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2007 Timor-Leste Election Resources

Timor-Leste Armed Violence Assessment: Electoral violence shadows Timorese politics: new report (17 June 2009)
Issue Brief 3: Electoral violence in Timor-Leste: mapping incidents and responses (June 2009)

Resources on Past Timor Elections

2007 Presidential and Parliamentary Elections

Election Laws and Regulations in English and the official Portuguese:

Parliamentary Election (June 30)

On June 30, voters will elect representatives to the National Parliament. They will cast their vote for a party or coalition of parties from among the 14 that are running. Each registered voter can vote for only one. The new parliament will have 65 seats, down from 88 in the current parliament. Parties which receive 3% or more of the vote will gain a seat in proportion to their national vote. Members of parliament will be seated in order from party lists submitted before the election. Each party or coalition has nominated 65 candidates and no less than 25 alternate candidates.  Each list must include at least one woman per every group of four candidates. The parliament sits for five years.

  Results by Party of Parliamentary Ballot (in the order on the ballot, with links to known party blogs and websites)
  Party Votes Percent Seats   Party Votes Percent Seats
1 UNDERTIM - Unidade Nacional Democratica da Resistencia Timorense 13.247     3,19% 2 8 PMD - Partidu Milenium Demokratiku 2.878        0,69% 0
2 CNRT - Congresso Nacional de Reconstrucao de Timor-Leste 100.175  24,10% 18 9 PST - Partido Socialista de Timor 3.982        0,96% 0
3 PR - Partidu Republikanu 4.408    1,06% 0 10 Coligacao ASDT/PSD -  Associ-acao Social Democrata Timorense/ Partido Social Democrata 65.358    15,73% 11
4 PDRT - Partido Democratika Republica de Timor 7.718    1,86% 0 11 Alianca Democratica (KOTA/PPT) 13.294         3,20% 2
5 PDC -- Partido Democrata Cristao 4.300    1,03% 0 12 FRETILIN - Frente Rcvolucionaria do Timor-Leste Independente 120.592      29,02% 21
6 UDT - Uniao Democratica Timorense 3.753   0,90% 0 13 PNT - Partido Nacionalista Timorense 10.057          2,42% 0
7 PD - Partido Democratico 46.946  11,30% 8 14 PUN -- Partido Unidade Nacional 18.896         4,55% 3

Presidential Election (April 9, May 9)

STAE: List of Presidential Polling Places

STAE: Calendar Second Round Presidential Elections

CNE: Campaign Schedules for Second Round Presidential Elections

Observer and Other Reports

Poster showing sample Presidential ballot.

CNE: 1st round results by polling station (107 pages)

SOMET: 1st round results by district charts
CNE: Final National Results

CNE: Final Results by Candidate and District

CNE: Presidential Campaign Schedule

STAE: Calendar of Electoral Operations for the Presidential Elections in RDTL


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On May 9, José Ramos-Horta was elected Timor-Leste's new president  with 69% of the vote

East Timor presidential candidates Francisco 'Lu Olo' Guterres (L) and  Jose Ramos-Horta, shake hands before a debate in Dili April 27, 2007. REUTERS/Lirio Da Fonseca


Round 1 (April 9)

CNE final results - round 1

Other Candidates

Government Agencies*

  • CNE (Comissão Nacional de Eleições/National Election Commission)
  • STAE (Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral/Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration)

Organizations Assisting in the Elections*

* open in new window

Observer Groups & Reports

UNDP: Final Status of Observers for Parliamentary Election

UNDP: Presidential Round 2 Status of Electoral Observers (as of 5 May 2007)

UNDP: Status of Electoral Observers Groups
(as of Sunday 8 April 2007)

SOMET trains election observers in Dili.  
SOMET trains election observers in Dili prior to 2nd round of presidential election. Photo by Elinde Kersbergen, SOMET-NL.  

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