Tetum follows English:
Kazu Abuzu Seksuál mak
Oportunidade ba Justisa no Hadi'a-an
Media contacts:
Pamela Sexton
+1-831-768-8446 (English and Tetun)
John M. Miller +1-917-690-4391
Sexual Abuse Case an Opportunity for
Justice and Healing
Topu Honis orphanage in Oecusse.
Photo from SVD Timor-Leste. |
March 8, 2021-The
East Timor and Indonesia
Action Network (ETAN) extends its
solidarity to all victims and survivors
of domestic and sexual violence. We
honor those with the courage to speak up
about the violence they have suffered,
whether in Timor-Leste, the U.S., or
elsewhere. Only by confronting these
ongoing everyday horrors directly can we
make the world we share safe for
The dramatic sexual abuse case has
ignited important public discussions
both within Timor-Leste and among
international solidarity circles about
topics that are too often avoided or
taboo: child sexual abuse, domestic
violence by clergy members, pedophilia,
patriarchal power, and the abuse of
power by trusted leaders.
Originally from Pittsburgh, PA,
Daschbach was ordained as a Catholic
priest in the U.S. in 1964. Two years
later, his order, the Chicago-based
Society of the Divine Word (SVD), sent
him to the island of Timor. In 1992, he
established the Topu Honis orphanage in
Oecusse, the Timor-Leste enclave where
he spent over 50 years, including years
under a brutal Indonesian occupation and
East Timorese independence struggle, as
a priest.
We sincerely hope that
this case will bring attention and
help people understand a horrific
problem that is too often hidden or
ignored, not only in Timor-Leste,
but around the world. ETAN was
formed 30 years ago to work together
with East Timorese people to make
justice and safety real for
everybody in that country. ETAN will
continue to monitor the case as it
proceeds through court systems and
In 2018,
after receiving reports of problems at
the orphanage, the Vatican launched an
investigation, during which Daschbach
admitted to his long-standing sexual
predation of children. The church
expelled Daschbach, then 82 years old,
from the priesthood, finding that he had
committed systematic sexual abuse of
girls as young as eight years old who
lived with him in the orphanage.
In 2020, Timor-Leste prosecutors
indicted Daschbach on 14 counts of
sexual abuse of minors, child
pornography and domestic violence. This,
Timor-Leste’s first church-related
sexual abuse case, is slowly winding its
way through the justice system. A
federal prosecutor in San Francisco has
also indicted Daschbach for wire fraud,
because he allegedly received
contributions to his orphanage based on
fraudulent information.
After a year of Daschbach and some of
his powerful supporters trying to evade
normal pre-trial restrictions in such a
serious case, the formal trial in
Timor-Leste began in Oecusse on February
22. At the request of defense attorneys,
the proceedings were suspended until
March 22.
As an international solidarity
organization that has long advocated for
justice, human rights, and the rule of
law, ETAN views this case as extremely
serious and important.
ETAN stands in solidarity with
Timor-Leste’s justice system, which,
like most institutions in that new
nation, is gradually becoming more
effective. We appreciate and support the
strength and commitment of those working
within the justice system to ensure a
fair process which protects the safety
of the victims, the rights of the
accused, and the careful consideration
of all evidence, without interference
from the media or those in positions of
ETAN applauds the bravery of the women
and girls who have come forward to
provide testimony against Daschbach
about the abuse they experienced as
children under his care. Many of them
are orphans – perhaps the most
vulnerable. We condemn any and all
threats against the women, their
families, and their supporters. Their
stories are triggering traumatic
memories among many sexual abuse and
domestic violence survivors, and
particularly the many Timorese girls and
women who suffered sexual violence under
the Indonesian military. Their stories
are also a necessary and critical step
in the process of healing and ending
We sincerely hope that this case will
bring attention and help people
understand a horrific problem that is
too often hidden or ignored, not only in
Timor-Leste, but around the world. ETAN
was formed 30 years ago to work together
with East Timorese people to make
justice and safety real for everybody in
that country. ETAN will continue to
monitor the case as it proceeds through
court systems and society.
ETAN can help connect people who would
like to financially support work against
sexual abuse in Timor-Leste with
appropriate recipients of their support.
is an international solidarity group
formed in the U.S. in 1991 to support
the East Timorese struggle for
self-determination. Today, it works to
support justice and human rights for
Timor-Leste, West Papua and Indonesia.
see also
Ex-Priest Richard Daschbach charged with
sexually abusing children Eis-padre
Richard Daschbach akuza ba abuzu seksu l
hasoru labarik feto sira
links to key documents and media
coverage in multiple languages.)
Kazu Abuzu Seksuál
mak Oportunidade ba Justisa no
Asaun ba Timor-Leste no Indonézia
(ETAN) hato’o solidariedade ba vítima no
sobrevivente sira hotu husi violénsia
doméstika no seksuál. Ami onra sira
ne’ebé barani atu ko’alia kona-ba
violénsia ne’ebé sira sofre, inklui sira
iha Timor-Leste, EUA ka fatin seluk. Só
bainhira ita hasoru krime aat sira-ne’e
ne’ebé kontinua loro-loron Só liu husi
konfrontasaun beibeik hasoru krime aat
loro-loron nian, mak ami bele halo
ita-nia mundu seguru ba ema hotu.
Kazu abuzu seksuál no drama husi kazu
ne’e mak hamosu diskusaun públiku ne’ebé
importante iha sosiedade Timor-Leste no
iha solidariedade internasionál kona-ba
tópiku sira ne’ebé dala barak demais ema
evita ka haree nu’udar tabu hanesan:
abuzu seksuál kontra labarik; violénsia
doméstika husi sira ne’ebé servisu iha
igreja laran; pedofilia; kbiit
patriarkál no abuzu kbiit husi lider
sira ne’ebé hetan fiar boot husi
Moris iha Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Daschbach sai padre Katólika iha EUA iha
tinan 1964. Tinan rua liubá, ninia orden
SVD haruka nia ba Timór. Iha tinan 1992,
nia harii Topu Honis nu’udar fatin ba
labarik kiak sira. Durante liu husi
tinan lima-nulu, inklui okupasaun
Indonesia ne’ebé brutál no Timor-oan
sira nia luta ba independénsia, nu’udar
padre nia akompańa populasaun Oecusse
Husi neon, ami espera katak kazu
ne’e bele lori atensaun ba – no
ajuda ema atu komprende - problema
boot no aat tebes ne’ebé dala barak
subar ka ema koko atu la haree,
la’ós de’it iha Timor-Leste maibé
iha mundu tomak. ETAN harii tinan
tolu-nulu liubá hodi servisu hamutuk
ho Timoroan sira hodi asegura
Timor-Leste sai fatin seguru no
justu ba Timoroan hotu. ETAN sei
kontinua tau matan ba kazu ne’e tuir
ninia prosesu liuhosi Tribunal no
mós sosiedade.
Iha tinan
2018, tanba simu informasaun kona-ba
problema sira iha Topu Honis, Vatikanu
hahú investigasaun no iha prosesu
investigasaun ne’e, Daschbach fó-sai
katak durante tinan barak ona nia halo
duni tuir akuzasaun – nia hakbesik no
halo abuzu seksuál ho labarik sira.
Igreja hasai Daschbach nu’udar padre;
tempu ne’ebá nia idade mak tinan 82, ho
konkluzaun katak nia halo abuzu seksuál
ho sistemátiku ba labarik feto sira,
balun ho idade hanesan tinan ualu,
ne’ebé moris ho nia iha Topu Honis.
Iha tinan 2020, Prokuradória Timor-Leste
mak akuzasaun formál krime 14 inklui
abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik,
pornografia labarik no violénsia
doméstika. Kazu ne’e mak kazu abuzu
seksuál dahuluk ne’ebé liga ba igreja,
no agora sei la’o neineik iha sistema
justisa nian. Prokuradória iha San
Francisco, EUA mós fó-sai akuzasaun
formál krime fraude eletróniku kontra
Daschbach; tuir akuzasaun nia simu
kontribuisaun ba Topu Honis bazeia
informasaun laloos.
Durante tinan ida Daschbach ho apoiante
balu ne’ebé forte koko atu sees husi
restriksaun normál sira ba ema ho
akuzasaun grave hanesan ne’e husi
Tribunál. Kazu foin hahú iha Tribunál
iha Oecusse iha loron 22 fevreiru. Tanba
pedidu husi advogadu defensór sira,
Tribunal suspende to’o loron 22 Marsu.
Nu’udar organizasaun ba solidariedade
international ne’ebé kleur ona halo
advokasia ba justisa, direitus umanus no
estadu direitu, ETAN haree kazu ne’e
sériu no importante tebetebes.
ETAN hato’o solidariedade ba sistema
justisa Timor-Leste nian, ne’ebé,
hanesan instituisaun barak iha nasaun
foun ne’e, sai efetivu liu ho tempu no
esperiénsia. Ami rekońese no suporta
forsa no kompromisu husi sira-ne’ebé
servisu iha sistema justisa nia laran
hodi asegura prosesu justu ne’ebé
proteje seguransa vítima nian, direitu
arguidu nian no konsiderasaun di’ak ba
evidénsia tomak ne’ebé iha, lahó
interferénsia husi media ka husi ema
sira ne’ebé iha podér polítika.
ETAN louva feto sira nia barani hato’o
testemuńu kontra Daschbach sobre abuzu
ne’ebé sira hetan nu’udar labarik iha
ninia uma, balun oan-kiak ne’ebé
vulneravel liu. Ami kondena kualkér
ameasa no ameasa hotu kontra feto sira,
família sira ka ema ne’ebé apoia sira.
Sira nia istória sira bele halo hamosu
fali trauma memória iha vítima barak
husi abuzu sexual no violasaun
doméstika, no partikulármente feto
klosan no feto timoroan sira ne’ebé
sofre violasaun sexual iha okupasaun
militár Indonézia.
Sira nia istória nesesáriu tebes
nudár etapa kritiku ba prosesu
tratamentu no hapara abuzu.
Husi neon, ami espera katak kazu ne’e
bele lori atensaun ba – no ajuda ema atu
komprende - problema boot no aat tebes
ne’ebé dala barak subar ka ema koko atu
la haree, la’ós de’it iha Timor-Leste
maibé iha mundu tomak. ETAN harii tinan
tolu-nulu liubá hodi servisu hamutuk ho
Timoroan sira hodi asegura Timor-Leste
sai fatin seguru no justu ba Timoroan
hotu. ETAN sei kontinua tau matan ba
kazu ne’e tuir ninia prosesu liuhosi
Tribunal no mós sosiedade.
Karik ema hakarak ajuda fó osan ba
kampańa kontra abuzu seksuál iha
Timor-Leste, ETAN bele ajuda halo
ligasaun ho sira-ne’ebé apropriadu.
ETAN mak grupu solidariedade
internasionál ne’ebé harii iha EUA iha
tinan 1991 hodi apoia luta Timoroan nian
ba auto-determinasaun. Agora, ETAN
servisu hodi apoia justisa no direitus
umanus iha Timor-Leste, West Papua no