ISSN #1088-8136

Vol. 5, No. 1
Winter 1999

Indonesia Hints Independence

Albright on Troop Reductions

ETANers Strategize for Action

Chapters Keep Up Pressure

Relief Seeks Contributions

Weavings Available

Peace Brigades

Staffer Neededr

Tainted by Repression

New Hopes, Old Terror

New Chapters, Important New Resolution

ETAN welcomes our new Dartmouth (Massachusetts) high school and Florida chapters.

We also congratulate activists in the Dartmouth High School chapter for their work to enact a Dartmouth town resolution supporting self-determination for East Timor which urges their local representative to cosponsor the International Military Training Transparency and Accountability Act (see action alert).

The resolution required Dartmouth to send the bill to other Massachusetts towns and to urge them to pass their own resolutions. In response, the towns of Fairhaven and Fall River have already passed such resolutions.

In its explanatory letter to Dartmouth selectmen, the chapter referred to U.S. support for the Indonesian military and noted, "as United States citizens, we cannot stand for such gross and outrageous abuses of our tax-supported armed services in aiding and abetting campaigns of terror against innocent civilians."

For a copy of the Dartmouth resolution or the lobbying letter, contact ETAN.

Dartmouth ETAN
Jim Madden
363 Gulf Road
South Dartmouth, MA 02748 USA

Florida ETAN
Eric Piotrowski
4149 SW 17th Place
Gainesville, FL 32607 USA