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Statement by East Timorese Leaders on West Timor Deaths

CNRT Timor-Leste

Statement by Xanana Gusmão, President, and José Ramos-Horta, Nobel Laureate and Vice President, National Council of Timorese Resistance/National Congress

We extend our deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the international workers killed this week in West Timor and to the U.N. community of which they were a vital part.

The brutal attack on the UNHCR office is the result of bad faith on the part of the Indonesian military leadership.They cannot escape responsibility by blaming militia.It is not only the refugees but the people of West Timor who are held hostage by militia gangs supported by elements of the military.

During the course of the Millennium Summit, we have met with Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid to reiterate our full support for his efforts to bring democracy to his country. We call on him and the international community to forge a common front against impunity and organized crime in Indonesia and West Timor.

If Indonesia fails to deal with the violence against refugees and international staff, Indonesia must seek help from its ASEAN neighbors and international community to restore law and order in West Timor.

The U.N. Security Council must now consider establishing an international tribunal on East Timor to punish those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Only a tribunal will send a clear signal to the criminal elements who destroyed East Timor and continue to terrorize refugees, international staff and others that the world does not tolerate their impunity. At the same time we reiterate our continuing trust in the leadership of Indonesia's Attorney General Marzuki Darusman. We view a tribunal as complementary to his efforts.

Xanana Gusmão 
José Ramos-Horta 
National Council of Timorese Resistance/National Congress

New York, New York 
8 September 2000

Additional info and reaction to deaths

ETAN Calls UN Deaths in West Timor Preventable

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