Crisis and Rice in East Timor
by Douglas Kammen and S.W. Hayati
Ten months after rioting, the distribution of weapons to
civilians and armed clashes between the military and police plunged
East Timor into political crisis, the situation in Dili has taken on
a dire new face. In mid-February, rice shortages triggered a new
wave of violence. In search of rice, angry Dili residents attempted
to break into government warehouses – in one case looting 700 tons
of rice. International peacekeeping forces sent to Timor in last May
in response to the onset of the political crisis took to the streets
to restore order. Over the course of three days, fifty UN vehicles
were stoned, as too were countless more government vehicles. With no
rice to be found for sale, anger grew. In late February the
government initiated the sale of rice supplied by the World Food
Program in Dili and announced that the program would be extended to
the rest of the country.
Several days later, however, the already tense situation was
exacerbated by a botched military operation ordered by President
Gusmão to capture the former Commander of the Military Police,
Alfredo Reinado. At the outset of the crisis in mid-2006 Reinado
defected from the East Timor Defense Force and was involved in a
shoot-out with the military. He was later arrested, then escaped
from prison and for months has been at large in the mountains.
Several days after the government rice program was initiated Reinado
attacked a police station near the Indonesian border, stealing 25
automatic weapons. (He claims that the police gave him the weapons.)
President Gusmão then issued a deadline for Reinado to surrender and
ordered the international security force to surround Reinado’s
hide-out in the town of Same, in the mountains south of Dili. When
the deadline passed, the Australian-led force attacked, killing four
of Reinado’s followers, but Reinado escaped unharmed.
The combination of rice shortages and the ill-timed military
operation have triggered a new round of violence in Dili. While
international attention is focused on Alfredo Reinado and youth
burning tires on the streets of the capitol, the food crisis
continues. Remarkably, there appear to be important links between
the two that may affect the ability of East Timor to hold scheduled
Presidential elections in April.
Food and Rumors
The rice crisis prompted a slew of rumors and accusations. Dili
residents and members of opposition parties charge that the
government is withholding rice from the market with plans to use
rice distribution as a means of securing a Fretilin victory in the
upcoming election. Former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri, who was
forced from office in June 2006, has stated that the rice crisis is
a conspiracy intended to cripple the Fretilin-dominated government.
Members of the business community have blamed the crisis on
shortages in the international market, explaining that East Timor is
a low priority for regional rice suppliers who are rushing to fill
large orders from both Indonesia and the Philippines, where prices
have soared over the past two months.
Timor is no stranger to food insecurity. The period leading up to
the start of the rainy season is known as the “hungry season.” In
the face of this, Timorese have relied on a combination of rice,
corn, root-crops, and when necessary simple belt-tightening. The
importance of tubers is best illustrated by the keladi plant:
historically this word has been a designation for people who live in
the mountains, although in more recent times “kaladi” has come to be
applied to people from the western districts of East Timor, with
those from the east called “firaku.”
Today, the government estimates that East Timor requires 83,000
metric tons of rice per annum, based on a calculation of only 90
kilograms per capita, as opposed to the figures of between 133 and
149 kilograms per capita used in Indonesia. Of the 83,000 metric
tons needed, the Ministry of Agriculture calculates that domestic
production is only 40,000 metric tons. This figure may in fact be
exaggerated. In the early 1990s rice production in East Timor
surpassed 55,000 metric tons for four years in a row, but then fell
to an average of 41,000 metric tons per year. Since 1999, however, a
combination of factors – failure to maintain irrigation systems,
migration from rural to urban areas, high costs for inputs, and
higher wages – suggest that the current estimate of 40,000 metric
tons per year is not realistic.
Crisis and Humanitarian Aid
It was against a back-drop of simmering political tensions and
accusations of regional discrimination within the new military force
that violence erupted in late April 2006. In May armed clashes
between the military and the police degenerated into communal
rioting framed in terms of a conflict between “kaladi” from the
western districts and “firaku” from the eastern districts. Tens of
thousands of people in Dili were displaced from their places of
residence, many flocking into make-shift camps scattered throughout
the city, and even the military base in neighboring Metinaro. An
already depressed economy was devastated by the violence. Looters
raided shops throughout the city and emptied the rice reserve in the
National Logistics Center warehouses in central Dili. One of Dili’s
major traditional markets was burned and others stood abandoned.
With the disruption of cross-border trade with Indonesia and the
suspension of shipping links, vital food imports were temporarily
Under the coordination of the Ministry of Labor and Community
Reinsertion (MLCR), the United Nations World Food Program together
with international NGOs given responsibility for individual camps
initiated a massive program to supply rice and other basic foods to
registered refugees. By August, MLCR announced that there were
168,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs), half in Dili and half
having fled to their home areas. Charges soon surfaced that the
number of IDPs was inflated, in part because IDPs were double and
even triple registering, in part too because people who had not been
displaced had managed to register. Additionally accusations emerged
that humanitarian assistance was a major reason people refused to
return to their homes.
Official responses to the IDP problem vacillated between
encouragement and ultimatums. In August, Minister of Labor Arsenio
Bano publicly urged IDPs to return to their homes. A week later,
however, following a violent attack on the IDP camp located across
the street from UN headquarters, Prime Minister José Ramos-Horta
threatened that if refugees did not return home by the end of
September he would discontinue the distribution of humanitarian aid.
The following month, Ramos-Horta changed his position, declaring
that it was not mandatory for IDPs to return home after all. With
the onset of the rainy season imminent, the Deputy Head of the new
UN mission renewed the call for refugees to vacate the camps.
Following on this, President Gusmão and other national leaders set a
deadline of 20 November for refugees to return home. Despite these
ultimatums the number of IDPs receiving food assistance provided by
humanitarian relief agencies remained largely unchanged.
Food Security and Imports
With attention riveted on the ongoing struggles within the
national elite and idealistic calls for dialogue and reconciliation,
a less noted story was being played out on the food front. In
response to the May looting, a number of donor countries promised to
provide rice to help restock the national reserve, but this would
take time to arrive. In July, the Director for Planning and
Emergencies in MLCR told the media that national rice stocks were
dangerously low. Two months later a member of parliament suggested
that the poor security situation had resulted in a decrease in food
imports. The government was clearly concerned. In September, the
Ministry of Agriculture announced an ambitious plan to allocate
US$14 million for the purchase of domestically grown staple crops to
establish a national reserve. (At US$250 per metric ton, if the
entire amount was spent on rice this would mean the purchase of
56,000 metric tons – far more than the total annual rice crop.)
While plans were being formulated, rice supplies would depend on the
private sector.
In early October a number of Dili businessmen made shocking
public statements that commercial rice stocks in East Timor had been
empty for the previous two weeks. Various reasons were cited.
Violence in Dili discouraged shippers from agreeing to enter Dili,
and fears increased after IDPs from the camp facing the port looted
rice from the wharf. The reduction of working hours at the port,
which had previously operated 24-hours a day, to a single 8-hour
shift, meant that unloading could take three times as long, with
fees to be paid for docking more than three days. Prior to the
crisis East Timor was ranked very low by the World Bank in terms of
time for imports to clear customs; by the second half of 2006 this
had become far worse. By October rice prices had soared to US$18 for
a 38 kilogram sack, compared to US$12 before the crisis.
Despite the problems faced by importers, rice imports were
remarkably robust in late 2006. In October Timor Food Trading
Company imported shipments of 2,050 and 3,600 metric tons of rice
from Vietnam, and between 1 November 2006 and 31 January 2007 three
companies (Timor Global, Timor Food and Tropical) imported a total
of 10,406 metric tons of rice. In addition, the World Food Program
continued to import rice to meet humanitarian needs and East Timor
received a gift of 1,200 metric tons of rice from Japan. And yet in
early February rice became scarce.
Meanwhile, the plans for a rice security program, first announced
in September, had taken shape, although with significant
modifications. The original plan to allocate US$14 million for the
Ministry of Agriculture to purchase domestically grown rice was
replaced by a program for the Ministry of Development to spend a
more modest US$7,590,000 for the purchase of food, with only
US$1,021,000 for the purchase of domestic crops and the remainder to
be spent in three tranches on the purchase of imported food.
Although the possibility of government-to-government agreements was
explored, the final program was for contracts to be signed with
Dili-based importers.
In separate interviews, two businessmen in Dili who prefer to
remain anonymous complained that the first contract in the Ministry
of Development’s food security program was granted without a tender.
One of them explained: “The Ministry signed a large contract for the
purchase of rice with a company in Dili that has not previously
imported rice.” These sources claim that this company then turned to
a Dili-based rice importer to fill the government contract. In
February, Minister of Development Arcanjo da Silva told Timor Post
that a company called Landmark had received a contract worth
US$3,369,000 for the import of food, including rice. When asked,
Landmark stated they it does not import rice. Moreoever, Landmark is
not one of the companies known to have imported rice between 1
November 2006 and 31 January 2007, and there is reason to believe
that the original contract may have been and a new contract granted
to Jaime dos Santos, a Timorese businessman with close links to
In early February rice had become scarce throughout East Timor
and prices had soared to US$30 and higher for a 38 kilogram sack. On
7 February Prime Minister Ramos-Horta met with the Chinese
Ambassador in East Timor to discuss the purchase of 5,000 metric
tons of rice to provide for “the hungry population.” Government
officials rushed to assure the public that rice imports were on
their way. On 8 February, Minister da Silva told Timor Post that the
order of rice would arrive in Dili in one week. Two days later the
government conducted an audit and found that there was no rice in
storage in the country (a mere 2 sacks were found in the Covalima
District warehouse), but this was not reported publicly. The
following week, a parliamentary commission summoned four local
businessmen to ask for clarification about the rice crisis. In
addition to the security situation, problems at the port and customs
delays, the businessmen told the members of parliament that
Indonesia and the Philippines, both of which are facing severe rice
shortages, have signed government-to-government agreements with
Thailand and Vietnam, which have not yet harvested this year, for
the purchase of very large quantities of rice, putting pressure on
rice markets and driving up prices. On 19 February, Ramos-Horta told
Timor Post that rice imports would not arrive for another two weeks.
Curiously, two days after the Ramos-Horta’s announcement the
Minister of Development Arcanjo da Silva told the press that the
government anticipates the arrival of 11,000 metric tons of rice in
March. On February 25 a ship carrying 3,600 tons of rice ordered by
Timor Food, which is owned by Jaime dos Santos, arrived at Dili
harbor. Dos Santos has stated that this is part of a total order of
10,000 (or 11,000, depending on sources) tons that he promised to
import two weeks ago. Although dos Santos refused to comment, this
appears to be the US$3,3 million first contract granted by the
government, with the rice going directly into government warehouses.
Creating Crisis
There is concern that in implementing the food security program,
the government has purchased rice that would normally have entered
the market. Without proper planning or capacity for the immediate
channeling of this rice, it has in effect taken rice out of
circulation. This possibility has been invoked by no-less than the
Minister of Agriculture, Estanislau da Silva (who currently also
holds the position of First Vice-Prime Minister). On 9 February 2006
Minister Estanislau da Silva told the Suara Timor Lorosae daily that
large amounts of rice had been imported over the previous few
months, but that the government has been purchasing this rice for
IDPs in Dili and some stores have withheld rice from the domestic
market to sell in Indonesia, where prices are higher. There are two
different arguments here. The latter – that rice is being taken to
from East Timor to Indonesia – is certainly possible, but no one
interviewed in Dili believes that this could be taking place on a
large scale. That leaves the first argument: that despite good
intentions, the government program, designed in cooperation with the
World Food Program, has resulted in taking rice out of the market
place, thus triggering the crisis.
While the people of East Timor wait for answers, if not rice, the
Minister of Labor has initiated the first phase of a program to sell
rice borrowed from WFP at US$0.40 per kilogram. There is concern
that the lack of receipts may lead to corruption. Interviews in Dili
have found that at least one Dili resident paid US$2.50 for 5
kilograms of rice, a 20% increase over the agreed price. Others
queued for hours without making it to the front of the line to
purchase rice. Violence is also a serious threat. On February 21 a
group in the Villa Verde neighborhood of Dili opposed to the
government plan to sell rice attacked the village head, Andre
Fernandes. “They threw a spear at me, though I was not injured, and
then they destroyed my house. They said the rice belongs to the
people.” He added: “They said that if [government] rice arrives in
our neighborhood [to be sold], they will kill me or burn the village
office.” Two days later, in East Timor’s second largest city, Baucau,
people demonstrated at the Department of Agriculture against the
government rice sales, arguing that it should distributed for free.
Three UN Police vehicles were damaged and several protesters
arrested. MLRC is now planning to extend the sale of subsidized rice
from Dili to the districts, raising the specter of further trouble.
Without greater openness on the part of officials, it is not
possible to determine with certainty why East Timor is experiencing
a severe crisis. What is clear is that the rice shortage is neither
a conspiracy intended to discredit the government nor a plan by the
government to win the upcoming 2007 election. Instead, all
indications are that the Ministry of Development’s food security
program has involved a lack of transparency (if not outright
corruption), that the state lacks the capacity to channel rice to
the population in an equitable and efficient manner, and that by
taking rice off the market government purchases may in fact be the
primary cause of the crisis.
Reinado and Rice?
That the former Commander of the Military Police would attack a
police station in Maliaan, near the Indonesian border, only days
after the start of the government program to sale rice is an
extraordinary coincidence. Or is it? There are clear links between
Alfredo Reinado’s gang of fugitives and opposition groups,
particularly the National Forum for Justice and Peace. In late
February, individuals reported to be in regular contact with Reinado
organized a demonstration about the shortage of rice and called for
people from the western districts to come into Dili for a major
rally. This was eventually called off and trucks carrying several
hundred supporters of the demonstration were escorted out of Dili by
the UN Police. Other questions remain: did Reinado go to Maliana
with the intention of obtaining weapons, or was his primary purpose
to obtain rice from Indonesia, with weapons an added bonus? Or was
this simply a ruse to force the government’s hand and trigger a new
outbreak of violence? While the government plan to sell rice, if
implemented efficiently, threatens to defuse tensions, continuation
of rice shortages plays into the hands of groups opposed to Fretilin
and the current government.
More remarkable still is that at the height of the rice crisis
President Gusmão would order a military operation against Reinado,
who has become a surprisingly popular symbol of opposition to
Fretilin, particularly in the western districts. When the deadline
for surrender passed in the early hours of 5 March and the military
operation against Reinado and his followers was initiated in Same,
there was shooting in the Villa Verde neighborhood of Dili and
several cars were burned. Since then angry youth have burned tires
in the streets. Violence has hindered government attempts to
continue the sale of rice. A trickle of rice is coming across the
border from Indonesian West Timor, with prices are exorbitant. In
Dili vendors are selling rice from Thailand as well as sacks from
the World Food Program for $1 per kilogram. Meanwhile the government
plan to sell rice at $0.40 per kilogram remains hamstrung by
inadequate planning, marketing mechanisms that put village heads
under tremendous pressure, and ongoing violence.
In the countryside rice is extremely scarce and other food stocks
running short. Judith Bovensiepen, an anthropologist conducting
research in Funar village, in the mountains of Manatuto, explained
that the late start to the rainy season this year means that the
corn crop is not yet ready for harvest. Unable to purchase rice,
hunger has driven villagers to take action. “Normally they do the
harvest ritual when most of the corn is ripe. At the moment,
however, they are doing the rituals despite the fact that the corn
isn’t ripe. They’re doing it because they can’t eat the corn until
they’ve done the harvest rituals, in which the ancestors eat first.”
In Dili the cries of hungry children are fuelling anger, even
desperation. As a crowd of men gathered near the National Logistics
Center, Australian soldiers toting automatic weapons approached a
young man who lives nearby for information. He pointed toward a back
alley and the soldiers moved along. When asked about the situation,
the young father of three explained: “Someone might have been a hero
during the struggle for independence, but today he can be a
traitor.” Breaking into tears, he said that if he could leave East
Timor it would be better to die elsewhere than to live like this in
his own country.
Douglas Kammen is a political scientist who has worked in East
Timor for more than three years. S.W. Hayati has worked for
non-governmental organizations in East Timor since 2000.