Say Sorry for 65, The Act of Killing documentary
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Shatter the Silence!
Reveal the Truth, Acknowledge the Crime




Adi questions Commander Amir Siahaan, one of the death squad leaders responsible for his brother’s
death during the Indonesian genocide, in Joshua Oppenheimer’s documentary
The Look of Silence. Courtesy of Drafthouse Films and Participant Media

Sign ETAN's petition.

TAPOL and ETAN Letter to UK and US Ambassadors to UN on Anniversary of 30 September Movement (September 30, 2020)

National Security Archive: U.S. Embassy Tracked Indonesia Mass Murder 1965 (Oct 17, 2017)  Indonesian translation

Amnesty International, Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), East-Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN), La’o Hamutuk, TAPOL, Watch Indonesia! and Yayasan HAK: PUBLIC STATEMENT - Indonesia: Close gap between rhetoric and reality on 1965 mass human rights violations (October 1, 2016)

A Timorese View: Time to End Impunity for Suharto's Crimes in Indonesia and Timor-Leste
Tetum: Agora mak tempu atu hapara impunidade ba krime sira Suharto nian iha Indonesia no Timor-Leste
Bahasa Indonesia:
Sekarang Saatnya Memutus Impunitas untuk Kejahatan Soeharto di Indonesia dan Timor-Leste

ETAN, Amnesty International, Tapol and Watch Indonesia: Truth-Seeeking and Formal Public Apology Essential for 1965/1966 Resolution

ETAN Supports Senate Resolution on 50th Anniversary of 1965 Mass Violence in Indonesia

ETAN Backgrounder: Breaking the Silence: The U.S. Role in Indonesia's Mass Violence

ETAN Talking Points/Discussion Guide: Shatter the Silence! August 2015

“There was lots of foreign support for the genocide and that is used as an excuse not to apologise,” Joshua Oppenheimer said....

“It’s my hope that the U.S. will also take responsibility for its part so the Indonesian government can come to terms with the past and we can move on to reconciliation and healing,” he added. -- From "Act of Killing” Director Hopes U.S. Will Admit Genocide Role

Reflections on The Look of Silence
and The Act of Killing

Angling for Political Action, Joshua Oppenheimer Takes His Latest Film to Washington, February 16, 2016

'The Look of Silence' breaks censorship with free download Jakarta Post, December 11, 2015

ETAN and others, Condemn Recent Censorship of 1965 Massacre, October 25, 2015

Watching The Look of Silence in Dili, September 2015

Democracy Now! "The Look of Silence": Will New Film Force U.S. to Acknowledge Role in 1965 Indonesian Genocide?, August 3, 2015

Desmond Tutu, The Look of Silence: Finding our Humanity in the Face of Genocide. July 31, 2015

SydneysBuzz: 12 Things Joshua Oppenheimer Wants You to Know About 'The Look of Silence', July 29, 2015

New York Times: Joshua Oppenheimer Won’t Go Back
to Indonesia
, Interview by Adam Shatz, July 9, 2015

The L Magazine: The Shock of the Familiar: Talking to The Look of Silence Director Joshua Oppenheimer July 15, 2015

Japan Times: Exhuming Indonesia’s horror in search for justice, by Jeff Kingson, July 4, 2015

Act of Killing” Director Hopes U.S. Will Admit Genocide Role, by Jasmin Ramsey, March 1, 2014

The Nation: It’s Our Act of Killing, Too, by Brad Simpson, February 28, 2014

NY Times: Indonesia and the Act of Forgetting, by Andreas Harsono, February 28, 2014

Jakarta Globe: ‘Act of Killing’ Co-Director Says Film Not A Foreign Plot, February 3, 2014

Indonesia and the 1965 massacres: Where's the justice? by Carmel Budiardjo, Tapol

Indie Wire: Act of Killing Director Joshua Oppenheimer on How The Oscars Gave The Film 'A Second Life'

'The Act of Killing' and the consequences of forgetting Al-Jazeera, by Joe Nevins, October 11, 2013

Interview with the director Joshua Oppenheimer, Filmcomment, July 2013

Ben Anderson, Impunity and Reenactment: Reflections on the 1965 Massacre in Indonesia and its Legacy
The Asia-Pacific Journal, April 2013

Larry Rohter, Indonesian Death Squads and 'The Act of Killing'. New York Times, July 14, 2013

Jess Melvin. Review: When perpetrators speak, Inside Indonesia, 112: Apr-Jun 2013

Jonah Weiner, The Weird Genius of "The Act of Killing,' New Yorker Culture Blog, July 16 2013

Read about Indonesia and the U.S. 1965-66 and beyond

Bhinneka: Special issue on the '65 Genocide in Indonesia, Half a Century Later,  October 2015 ( English)ETAN: Breaking the Silence: The U.S. Role in Indonesia's Mass Violence September 2014

ETAN Talking Points/Discussion Guide: Shatter the Silence! August 2015

Bhinneka: Special issue on the '65 Genocide in Indonesia, Half a Century Later,  October 2015 ( English)

1965: Evidence from Canadian Documents, October 2015

TAPOL: Indonesia’s Unresolved Mass Murders September 2012
This report gives an historical overview of the 1965–66 massacres, persecutions, and continuing discriminatory policies against alleged communists and their descendants in Indonesia. Failure to address the past could fuel conflict and even result in further atrocities. The briefing concludes that a truth-seeking process, official historical clarification, and a genuine reconciliation process through judicial proceedings, reparations and rehabilitation for victims, are necessary.

TAPOL: Indonesia's Human Rights Commission reveals the truth about 1965/66 Crimes Against Humanity

Factsheet: Minta Maaf! Say Sorry for 65

Statement by Komnas Ham (National Commission For Human Rights) on the Results of Its Investigations into Grave Violation of Human Rights During the Events of 1965 -1966 (Unofficial Translation by TAPOL)

International Peoples Tribunal on 1965International People's Tribunal : Indonesia's 1965 Massacre,  Unveiling the Truth, Demanding Justice November 1965

The United States and the 1965 1966 Mass Murders in Indonesia by Bradley Simpson Monthly Review, December 1965

No Reconciliation without Truth:  Interview with Tan Swie Ling on the 1965 Mass Killings in Indonesia Monthly Review, December 1965

The Indonesian Massacre: What Did the US Know? Margaret Scott, NYRB November 2, 2015

Peter Dale Scott:  Still Uninvestigated After 50 Years: Did the U.S. Help Incite the 1965 Indonesia Massacre? The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue. 31, No. 1, August 03, 2015

Commentary: No Real Reconciliation or Peace Without Truth About 1965 By Soe Tjen Marching, Jakarta Globe, June 8, 2015

NY Times: A City Turns to Face Indonesia’s Murderous Past, July 12, 2015

Tempo: Requiem for a MassacreTempo: Requiem for a Massacre October 2012 (PDF)

ETAN: Accountability for Suharto’s Crimes Must Not Die With Him, Feb. 2008

Joseph Nevins, U.S. must atone for aiding Suharto, Feb. 2012El

Jakarta Globe: Elderly Victims of 1965 Purge Seek Justice After a Lifetime of Pain,Oct 05, 2010, Jakarta Globe, October 5, 2010

Komnas HAM Report Lays Blame for 1965-6 Killings Primarily on Suharto Human rights watchdog urges RI to confront its "demons" The Jakarta Post, October 01 2012

Gerry van Klinken, Reviews: Flipping the national story of 1965, Inside Indonesia, 112: Apr-Jun 2013

Kathy Kadane, Ex-agents say CIA compiled death lists for Indonesians, States News Service, 1990

Truth Will Out: Indonesian Accounts of the 1965 Mass ViolenceNational Security Archive: Suharto: A Declassified
Documentary Obit

Andrew de Sousa: Guatemalan path for Indonesian justice

Truth Will Out: Indonesian Accounts of the 1965 Mass Violence edited by Dr. Baskara T. Wardaya SJ, translated by Jennifer Lindsay (e-book, html)


Take Action!
Shatter the Silence, Reveal the Truth,
Acknowledge the Crime

Going to  or hosting a showing of The Look of Silence?

Print out our leaflet and hand it out to the audience
PDFs: Half-page: 8.5" x 5.5" or Full page: 8.5 x 11

ETAN Discussion Guide: Shatter the Silence!

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    The Look of Silence.

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    A teacher propagates the existing rhetoric on the
    Indonesian genocide to his pupils in The Look of Silence.
    Courtesy of Drafthouse Films and Participant Media


    ETAN Issue Pages

    The Act of Killing director Joshua Oppenheimer interviewed on Democracy Now!

    Order from Amazon, Support ETAN
    The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965-66 The Indonesian Genocide of 1965: Causes, Dynamics and Legacies (Palgrave Studies in the History of Genocide)  Mechanics of Mass Murder: The Army and the Indonesian Genocide  Pretext for Mass Murder Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indonesian Relations, 1960-1968

    Indonesians being taken for execution.
    Indonesian leftists being taken to public execution. Source: Unknown/via CHART



    Thanks to Tapol



    ETAN is "A voice of reason, criticizing the administration's reluctance to address ongoing human rights violations and escalating oppression in West Papua and against religious minorities throughout Indonesia."  - Noam Chomsky

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