March 2007

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Winter 2007 Issue Online


Monitor elections in Timor-Leste with ETAN!

ALERT: Urge Your Representative to Support HRes 121; Support WWII "Comfort Women"

SOMET: Independent International Election Monitors Gather in Dili

CNE: Presidential Campaign Schedule

National Alliance for an International Tribunal: Statement Truth and Friendship Commission Investigation must be for Justice, Not Amnesty

TL National Alliance Continues to Struggle for Justice

ETAN submission to JSCT on CMAT Treaty
Other submissions can be found here

ETAN: An Overview Justice Processes and Commissions for Timor-Leste

Douglas Kammen and S.W. Hayati: Crisis and Rice in East Timor

ETAN: Joint Commission Unlikely to Further Truth or Friendship Between Timor and Indonesia

LH Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 1, March 2007: Petroleum Fund, Oilwatch Forum Report, Public meetings on CMATS and PNTL, Lessons for the UN, Pension laws

La'o Hamutuk writes to RDTL Parliament on CMATS Treaty

President Ford and East Timor

Save the people’s money! (coalition pamphlet against the Timor legislature's pension law)

Bush Administration Grants Unlimited Military “Aid” to Indonesia Betrays Military’s Victims and End-Runs Congress
Printable PDF version

March 30 - 26

Political Parties Clash in E. Timor
Election campaign continues despite some violence
Indonesian troops deployed to Timor border

Xanana announces new political party
Gusmao's Party 'a Nest Of Liars', Says Former Pm Alkatiri
Reinado sends voting advice from East Timor hideaway

Timor protest over digger
Australian peacekeeping soldiers vandalize Catholic church, priest charges

East Timor, Asia's Newest Country, May Grow Fastest
Timor Leste Starts Literacy Campaign

Witness tells truth commission of rape, beatings by a pro-Indonesian militia in East
Indonesia military did not arm Timor militia - ex-general
For Women Victims of New Order Atrocities, Justice Is Still Out of Reach
Ex-TNI general blames UN forces for 1999 Timor carnage
Eurico ready to apologise
Eurico Gutteres pessimistic KKP to unveil truth
Habibie testifies about post-vote violence in East Timor
Commission expects no change of policy in E. Timor towards KKP
Bishop Belo at Commission for Truth and Friendship
Kingsbury: In response to the testimonies by Adan Damiri, Zacky Anwar Makarim and others

Blundering In? The Australia-Indonesia Security Treaty and the Crisis in W. Papua

UNMIT Daily Media Review 
29 March
27 March

March 23 - 12

Commission of Truth and Friendship - A Stage Play for Human Rights Abusers
Habibie to see TFC in private
Timor Truth Commission to Interview Wiranto and Habibie
Joint 'truth" commission to open public hearings

NZ Parliamentary inquiries on justice for East Timor
New Zealand sends helicopters to aid East Timor peacekeeping

Indonesia keeps border with ETimor shut

Bulletin on line 2 articles- Longing for Indonesia etc
Longing for Indonesia? Yeah, right!

Former ETimor minister to appeal jail term

Timor PM Ramos-Horta prepares for election campaign
Timor food crisis
East Timor Rebel Looms Over Presidential Poll
Commission of Truth and Friendship - A Stage Play for Human Rights Abusers

Crusader for East Timor dies aged 92

RI and US marines considering joint military training

UNMIT Daily Media Review 

23 March 2007
22 March
21 March
20 March
17-19 March

Other Links (open in new window)

STAE: Calendar of Electoral Operations for the Presidential Elections in RDTL
STAE: List of Polling Places

CNE: Presidential Campaign Schedule
UN: Fifth Report Of The Certification Team

European Union Election Observation Mission Timor - Leste 2007

Blogs: Timor Leste Perspectives
James Dunn

Timor Leste's Upcoming Elections: An Assessment - by Loro Horta

ADB: Asian Development Outlook 2007 - full report; Timor chapter

Dili Update – Notes from my visit to Dili February/March 2007, by Henri Myrttinen

MTRC:  Latest government IDP return statistics

Asia2025: Timor Revisited
Asia2025: China and East Timor

Trocaire: Tension marks preparation for Timor Leste elections
Trocaire: Old habits of protest die hard in Timor Leste

NZ Defence Force increases presence in Timor-Leste

Unmit Welcomes The Signing Of The Code Of Conduct For The 2007 Presidential Elections
UNMIT: UN Mission Welcomes Code Of Conduct For Presidential Election
UNMIT: Transcript Press Conference March 15, 2007
Message By Srsg Atul Khare On International Women's Day
UN Envoy In Timor-Leste Says Timorese Fugitive Responsible For Violence, Calls For Calm

Transcript Of Unmit Press Conference - March 4, 2007
Thousands More Timorese Become Displaced But Security Improves In Capital: UN
Transcript Unmit Press Conference 1st March 2007

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Candidate Blogs
Blog Presidential Candidate of the Partido Socialista Timorense (PST)
Partido Democratico:  website in English and Tetum; Blog
Francisco "Lu Olo" Guterres - Fretilin's Candidate for the President
João Carrascalão para Presidente

PD: Attack on the President and Vice-SG of the Democratic Party in Timor-Leste

Fretilin Media Release: Resistance hero Lu-Olo to stand for President of Timor-Leste
FRETILIN proceeds with Gleno rally despite security concerns
FRETILIN supporters rally in Same

Xanana Republic Gazette - expat blog
New blog - Timor-Leste for Dummies

JSMP: The Commission of Truth and Friendship (CTF) Will Make a Big Mistake, If It Recommends an Amnesty

Statement from UNMIT on incident at the Airport IDP Camp
UNMIT: Timorese Government and UN move to alleviate rice shortages
UNMIT: Transcript of Press Conference (Feb 23)
UNMIT: The UN will provide an increased security response in Dili
UNMIT: Statement from SRSG on Violence in Dili
UNMIT: Prison Escapees

Transcript of UNMIT Press Conference - 16 February 2007

TAPOL: Potential Hawk deal signals step change in UK-Indonesia military ties

Watch Indonesia: Aide-Mémoire: Indonesia - Impunity must be brought to an end ­ all conflicts must be resolved by peaceful means
ETLJ: Defending the Truth and Friendship Commission
UNDP: Human Rights Training Opens A New Chapter In Timor-leste

AUSGOV: Timor Sea Agreements: Setting the record straight
AUSGOV: National Interest Analysis of CMATS treaty
ODI with Engineers Against Poverty and AMEC: Learning from AMEC’s Oil and Gas Asset Support Operations in the Asia Pacific Region, with case-study of the Bayu-Undan Gas Recycle Project, Timor-Leste  1MB Full Reportrt; 219KB Summary Report

NZGOV: Goff Speech: Launch of Negligent Neighbour

UNDP: News Monthly February 2007

SC Report: Update Report on Security Sector Reform
UN: "We are more advanced in peacekeeping than in peacebuilding efforts"

Japan: Emergency grant aid for the presidential and parliamentary elections in Timor-Leste

UN: Report of the SG on the UNMIT (for the period from 9 August 2006 to 26 January 2007)
UN: New Permanent Representative Of TL Presents Credentials

Luis Cardoso's Requiem

Election Laws English and the official Portuguese:

UN: Third Report of the Electoral Certification Team

JSMP: Majority the Top Officials Asked to be witnesses in the case against the Defendant Rogerio F.T. Lobato
JSMP: Through the witness statement, Court ordered the Prosecutor to launch a criminal investigation against Railos and Liquica District PNTL Commander
JSMP: The Court Order to Provide Physical Protection Measures for Witnesses i Lobato case
National Statistics Directorate has Revamped their website:

Humanitarian Updates and Reports
see also MTRC website for minutes of meetings, contact lists and more 
Displaced villagers help unload emergency supplies.



UNICEF: Timor-Leste Now and the Future. January 2007
UNICEF: Skills for life in Timor-Leste

UNICEF: Humanitarian Action Report 20077 (Asia regional chapter), East Timor Summary

WFP: Timor Leste Emergency Food Security Assessment
WFP: Resourcing Update East Timor
TLGOV: National Disaster Contingency Plan for Flooding
MTRC: Directive - Food Aid Assistance To IDPs in 2007

NZGOV: NZ helps with emergency food aid in Timor Leste
AusAID: Further assistance for East Timor

OCHA: United Nations appeals for $16.6 million for Timor-Leste
OCHA: Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP): Appeal 2007 for Timor Leste
CARE: Timor Leste: Political and civil unrest yields another humanitarian crisis

MTRC: New Maps

Dili-gence: Dili via Google Earth

BPA: TL Petroleum Fund surpasses one billion US dollars

Land O'Lakes: Agribusiness Capacity-Building in East Timor

The Word: Sectarian Violence and the Challenge of Nation-building

Living Timorously: Stop the Timor Tele-Con

USAID: U.S. Diplomat Visits Oecussi, Urges Action to Help the

UNMIT: UN Police Making Sweeping Arrests of 47
UNMIT: Trilateral Agreement Reached Between UN, Australia And RDTL
UNMIT: Trilateral Agreement for Security in Timor Leste

March 16- 6

East Timor extends voter registration over fears of violence
Timor presidential hopefuls sign code of conduct
Ramos Horta promises E Timor prosperity

Women Link Discrimination, Violence To Basic Prejudice

White House nominates Amb to T-L

East Timor rebel must surrender- Ramos-Horta
UN to investigate Timor deaths
UN admits to talks with Major Reinado's lawyers
Prime Minister Asks Church To Be Mediator Between Government And Rebels
Australia hopes to capture Reinado 'alive'
Timor fugitive will talk if manhunt halted- aide
I don't want to shoot Australians, E Timor rebel leader says
Violence mars pre-poll Timor

Convulsions of Nation-Building- Violence-ridden East Timor on the eve of elections

TNI Hindered by Small Budget- Juwono

UNMIT Daily Media Review 

16 March
15 March
14 March
13 March
10 - 12 March

I’ve long admired ETAN’s work. For well over a decade, ETAN has conducted some of the most effective grassroots campaigns I know. With limited resources, they helped free a nation and fundamentally changed policy toward one of the U.S.’s closest and most repressive allies, Indonesia.

Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”

Make a monthly pledge via credit card: click here

March 10 - 1

Dili cops not equipped' for gangs

ETCRN- Statement 9 March 2007
Time Magazine- East Timor's Broken Promises
Catholic bishops, Vatican nuncio call for end of Timor Leste violence, prayers for peace
Timor tensions demand cool ADF heads
East Timor still has a choice not to become a failed state

Eight Seek E. Timor Presidency

XG- Presidential Statement

Major's Reinado's forces attack Gusmao's sisters
Timor erupts as rebel flees deadly raid
Reinado can't hide indefinitely- Downer
Emergency powers, Anti-Australian rampage
Australia wants E. Timor threat 'neutralised'; Protest; Growing anger
Australia evacuates East Timor embassy
East Timor rebel escapes as Australian troops kill four supporters

Lobato jailed for arming rebels

Whitlam's Timor culpability laid bare - Dunn
Warrant for Ex-Indonesian General Not an Australian Govt Decision
Opinion- Cleanse shame over Balibo five

Now you CMATS, now you don’t

President wants action plan for NTT refugees
Church, government leader appeal for calm after border with East Timor closed

Indonesian arms dealer pleads guilty to supplying terror group

UNMIT Daily Media Review

9 March
8 March
7 March
6 March
03- 05 March

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