’t wash your hands of the Crimes Against Humanity that occurred between 1975-1999 in Timor-Leste” (August 24)

Human Rights Abuses in Papua and West Papua (July 16)

ETAN Statement on 2014 Indonesian Election (July 10)

Groups Urge Any New Government of Indonesia to Pursue Justice and Respect Rights; Rilis Media: Kelompok-kelompok yang Mendesak Pemerintah Baru Indonesia untuk Mengejar Keadilan dan Menghormati Hak Asasi. (June 30)
Statement to the next government of Indonesia on human rights (June 30)

Prabowo, Part 3: The NSA, Militia Terror, Aceh, Servants, and "Slaves" (July 7)

Prabowo, Part 2: "I was the Americans' fair-haired boy." The Nationalist General and the United States by Allan NairnPrabowo, Bagian 2: “Saya anak kesayangan Amerika.” Sang Jenderal Nasionalis dan Amerika Serikat. (July 1)

Prabowo: You don't massacre civilians in front of the world press.Allan Nairn: "Do I have the guts," Prabowo asked, "am I ready to be called a fascist dictator?" (June 22)

ANTI: 34th Commemoration of the Marabia Incident (10 June 1980) and International Widows (June 23)

LH, et al: Timor-Leste President TMR Urged to Veto Media Law (May 30)

Tapol, ETAN et al: Two Papuan students arrested and tortured for calling for the release of political prisoners (April 17)

ANTI's Observations of the 2014 Commemoration of the Liquisa Massacre; Judging the victims who are searching for truth and justice (April 7)

ANTI: Liquica Massacre April 1999 - “Families of the Victim continue to live with uncertainty” (April 4)

ELECTION BACKGROUNDER Indonesia’s Militarized Democracy: Candidates bring proven records of violating human rights (March 26)


Indonesia keeps violating war and international humanitarian law regarding forced disappearances (November 28)

From ETAN's Blog: ETAN on anniversary of Santa Cruz massacre (November 11)

ANTI: Truth and Justice are the foundations for developing democracy in Timor-Leste - Joint Declaration Commemoration of the Santa Cruz Massacre (November 12)

ETAN Urges President Obama to Put Human Rights at Center of U.S.-Indonesia Relations During Upcoming Visit to Indonesia (October 3)

ANTI: Commemoration of International Day of Enforced Disappearances:"Bring them home" (September 3)

Minta Maaf, Say Sorry for 65

Join the Campaign

In 1965-1966, up to a million Indonesians were massacred. Hundreds of thousands more were injured, disappeared, raped and imprisoned without trial. The United States and the United Kingdom secretly welcomed and supported the killings.

MUBELFOI: International Court for perpetrators who engaged in forcibly disappearing combatants (August 20)

Guatemalan path for Indonesian justice (August 13)

Say Sorry for 65 background and more (July-August)

ETAN/WPAT Urge Justice on 15th Anniversary of Biak (West Papua) Massacre (July 4)

ANTI: We are very sad because you are starting to forget and ignore the history of suffering and the past that is still painful! (June 20)

Pacific teach-in sends message of support to West Papuan political prisoners (June 5)

TAPOL/ETAN/WPAT et al: Urgent Appeal: freedom of expression in Papua (May 22)

Comments on the U.S. Department of State's Annual Country Report on Human Rights for 2012 Concerning Indonesia/West Papua (May 15)

ETAN/WPAT: Groups Call on U.S. to Condemn Indonesian Attacks on Peaceful Demonstrations in West Papua (May 3)
also ABC Radio Australia: Interview with WPAT's Ed McWilliams (May 7)

ANTI: Joint Statement on International Day for the Right to the Truth and Justice for Victims: ANTI demands for the State of Timor-Leste to not ignore the rights of victims (March 22)

ETAN/West Papua Advocacy Team: Nine Questions for Sen. John Kerry, nominee for Secretary of State, on Indonesia, Timor-Leste and West Papua (January 22)


UN Meets on Anniversary of Massacre: ETAN Urges UN and U.S. to Act for Justice for Timor-Leste (November 12)

ANTI/Amnesty International: Tackling Impunity in Timor-Leste and Indonesia: Justice Is the Only Way (November 12)

La'o Hamutuk: Ultimate letter to the UN Security Council about justice, sustainable development and not forgetting Timor-Leste (November 4)

What it means to celebrate the 30 August: Joint Statement from ANTI Members Regarding Forced Disappearances (August 29)

subscribe today to the east-timor listserv

ANTI: Letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on UN responsibility for justice (August 14)

ANTI: Timor-Leste demands justice - “Because we love peace, and we want the truth to strengthen reconciliation” (May 18)

10 Years After Timor's Independence, Where Is the Justice? (May16)

ETAN writes on health care for Papuan political prisoner Filep Karma (April 22)

Timorese General's Election Threats Undermine Democracy, Rule of Law; Jenerál Timor nia Ameasa kona-ba Eleisaun bele Estraga Estadu de Direitu Demokrátiku (April 12)


On 20th Anniversary of Timor Massacre, Rights Network Urges Justice, ETAN Says U.S. and UN Must Act, (November 12)

ETAN's Charles Scheiner reflects on Santa Cruz massacre and solidarity (November 12)

ANTI: Resolving Past Crimes Against Humanity is Key to Opening the Door to Truth and Justice now and in the future… (August 30)

Global support for human rights and human rights defenders in West Papua (July 14)

Timorese call on the UN Security Council to ensure accountability for crimes against humanity  (February 9)

Light Sentences for Rights Violators Spark Calls for Suspension of Aid to Abusive and Unaccountable Indonesian Military (January 25)


Indonesia Respect Rights of Papuan Prisoners Filep Karma and Buchtar Tabuni (December 9)

Statement of East Timor and Indonesia Action Network on President Obama's Visit to Indonesia (November 5)

WPAT: Torture video reveals "Indonesia's Abu Ghraib" on eve of Obama visit (October 19)

ETAN/WPAT: Suspend Training and Funding of Indonesian Police Unit Detachment 88 (September 29)

ETAN Condemns U.S. Plan to Get Back in Bed with Indonesia's Kopassus Killers (July 22)
New Kopassus Number 2 Organized Militia in 1998-1999 (June 18)

ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the U.S. Department of State Country reports on Human Rights Practices for 2009 (April 12)

ETAN: Letter to Timor-Leste President José Ramos-Horta on Justice and Accountability, Tetum translation (March 23)

ETAN: Open Letter to President Barack Obama on His 2010 Visit to Indonesia (March 18)

Imparsial: Statement towards the visit of The United States of America's President Barack Obama (March 11)

TL Groups write UN Security Council on Justice with international support (February 2)

WPAT/ETAN: Naming of Senior Kopassus Officer as Indonesia Military Commander Undermines West Papua (January 23)

Indonesian General Sjafrie Sjamsuddin Not Fit for Civilian Defense Post (January 9)


T-L National Parliament resolution on CAVR/CTF (December 11)

Federation against disappearances meets President Ramos-Horta, urges treaty ratification (November 25)

Brad Simpson: Denying the ‘First Right’: The United States, Indonesia, and the Ranking of Human Rights by the Carter Administration, 1976-1980 (PDF)

Joint Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability for Serious Crimes Committed in Timor-Leste (October 21)
La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council on justice and other issues (October 2009)

ETAN/WPAT: Letter to Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (October 13)

Joint Statement between ETAN and Indonesian Human Rights Groups on Martenus Bere and Justice for Timor-Leste (September 12)

Solidarity Statement on the Arrest of Young Timorese Students (September 1)

Klibur Solidaridade Timor-Leste / Timor-Leste Solidarity Group: Conference Declaration / Deklarasaun husi Konferensia (August 29)

Lao Hamutuk: Justice for Timor-Leste Remains an Unfulfilled International Obligation (August) (PDF)

Amnesty International: No justice in Timor-Leste ten years after independence vote (report in english, bahasa indonesia) (August 26)

WPAT: Impunity at the Freeport Gold & Copper Mine: Will Indonesian Security Forces Get Away with It Again? (July 23)

House of Representatives Signals Ongoing Concern About Human Rights in Indonesia and E Timor (July 10)

ETAN/Kontras: Joint Statement on Accountability in the Run-up to the Indonesian Presidential Elections; Pernyataan bersama tentang akuntabilitas dalam pemilihan presiden Indonesia (July 2)

HAK Association - Human Rights Situation 2008: “Out of Civil Disorder Towards the Challenges of Well-being” (May)

Groups Urge U.S. Action on West Papua Rights as Security Situation Deteriorates (April 9)

East Timorese Deserve Justice! Statement by ETAN on the Anniversary of the Liquiça Massacre (April 4)

Liquica survivors still seeking justice, human rights and truth (April 4)

Comments on the U.S. Department of State Country reports on Human Rights Practices for 2008 (March 23)

NGO Letter to UN Security Council on Justice and Accountability (also Tetum) (February 18)

Groups Write Secretary of State Clinton on Eve of Her Visit to Indonesia (also Bahasa Indonesia) (February 17)

HAK Association: Court Decision in Defamation Case of Mr. Longuinhos Monteiro SH (February 10)

ETAN urges dropping of defamation charges against Timorese editor (January 26)

ETAN response to Admiral Dennis Blair's Statements to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (January 28)

Adm. Blair Poor Choice as Director of National Intelligence, Says Rights Group; Blair’s History with Indonesia and East Timor Raises Questions about Likely Nominee (January 7)

A Letter from Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky

Join others in supporting ETAN's expanded activities and advocacy.

Support ETAN's Grassroots Advocacy

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As it should be, custody of our democracy, our national conscience, is by no means the property of our legislature; it is shared with a better informed and more watchful community, alerted by the invaluable services of organizations like ETAN.  
 -- James Dunn, author with four decades of experience as an Australian foreign affairs official and with UN agencies. 

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Joint Letter on Recent Papua Human Rights Cases - Buktar Tabuni (arrested) and Mr. Yosias Syet (murdered) (December 15)

ETAN Urges President-elect Obama Not to Appoint Adm. Blair Director of National Intelligence (December 5)

Standing Up for Human Rights by Restricting Military Assistance to Indonesia - ETAN Response to the Wall Street Journal editorial, "Obama's Indonesia Test" (Nov. 25)

ANTI: Chega Debate Points to the Cemetery Where the Santa Cruz Massacre Occurred (Nov.12)

Joint statement of Amnesty International USA, ETAN, and West Papua Advocacy Team Concerning Congressional Letter to President Yudhoyono (August 18)

Congress Demands Action on West Papua Political Prisoners as Human Rights Violations Persist, also in Bahasa Indonesia (August 7)

ETAN Urges New Rights Commissioner to Advocate for Justice for East Timorese Victims (July 24)

Timor-Leste Alliance for an International Tribunal: An Open letter in response to the CTF report, also in Tetum (July 15)
ETAN on the Report of Joint Commission on Truth and Friendship, Calls for Meaningful Justice for Victims of Indonesian  Occupation (July 14)
Joint NGO Statement on the Handover of the Report of the Commission of Truth and Friendship (July 15)

ETAN Urges Respect for Right to Protest in Timor-Leste (July 10)

Invitation to All Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) on Clemencies; 11 Timorese File Lawsuit Requesting Court to Rule Presidential Decree on Clemencies Unconstitutional (June 30)

Congressmembers Urge Greater U.S. Commitment to Promote Justice for Timorese Call for U.S. Response to CAVR Report (April 25)

United States Should Support Justice, not Endorse Impunity, says ETAN; Administration Should Respond to CAVR Report, Not Endorse CTF (April 4)

ETAN/WPAT: Comments on the on the U.S. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007 (March 30)

Joint T-L Civil Society Petition: Dissolve the CTF, Try the Perpetrators of Crimes and Provide Reparations to the Victims! (March 18)

LH: UN sets justice bar low, then declines to jump, UNMIT fails to carry out its mandate to investigate 1999 crimes; also La'o Hamutuk letter to UN Security Council and TAPOL/Progressio letter to Foreign Office (February)

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Shadow Report on Torture in Aceh and West Papua to the Committee Against Torture with an annex on the situation of human rights in Timor Leste; submitted by Office for Justice and Peace of Jayapura; Imparsial-Jakarta; Progressio Timor Leste; The Synod of the Christian Evangelical Church in Papua; and Franciscans International (November)

As Security Council Readies Visit to Timor-Leste, Rights Groups Call For Justice and Accountability (November 26)

Australian Inquest into Balibo Journalists Killings in East Timor Shows Ongoing Need to Pursue Justice and Accountability (November 16); Text of NSW Coroner's Report on the Inquest into the Death of Brian Raymond Peters (PDF) (go here for additional Balibo verdict coverage and commentary)

Post-CAVR: Misrepresentation of East Timor truth commission report (November 12)

ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste (Feb.2007, revised November 2007)

Letter to UN from Alternative Hearing against CTF Hearing (Oct 8)

IFET: Statement to the Alternative Public Hearing against the Indonesia-Timor-Leste Truth and Friendship Commission  Text: English, Tetum (September 29)

  Masters of Terror  

Masters of Terror:
Indonesia's Military and Violence in East Timor Order from ETAN


ET NGOs: Alternative Hearing against CTF Hearing; Terms of Reference (September 25)

ET NGOs: Discriminating Between Those Responsible For Crimes And The Victims (September 24)

Letter to U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia on the Joint Indonesia-Timor "Truth and Friendship" Commission (September 6)

The UN Right Not to Cooperate with Joint Indonesia-Timor "Truth" Commission Farce (July 28)

Joint NGO Letter - Indonesia: Remove Timor-indicted colonel from West Papua; Crimes against humanity suspect a threat to Papuans (June 28)

Statement by Shirley Shackleton (June 1)
Coverage and analysis of Coroner's Inquest on the death of Brian Peters (Balibo) (May-June)

Rights Groups Call For End To Farcical Joint Timor-Indonesia Commission; Write Presidents of Indonesia and Timor-Leste (May 24)

LH Briefing on justice for the Inter-Parliamentary Union (April 27)

ETAN: Indicted Indonesian General Leads Joint Military Exercise with U.S. (April 26)

National Alliance for an International Tribunal: Statement Truth and Friendship Commission Investigation must be for Justice, Not Amnesty (March 28)

KontraS, Elsam-Solidamor-HRWG-PBHI-Imparsial-PEC-ICTJ Indonesia-YLBHI-FORUM ASIA: Commission of Truth and Friendship - A Stage Play for Human Rights Abusers (March 23)

TL National Alliance Continues to Struggle for Justice (March 22)

ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste (Feb.2007)

Estafeta: Justice Remains Distant for East Timorese (Feb. 2007)
Estafeta: Crimes Against Humanity From Ford to Saddam (Feb. 2007)

HRWG, KontraS, ELSAM, PBHI, IMPARSIAL, Yayasan HAK and FORUM-ASIA: CTF Tarnishing the Spirit of “Friendship” of Both Nations (Feb. 23)

ETAN: Joint Commission Unlikely to Further Truth or Friendship Between Timor and Indonesia (February 22)

Coroner's Inquest on Balibo Killings - news and analysis (February)


ACTJET: Justice and Reconciliation in East Timor: Australia and the CAVR, web version (December)

ETAN: On 15th Anniversary of Timor Massacre Rights Network Calls for Justice; ETAN Urges Administration, New Congress to Support International Tribunal (November 12); Fifteen Years Later East Timor Massacre Victims Still Waiting for Justice Op-ed

Congressional Letter to President Yudhoyono calling for action on the Munir case (November 3)

Democracy Now!: 15 Years After East Timor Massacre, Calls for Accountability Continue (November 13th, 2006) Audio and video (Also Amy Goodman Recounts the East Timor Massacre 15 Years Later excerpts from radio documentary)

TAPOL, ETAN Call UN Proposals on Justice for Timor-Leste “Inadequate” (August 7)

Joint Letter to UN Secretary-General on Justice (July 21)
'Practical Justice in Doe v. Lumintang: The Successful Use of Civil Remedies Against "an Enemy of All Mankind"', in Masters of Terror:

Indonesia's Military and Violence in East Timor in 1999 [second edition]
Rights Groups Write UN Secretary-General on Justice for East Timor (March 24)
Solidarity message on KONTRAS 8th anniversary

As Secretary of State Visits Jakarta, Rights Group Urges U.S. Policy on Indonesia Promoting Justice and Rights, Not Military Might (March 13)

Indonesia Must Confront Its Past, Accept Responsibility and Deliver Justice for Timor Atrocities; ETAN Posts Entire Timor Truth Commission (CAVR) Report on Website; Executive Summary now available (February 16)
ETAN Urges Veto of Timor- Leste Defamation Law (February 2)
The CAVR Timor Report: A Challenge to the International Conscience by James Dunn (February)

ETAN Calls for Broad International Discussion of Timor Truth Commission Report (January 20)
Timor-Leste National Alliance for an International Tribunal Letter to UN Secretary-General (January 19)
ETAN Urges Secretary of State to Promote Justice and Rights, Not Military Might, During Upcoming Trip to Indonesia  [Please note Secretary Rice has postponed her trip.] (January 6)


On 30th Anniversary of Indonesian Invasion of East Timor, ETAN Calls for Justice, Understanding of U.S. Role (December 7)

East Timor Bishop Ricardo to UN Secretary-General on Justice (December 5)
ETAN Calls for Release of East Timor Truth Commission Report Urges Full Discussion of Its Findings and Recommendations (December 1)

Graffiti says "Wiranto is a killer."  
A man walks past graffiti saying "Wiranto is a killer" in Jakarta. AFP.

NSA: Declassified U.S. documents reveal support for Indonesian invasion and occupation of East Timor from 1975 until U.N. sponsored vote in 1999 Also British documents (November 28)
Xanana speech on receiving CAVR reportCAVR Chair Aniceto Guterres speech at presentation of report (October 31)
Commission of Reception of Truth, Reconciliation (CAVR) to Handover Final Report (October 29)

La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: Victims' Families Visit Indonesia; "Practically Feasible" Justice for Timor-Leste (November)

Finding Justice in East Timor MP3 audio
Six years ago, in an atmosphere of escalating violence, the people of the Southeast Asian island nation of East Timor voted for independence. Following the vote, thousands of Timorese were killed and hundreds of thousands were forcibly displaced, as most of the country's infrastructure was destroyed. Now, the survivors say the lack of justice threatens both East Timor and Indonesia. Diane Farsetta reports.

U.S. Catholic Bishops on Military Aid to Indonesia (September 20)
NGOs Write Security Council and Secretary-General on Commission of Experts & Timor Justice (August 22)
La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: Commission of Experts: Lack of Political Will Blocks Justice for Timor-Leste (August)

Key Official Documents


Key Chega!’s Recommendations & the U.S. and International Community (see here for complete recommendations)

Report of the Secretary-General on justice and reconciliation for Timor-Leste (July 2007)

Final Report of the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (CAVR) in English and Bahasa Indonesia (2005)

Report to the Secretary-General of the Commission of Experts to Review the Prosecution of Serious Violations of Human Rights in Timor-Leste (then East Timor) in 1999 (May 26 2005)

East Timor 1999 Crimes against Humanity: A Report Commissioned by The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) By Geoffrey Robinson (July 2003)

U.N. report on rights violations in East Timor (January 31, 2000)
Report on the joint mission to East Timor by Special Rapporteurs (December 10, 1999)

Indonesian Commission of Investigation into Human Rights Violations in East Timor's Summary Report (January 31, 2002); Bulk of report as translated and published by the Sydney Morning Herald (April 2001)

East Timor Action Network Publishes Text of Suppressed UN Report on 1999 Destruction: Crimes Against Humanity Were a Planned Indonesian Military Operation, Dunn Report Says (April 25, 2001)

Memorandum of Understanding: Cooperation in Legal Judicial & Human Rights between Indonesia and the UN, signed April 2000

UNTAET Regulation establishing Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor (July 2001)

U.S. Congress Calls for International Commitment to Justice for East Timor; Urges Indonesia, Timor to Endorse Recommendations of UN Experts’ Commission (July 18)

Int'l NGOs write SG on Commission of Experts report (July 11)

E Timor National Alliance for an International Tribunal: Happy Independence Day to USA (July 4)

ETAN Supports UN Commission’s Call for International Involvement in Justice for East Timor (June 28); Executive Summary of COE Report

Open Letter to Indonesia President SBY from TAPOL, ETAN and others on Munir murder investigations (May 11)

IFET Letter to UN Commission of Experts (April 20)
On Anniversary of East Timor Church Massacre UN Must Take Responsibility for Justice (April 6)
Groups Urge Indonesian Cooperation with UN Commission of Experts (April 5)
La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: Panel Discussion on Truth and Friendship Commission and Justice Statement on SBY visit (April)

NGOs of Timor Leste and Indonesia: "Political deals" were made over the Establishment of the Commission of Truth and Friendship (March 18)
Truth Known, East Timorese Need Justice; Accountability for Rights Crimes Remains an International Responsibility (March 9)

Support ETAN, donate today!


Indonesian NGOs on Joint Truth Commission (Dec.27)
ET NGOs to UN: Response to the Indonesian and East Timor governments to establish a Truth and Friendship Commission (Dec. 21)
IFET Writes UN Secretary General on Justice (Dec. 21)
U.S. NGOs Write Indonesian President on Murder of Rights Activist Munir (Dec. 21)

Estafeta: Timor Still Awaits Justice (Winter)
East Timor NGOs Urge U.S. Congress to End Assistance to Indonesian Military & to Work for Justice & International Tribunal (Nov 11)

La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: October 2004: Special Panels for Serious Crimes
ETAN Urges New Indonesian President to Pursue Justice for Victims of East Timor’s Occupation (Oct. 19)
Senator Feingold on justice for East Timor (Oct. 6)

TL Nat'l Alliance for International Tribunal Letter to UN Secretary General (Sept.)
JSMP: Conference calls for Establishment of International  Tribunal (Sept. 27)
“Military Has Already Won” Indonesian Election, Says ETAN, Neither Candidate Likely to Limit Military (Sept. 18)

ETAN Statement on Fifth Anniversary of East Timor’s Independence Vote (August 30)
UN and U.S. Must Commit to Justice for Timor after Indonesian Court Acquits Officer
(August 6)

JSMP: East Timorese civil society demand the creation of a Commission of Experts by UN (July 19)
Congress Urges UN to Actively Pursue Justice for East Timor; 78 Representatives Write UN Secretary-General (July 6)
Rights Groups Urge Secretary-General Kofi Annan to Appoint Commission on Justice for East Timor (June 24)

ETAN Calls on East Timor Leadership to Respect Judicial Independence; Demands UN and U.S. Create International Tribunal to Try Wiranto and Others (May 28)
ETAN Urges International Support for Justice and Control of Resources on Newest Nation’s Birthday (May 20)
UN Must Not Shortchange Justice for East Timor (May 14)

Rights Group Says Wiranto Must Stand Trial, Not Stand for Office (April 21)

Serious Crimes Unit: Wiranto Brief (March 19)
Memo to U.S. Delegation to UN Commission on Human Rights, 60th Session (March 03)

East Timor National Alliance for an International Tribunal: East Timorese Political Leaders Must Not Interfere with Justice (Feb 15)

ETAN Praises Placement of Indonesian War Criminals on State Department Watch List, Calls for Additional Steps to Achieve Justice (Jan. 20)
E Timor Alliance for International Tribunal:
Statement to the Technical Assessment Mission from UN Headquarters, New York (January 15)


Where Is the Justice? UN, U.S. Must Break the Silence on Crimes in East Timor Since Invasion; Impunity Encourages Violations in Indonesia, Uncertainty in East Timor (December 7)
East Timor Alliance for International Tribunal recalls Invasion Day (December 7)

Justice for East Timor victims? Not in Indonesia (September 2)

Fight Against Terror Must Include Justice for East Timor (August 15)
ETAN: Indonesian Court's Final East Timor Sentence "A Joke" (August 5)

U.S. Congress Demonstrates Strong Support for Justice for East Timor (June 27)

People of Faith Call for International Tribunal for East Timor, Regardless of Indonesian Court Verdicts (May 26)
IFET: Urges UN Security Council to Create International Tribunal for East Timor (May 20)
ETAN Urges Gifts of Justice and Fairness on Country’s First Birthday (May 18)

Estafeta: (In)Justice and the Struggle for Accountability

ETAN: UN Human Rights Commission Abandons Justice for East Timor; Pretends Sham Indonesian Trials Are Redeemable (April 25)
House Members Write to Sec. Powell re: justice for Timor (April 10)
ETAN Praises New Indictment of Indonesian Officials for Crimes in E Timor (April 9)
IFET Urges President Xanana Gusmao to Fully Support Accountability for Past Abuses (April 1)

ET NGOs: Building Peace, Justice & Reconciliation
Nat'l Alliance for International Tribunal Letter UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (March 13)
ETAN: Recommendations for U.S. Delegation to UN Commission on Human Rights, 59th Session (March 12)
ETAN: UN Must Back Prosecution of Indonesian Officers; International Action Needed After Indonesia Snubs Extradition of Suspects to East Timor (March 4)
Estafeta: Indonesian Verdicts Strengthen Calls for International Tribunal (Winter 2002-2003)

JSMP/Asia Pacific Centre for Military Law: Symposium On Justice For International Crimes Committed in The Territory of East Timor (English --Portuguese)*

SCU Indicts Top Indonesian Commanders
SCU: New Indictment Charges 5 TNI Soldiers with Rape (April 10)
U.S. praises Timor rights unit
Timor prosecutors indict Indonesian officers for 1999 atrocities
SCU: 2nd Covalima Indictment Charges 8 Indonesian Military Commanders & Officers (April 9)
SCU: Lolotoe Militia Commander Sentenced To 12 Yrs (April 7)
SCU: 3 Major New indictments filed at Dili Court (Feb. 28)
SCU: Info Release on Crimes Against Humanity Charges (Feb. 25)
Serious Crimes Unit Update 21 February 2003


ETAN: Timor Commemorates Invasion Anniversary as Indonesian Court Acquits Officials (December 7)
ET NGOs: Nov 12 call for an international tribunal, from East Timor (November 12)
APCET: Justice for Timor Includes Trials for The Masterminds (November 12)
East Timor Puts U.S. Soldiers Above the Law (November)
Indonesian Rights Activists Urge U.S. Congress To Block Military Training (October 7)

Will Bush Do the Right Thing in East Timor? by Aderito de Jesus Soares (August 29)
Bishop Belo: International Tribunal for Dignity of Humanity (August 27)
ETAN “Deeply Disturbed” by East Timor’s Grant of Immunity to U.S. Troops
; U.S. Activists Say Agreement Undermines International Criminal Court & Universal Justice (August 27) (More on ICC & ET)
East Timor Women's Network Demands Justice
(August 25)
Letter to U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues Concerning Justice for East Timor
(August 23)
Letter to U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Concerning Justice for East Timor (August 23)
ETAN: Indonesian Verdicts Cannot Deliver Justice for East Timor; additional responses to first verdicts of Indonesian ad hoc tribunal (August)

One less place to hide: US courts bring down judgments against two Indonesian generals (July-Sept)
SBS: East Timor - Justice Denied? new documentary by Max Stahl (July7)
Yayasan Hak: Independence Day: Cause for Celebration or Damnation of 24 years of International Complicity in the Illegal Occupation of East Timor (May 20)
Dramatic U-turn for US and Australia (May18)
Time for a U.S. Truth Commission on East Timor (May 17)

Indonesia's Ad-Hoc Court on East Timor

Justice System Monitoring Project: Court in Jakarata Completes Theatical Performance*
Amnesty International: Guilty Verdict Insufficient to Deliver Justice and Truth*
Human Rights Watch: Transfer Convicted General From Aceh*
CIIR: Indonesian tribunal verdict feeds impunity*
NZGOV: East Timor tribunal has not delivered justice*
Indonesia Human Rights Committee: Sentence for War Criminal a bad joke*

Report on the Mission to Indonesia 15-24 July 2002: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy, Submitted in Accordance with Commission On Human Rights Resolution 2002/43

ET National Alliance for Int'l Tribunal: Indonesian Ad Hoc Human Rights Court Proven Not Able To Fulfill International Demands (August 17)
East Timor Women's Network demands Justice
(August 25)
Widows' group demands international tribunal (August 24)

ELSAM Website on Trials* (includes transcripts Bahasa Indonesia; summary reports in English) (ongoing)
JSMP: Trials in Indonesia page (ongoing)
Berkeley War Crimes Studies Center:
Some of the indictments translated (ongoing)
International Crisis Group: The Implications of the Timor Trials
10 Reasons Why Indonesian Courts Will Not Bring Justice to E Timor (3/14)
Justice for East Timor Will Not Come from Indonesia Indictments (2/26)
Newly Appointed Indonesian Judges Will Not Provide Long-Delayed Justice for East Timor (1/15)

News Coverage and Additional Links




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ETAN: Backgrounder for East Timor's May 20 Independence Day (May 13)
Women Worldwide Call For an International Tribunal For East Timor: Officials, Scholars And Activists Say Justice For Crimes Against Timorese Women Needed (May 13)
Masters of Terror: The most complete set of profiles available so far of the key suspects in the 1999 destruction of East Timor (May 14)
UN Human Rights Commission Abandons Justice for East Timor; ETAN Calls Statement a Rotten Present for Millennium's First New Country (4/22)
Activists Welcome Ratification Of International Criminal Court, But Say East Timor Needs Own Tribunal (04/11)
ETAN helps form Kissinger Watch (ongoing from March)
ETAN's UN Press Conference with Filomena Barros dos Reis (2/26)
Attorneys and Legal Scholars Call for International Tribunal (2/02)

East Timor and International Criminal Court

East Timor becomes a State Party to International Criminal Court. September 6, 2002.
João Sreitas de Camera, Director of the Legal Treaty and Human Rights Division for the Democratic Republic of East Timor, with Palitha Kohona, Chief of the Treaty Section, as East Timor becomes a State Party. Credit: CICC

LH: East Timor Gives U.S. Soldiers Impunity, Quietly (Nov 2003)

East Timor's Statement during ICC Assembly of States Parties
ET says ICC bilateral agreement not concluded
US-ET agreement on ICC Article 98
ETAN “Deeply Disturbed” by East Timor’s Grant of Immunity to U.S. Troops

ETAN Criticizes U.S. Stance on International Criminal Court

East Timor Statement to the Tenth PrepCom for the Int'l Criminal Court
Ramos Horta critical of US peacekeeping pull out
US Yanks 3 Out of East Timor in Anti-Int'l Criminal Court Fight
Statement by ET & Asian NGOs at workshop on Int'l Criminal Court
Ramos Horta on Int'l Criminal Court

US pursues creative ways to evade the reach of the world criminal

U.S. Peacekeepers May Leave E. Timor; Immunity Sought From War Crimes Court
Activists Welcome Ratification Of International Criminal Court, But Say East Timor Needs Own Tribunal
ETAN Urges U.S. to Support Int'l Criminal Court

Congressional Letters on Santa Cruz Massacre Anniversary: House; Senate (11/29)
Tenth Anniversary of Santa Cruz Massacre Prompts Calls for Justice for East Timor (11/12)
Rights Must Be Factor In Economic Assistance to Indonesia (IHRN/ETAN) (11/06)
Justice and Accountability in East Timor: Int'l Tribunals and Other Options: Report of a one-day seminar in Dili, East Timor, (10/16)
La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: Focus on Justice (10/01)
NGOs Write UN on Int'l Tribunal: IFET, East Timorese NGOs, Internationals in East Timor; APCET, Japan Coalition (10/24-25/01)
Letter to UNTAET Deputy SRSG McNamara on justice issues (10/17)
Court Issues $66 Million Judgment Against Indonesian General Lumintang for E Timor Violence (10/04)
ETAN/IHRN Oppose Blanket Waiver for Human Rights (09/27)

Statements from September 6 Press Conference (09/06) Op-eds by ETAN members: U.S. must not forget E Timor massacres; Tragic Anniversary For East Timor; Indonesia has yet to hold anyone accountable
Grassroots & Congressional Action Mark September 6 Anniversary of East Timor Massacres (09/04)
Rights Groups Say Military Relations With Indonesia Hurt, Not Help (08/09)

Int'l NGO statement on Justice for East Timor (06/13)
NGOs Write Powell for an International Tribunal (June 6, 2001)

EXCLUSIVE: ETAN Publishes Text of Suppressed UN Report on 1999 Destruction (April 26, 2001)
East Timor NGO Forum on Xanana’s Statement Regarding an International Tribunal (April 23, 2001)
Rising from the Ashes: The Creation of a Viable Criminal Justice System in East Timor, Suzannah Linton (Melbourne University Law Review [Vol 25, April 2001] HTML; PDF versions
March 27-29, 2001 Hearing  in Lumintang Case
ETAN's Memo to UN Commission on Human Rights (March 10, 2001)
Open Letter from Shirley Shackleton to UN Prosecutor-General on the 1975 murder of Balibo journalists in 1975. More info on UN investigation and see links
East Timor Still Awaits Justice One Year After UN Inquiry Called for International Tribunal (January 31, 2001) See also: TAPOL demands international tribunal for East Timor on anniversary of UN report.
International Crisis Group: Indonesia: Impunity Versus Accountability For Gross Human Rights Violations (February 2, 2001)

Signed by General Johny Lumintang, a telegram ordering Indonesian commanders to plan a crackdown on East Timorese was entered into evidence in the U.S. lawsuit.

ETAN Urges U.S. to Support Int'l Criminal Court (Dec. 19)
Without Reform, Jakarta's Frail Empire Will Fall by Jose Ramos-Horta (September 17); see also: CNRT on Recent Events in West Timor; Calls for International Tribunal, Postponement of CGI Meeting (September 13); CNRT Leaders on West Timor Deaths (September 8)
ETAN Calls Indonesian Suspect List "Inadequate and a Capitulation"
; Calls International Tribunal Only Option (September 1). More on named suspects and reactions.The International Federation for East Timor writes U.N. Secretary-General  Kofi Annan on international tribunal (August 30)
UNTAET Report - Human Rights and the Future of East Timor (August 2000)
Human rights and the duties of citizens - Speech to CNRT National Congress, Dili 21-29 August 2000
Statement on the International Day for the Disappeared by East Timorese Human Rights Groups (August 30)

A Year Later, East Timor's People Are Still Waiting for Justice by Aderito de Jesus Soares, East Timor National Jurists Association (IHT Op-Ed, August 30)
Open Letter to CNRT on Justice Issues by international observers to the CNRT Congress (August 28)
Indonesian Military Wins Impunity, statement by TAPOL see additional coverage and statements. (August 2000)
The International Federation for East Timor and others call for international tribunal (July 5)
ETAN, Others Urge Strongest Resolution on Timor at Human Rights Commission (March 23)
Christian Science Monitor: The Brutal Exit of Battalion 745

Is there Justification for an International Criminal Tribunal for East Timor? (Sept 2000) by John Magro

Documentary details Indonesian funding of the militia (February 16)
U.S. and U.N. Must Support an International Tribunal on East Timor Violence  A Statement by the East Timor Action Network/U.S. (February 2)
Indonesia's Generals on Trial in U.S. Courts - Special section on the legal woes of General Johny Lumintang and Major-General Sintong Panjaitan. (ongoing)

Before 2000

Human Rights in Indonesia: Hearing conducted by the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights,
Committee on International Relations, United States House of Representatives with Pius Lustrilanang, disappeared Indonesian activist; Aryati, Indonesian researcher; Constâncio Pinto, East Timorese torture survivor; Jafar Siddiq Hamzah, Acehnese lawyer; and Allan Nairn, on U.S. military (prepared remarks PDF) (5/07/1998)  Full hearing report (PDF May 7, 1998)

Key Links

see also news items in Timor Postings section
see also Women and East Timor
additional material in Back Door web on War Crimes & Crimes Against Humanity; Calls for International Tribunal

Human Rights Alerts June- December 1998
Human Rights Alerts 1999

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