Congressional Letter to Albright on East Timor Massacre
April 12, 1999 The Honorable Madeleine Albright
Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Secretary Albright:
Events have once again forced us to share with you our grave concerns over the fate of
the people of East Timor. Within the last few days ongoing paramilitary violence has
escalated to crisis levels. In one town alone, Mauboke, west of the capital of Dili, a
number of civilians have been reported killed by paramilitary mercenaries backed up by the
Indonesian military (ABRI). Bishop Belo reported on Wednesday morning that some 25
civilians have been killed in a church in Liquica.
It is both tragic and unnecessary that the situation has reached such crisis
proportions that East Timorese leader Xanana Gusmao felt compelled to announce an end to
the months-old unilateral cease fire by Falintil (the East Timorese resistance army) to
allow his people to defend themselves against attacks. The U.S. can and must use its
influence to help bring about an end to this horrible and escalating violence, by
insisting that the Indonesian government shut down the paramilitaries and end their
actions immediately.
Madame Secretary, as you know, the state of the U.N.-sponsored talks between Indonesia
and Portugal have yielded tremendous progress since last summer, when President Habibie
first announced a proposed autonomy plan for East Timor. On January 27 of this year, he
further surprised the international community when he acknowledged demands for
self-determination by offering a "second option," that will allow the people of
East Timor their independence if the majority reject the autonomy plan. It is widely
believed that after 23 years of brutal military occupation, the East Timorese people, if
allowed a free and fair vote, would do just that. In March, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi
Annan, Portugal and Indonesia agreed that there would not be a true referendum, but a
U.N.-organized ballot to determine rejection or acceptance of the autonomy plan.
We believe this progress is now in jeopardy due in large part to hesitation in the
international community to effectively pressure the Indonesian government to take the
simple but necessary steps needed to end the violence in East Timor.
You laid out these steps after your recent meetings in Jakarta, where you spoke with
both government officials and Xanana Gusmao. At that time you called on the Indonesian
government to halt ABRI's distribution of weapons to the militias, and to take back those
weapons already distributed. You also expressed support for an international presence in
East Timor, in advance of a negotiated agreement, to reduce violence. We applaud these
sound recommendations, but they need to be implemented.
Within the last week, Indonesian Foreign Minister Ali Alatas reiterated the Indonesian
government's refusal to allow U.N. or other permanent international monitors access to
East Timor, claiming that they would "cause" unrest. Late last week,
Major-General Adam Damiri stated that ABRI is still capable of maintaining security in the
territory, despite evidence to the contrary. While the Gadapaksi, Halilintar, Mahidi, Besi
Merah Putih, and other paramilitary groups continue to terrorize civilians, unconstrained,
Xanana Gusmao and Bishops Belo and Nascimento continue to struggle for reconciliation with
the paramilitary leaders. These units are not only reportedly supported by the Indonesian
military, it appears they will be threatened by it if they cease to perform their horrific
duties. Recently appointed Portuguese envoy to Indonesia Ana Gomes reports that "the
situation is extremely serious. [The ballot] will be impossible because at this moment
people will not feel free to vote." And UN official Francesc Vendrell has noted that
"a UN electoral or political presence will be required in East Timor very soon."
In addition, Xanana Gusmao has stated that if the UN goes into East Timor, he would resume
a cease fire.
Since late November of last year when many civilians were killed in Alas and thousands
fled to more populated areas from along the West Timor border, human rights conditions in
East Timor have severely deteriorated. Civilians are killed, beaten and tortured every
day, and over 10,000 internal refugees seek sanctuary in private homes, churches and
schools in Dili, Suai and other areas, aggravating a shortage of food, medicine and
medical personnel. Until now, neither the civilian population nor Falintil have
retaliated. There is a window of opportunity to stem off further violence, but it may
close soon. There is still time for the international community, particularly the United
States, to help to stop the violence.
In light of Assistant Secretary Stanley Roth's trip to the region this week, we urge
the administration to insist that the Indonesian government take the following steps:
* Disarm and disband the paramilitaries
* Allow International monitors, whose presence will help alleviate tensions, into East
Your speedy action on this critical matter is urgently needed and will be much
Senator Russ Feingold
Senator Tom Harkin
Senator Jack Reed
Senator Robert G. Torricelli
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Congressman Tony P. Hall
Congressman John W. Olver
Congressman Bobby L. Rush
Congressman Jose E. Serrano
Congressman John E. Porter
Congressman Barney Frank
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky
Congressman Rod R. Blagojevich
Senator Dianne Feinstein |
Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy
Senator Herb Kohl
Senator Paul D. Wellstone
Senator Patrick Leahy
Congressman Danny K. Davis
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez
Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Congressman Lane Evans
Congressman Tom Lantos
Congressman Sam Farr
Congressman James McGovern
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Richard Durbin |