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ETAN's Key Contact
Focuses on ETAN's program: Action alerts, media releases, key
news and other resources on East Timor (Timor-Leste) and Indonesia
selected by ETAN. Posts focus on ETAN's program and priorities.
To subscribe send an email to
etan@etan.org with subscribe etan-key in the subject line or use
this form.
east-timor news news, analysis, jobs and more from a wide range of sources.
ETAN's east-timor listserv
distributes news, analysis and job and other announcments from a
wide range of sources, including East
Timorese groups, ETAN, and
other civili society and non-governmental organizations. Reports and
translations from wire services and media in Timor-Leste,
Indonesian, Portuguese, Australian, U.S. and elsewhere are included,
along with official documents and statements from the U.N. and its
agencies, international financial institutions, and national
governments. (The east-timor list began as a newsgroup called
reg.easttimor and is sometimes known by that name.) Postings average
8-15 per day; the frequency varies with the pace of Timor-Leste/East
Timor-related events and news.
To subscribe to the east-timor list:
Use this form or send an e-mail to
etan@etan.org with "subscribe
east-timor" in the subject line. Please include information about your
organizational affiliation (if any), phone and current location.
Contact Us
Please support ETAN's information and action! Donate
suggest a donation of $45 from those who can afford it.)
The best means for
readers to keep up to date with developments in
TImor-Leste is to subscribe to the news service of the
East Timor and Indonesia Action Network (ETAN). This is
a tremendous resource, run on shoestring... out of an
apartment in Brooklyn, New York. -- Gordon Peake,
Beloved Land: Stories, Struggles and Secrets from
A weekly selection of news items
(from June 1998 to July 2010) can be found here. A
current archive can be found at
Documents on East
is a series of
compilations produced by ETAN from mid-November 1991 to April
30, 1996 that include most of the articles and reports published in
english about East Timor beginning with the
1991 Santa Cruz massacre. There
are 43 weekly and monthly volumes of about 100 pages each. They
include the substantive material that circulated over ETAN's
reg.easttimor/east-timor email-list and more. All are in PDF format.
To unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail from
the address that is subscribed to the list to
sympa@lists.riseup.net, put
unsubscribe east-timor
in the subject.
Follow the list on Twitter
If you are interested in
posting a job-related announcement to this list, please
write to
us for details.
ETAN has created a broad list of
of those tweeting on Timor-Leste
Please support
these important services:
Make a monthly pledge via
credit card
list subscribers
The list is
terrific for avid TL-watchers, with a quality of
discussion I haven't seen in many other such forums.
- Robin
I would also like
to take the opportunity to thank you for the wonderful
service you provide to us all; the sharing of
information is crucial to all of us involved in/ with
Timor-Leste and we would be lost without ETAN! -Siobhan
A great
resource. -Louise
And I shouldn't
pass up the chance to say a general thanks for the great
work you guys are doing at ETAN. It's four and a half years
since I left Timor and I still feel in touch with what is
going on there thanks
to ETAN. So thank you! -Megan
Provides Indonesia news and
analysis for activists. The list distributes action-oriented
articles, analysis and more on Indonesia issues -- including human rights, security,
environment, anti-corruption, women's rights, religious freedom,
military links, foreign policy, poverty and inequality and more
-- in English. Follow the list on Twitter
To subscribe to
the indonesia-act list: Please send an e-mail to
etan@etan.org with "subscribe
indonesia-act" in the subject line.
Optional: Please include information about
your organizational affiliation (if any), phone and current location
or use
this form.
unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail from the address that is
subscribed to the list to
put unsubscribe indonesia-act
in the subject.
from Jan. 2001 to October 2012 here. From February 2013
ETAN has created a selected list of of those tweeting on Indonesia
Papua News To subscribe,
send an e-mail message to
sympa@lists.riseup.net with
subscribe reg.westpapua in the subject
or use
this form.
Current postings
from late March 2006 can be found at
https://lists.riseup.net/www/arc/reg.westpapua. Follow the list
on Twitter
To unsubscribe from the list, send an
e-mail from the address that is subscribed to the list to
sympa@lists.riseup.net, put
unsubscribe reg.westpapua
in the subject.
ETAN has created a selected
list of of those tweeting on West Papua
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videos and other resources from ETAN
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