east-timor list subscription information
The best means for readers
to keep up to date with developments in TImor-Leste is to subscribe
to the news service of the East Timor and Indonesia Action Network
(ETAN). This is a tremendous resource, run on shoestring...
out of an apartment in Brooklyn, New York. -- Gordon Peake,
Beloved Land: Stories, Struggles
and Secrets from Timor-Leste |
east-timor list distributes news, analysis. and job and
other announcements from a wide range of sources, including East
Timorese groups, ETAN,
and other civil society and non-governmetal organizations . Reports
and translations from wire services and the Timor-Leste,
Indonesian, Portuguese, Australian, U.S. and other media
are included, along with official documents
and statements from the U.N. and its agencies,
international financial institutions and national governments. (The
east-timor list began as a newsgroup called reg.easttimor and is
sometimes known by that name.)
The number of postings (e-mails) can vary, averaging
5-15 per day, depending on the pace of Timor-Leste related events
and coverage. Once you are subscribed, you can
change to receive summaries only or many postings in one or two daily e-mails.
If you are interested in posting
a job related announcement, see here for details.
To subscribe to the east-timor list
out this form
or send an e-mail to
etan@etan.org with "subscribe east-timor"
in the subject line.
Please include information about your organizational
affiliation (if any), phone and current location.
Thank you.
Follow the list on Twitter
unsubscribe from the list, send an e-mail from the address that is subscribed
to the list to
put unsubscribe east-timor
in the subject.
A current archive can be found at
Articles and reports published in English
about East Timor -- beginning with the November 1991 Santa Cruz massacre
to April 30, 1996 -- were published by ETAN in 43 weekly and monthly
volumes of about 100 pages each. They include the substantive material
that circulated over the reg.easttimor email-list and more. These volumes
are in PDF format and available
weekly selection of news items from June 1998
until July 2010 can be found at: http://www.etan.org/et/.
More information about other ETAN listservs is
Note: ETAN also maintains a postal mailing
list (for very occasional mailings) and a phone list. Even if you only wish
to receive electronic material, we would appreciate having your current
location (city, country) and phone and fax numbers.
Please support this important
Make a monthly pledge via credit
From list
The list is terrific
for avid TL-watchers, with a quality of discussion I haven't
seen in many other such forums. - Robin
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for the excellent work you have been
doing these last years in keeping all people interested in Timor-Leste's
present and future duly informed. Your objectivity and professionalism,
providing an essential space for everybody to express itself
freely has been a great contribution to consolidate Timor-Leste's
emerging democracy. It is an example of how to give voice to
the civil society and others at relatively low costs, an example
that many other countries should follow. - Pedro
I would also like to
take the opportunity to thank you for the wonderful service
you provide to us all; the sharing of information is crucial
to all of us involved in/ with Timor-Leste and we would be lost
without ETAN! -Siobhan
Congratulations for this
excellent source of up-to-date information about Timor Leste.
Keep up the good work! - Noëlle
And I shouldn't pass
up the chance to say a general thanks for the great work you
guys are doing at ETAN. It's four and a half years since I left
Timor and I still feel in touch with what is going on there
thanks to ETAN. So thank you! - Megan
Order books,
videos and other resources from ETAN