Appointment of General Wiranto as Minister confirms the deep-rooted impunity in Indonesia
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Graphic from LBH Jakarta Tell Joko Widodo: Fire Wiranto. He is not fit to be Indonesia coordinating minister. Sign ETAN's petition here.

Timorese Civil Society Question Appointment of Wiranto as New Indonesian Minister

see also ANTI: We Stand Against Impunity, Deny Formerly Accused General Wiranto From Holding a Position of Power!

Timorese Civil Society Question Appointment of New Indonesian Minister Wiranto

see also

Human Rights & Justice

Wiranto and the Biak Massacre

ETAN, Tapol, Watch Indonesia!: Appointment of General  Wiranto as Minister confirms the deep-rooted impunity in Indonesia/Pengangkatan Jenderal (Purn) Wiranto sebagai Menteri  mengukuhkan adanya impunitas berurat-akar di Indonesia

LBH Jakarta: Pers Rilis: 1454/SK-Rilis-MKR/2016 -5 Alasan Menolak Wiranto menjadi Menko Polhukam (
July 27, 2016

A Timorese View: Time to End Impunity for Suharto's Crimes in Indonesia and Timor-Leste (June 2016)
Tetum: Agora mak tempu atu hapara impunidade ba krime sira Suharto nian iha Indonesia no Timor-Leste
Indonesian: Sekarang Saatnya Memutus Impunitas untuk Kejahatan Soeharto di Indonesia dan Timor-Leste

ETAN: ELECTION BACKGROUNDER - Indonesia’s Militarized Democracy: Candidates bring proven records of violating human rights (March 2014)

ETAN: Rights Group Says Wiranto Must Stand Trial, Not Stand for Office (April 21, 2004)

ETAN: UN Must Back Prosecution of Indonesian Officers; International Action Needed After Indonesia Snubs Extradition of Suspects to East Timor (March 4, 2003)

SCU: Info Release on Crimes Against Humanity Charges (February 25, 2003)

Masters of Terror: Wiranto

Serious Crimes Unit: “Brief in Support of Application for the Issuance of an Arrest Warrant for Wiranto

Tapol: The Rise and Fall of Military Candidates in the Indonesian Elections (Sept. 2008)


ETAN is "A voice of reason, criticizing the administration's reluctance to address ongoing human rights violations and escalating oppression in West Papua and against religious minorities throughout Indonesia."

Noam Chomsky

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